Middle age: leisurely life in the entertainment industry

Chapter 555 The story in the noodle shop

Yu Dongqing ate less and drank more today. She went to the bathroom a few times and emptied it. Smelling the fragrant miscellaneous noodles from Lao Ma's house, she suddenly felt a little hungry.

I simply parked my electric car outside the door and walked in.

There were two or three people inside, all eating mixed noodles in silence.

Seeing Yu Dongqing come in, Boss Ma, who was wearing a chef's hat and an apron, immediately greeted with a smile: "Master Yu, are you here? Want a bowl of noodles?"

"No, I just drank some wine. Let's have a bowl of noodles in sour soup. Please put more vinegar." Yu Dongqing said.


Not long after, Boss Ma brought a bowl of sour soup noodles. Yu Dongqing tasted it. It was sour and tasted very good, so she ate it.

Chat with the boss while eating and drinking.

"Boss Ma, why did you change your business to evening?"

"It was too hot to do business during the day, so I tried to work at night. Unexpectedly, the business was not bad."

Yu Dongqing suddenly realized.

No wonder I saw the noodle shop's door locked several times during the day and thought it was closed down. I felt quite sorry, but I didn't expect it to be turned into a late-night restaurant.

While the two were chatting, the mosquito curtain opened again, and a fat middle-aged man walked in. He was wearing a white shirt with sweat stains on it, looking a little sloppy.

He sat down at an empty table and said to Lao Ma:

"Boss, let's have a bowl of mixed noodles." Foreign accent.

"Okay, master, please wait a moment."

After speaking, Lao Ma hurriedly got up, and within a few minutes a bowl of miscellaneous noodles was brought, and the man wolfed it down.

The man's cell phone rang suddenly. He took it out of his trouser pocket and made a phone call while eating.

"Boss Sun, I have arrived in Yanjing. When will your 20,000 tons of anthracite be shipped?"

"What? Now that coal is tight, you want to pay first? Damn!"

The man cursed in a low voice, but still said to the phone: "Okay, I'll have someone transfer 50 million to your account right away! We'll ship it tomorrow morning!"

Damn it

Yu Dongqing was a little surprised.

It's hard to tell that this slovenly man is actually a big boss.

The man devoured a bowl of noodles, wiped his mouth and left quickly.

At this time, Lao Ma came over, looked at the man's back disappearing into the night, and whispered to Yu Dongqing: "This man often comes to my place at night recently, and his accent is from Inner Mongolia, big boss."

"I really can't tell." Yu Dongqing smiled and shook his head: "Just looking at this outfit, I thought he was a migrant worker."

"Neither are you?" Unexpectedly, Boss Ma asked in a low voice.

"You look like an ordinary man dressed like this. Who knew you were a great director? You live in a courtyard house in Yueya Hutong?"


Yu Dongqing couldn't refute.

"Master Yu, you are a movie maker. Don't tell me that I opened this noodle shop at night. I met so many different people and things."

Boss Ma started talking.

I saw two people, a poor couple, debating whether to have an extra bowl of noodles.

A girl was telling her classmates how much of a jerk her boss was.

A middle-aged man boasted to his friends that he knew someone from such and such a family, and that he was a certain director.

Yu Dongqing listened quietly.

This is very much like the Chinese version of "Midnight Diner".

"Midnight Diner" was originally a healing comic created by Japanese manga artist Abe Yoro in that time and space. It was later remade into a TV series by Mabe Katsuhiko and others.

It tells a story that takes place in a small restaurant. This late-night canteen opens at midnight. The only menu is pork set meal and wine, but as long as the ingredients are available in the store, customers can order whatever they want.

So, all kinds of people come here after finishing a day's work, taking off their tiredness, talking about interesting things or worries, and the ups and downs of life unfold from here.

This TV series was a big hit in Japan, and it also has many fans in China, so Huang Lei starred in the remake of the TV series, and Tony Leung Ka Fai directed and starred in the remake into a movie.

But without exception, they all fell into the street.

It's just acclimatization.

But what Boss Ma told was quite interesting, even though it was just some stories about minor characters.

Yu Dongqing finally returned to his small courtyard.

Life went on like this. He would go to his mother-in-law's house in Houhai to see his son every day, and video chat with his wife in the evening.

During the day, I drank tea and exercised to watch the old men playing chess by the Qianhai Lake. I also occasionally fished, chatted and drank with a few old friends.

Now I have an extra place to go, which is to eat at Lao Ma’s small noodle shop in the evening.

Lao Ma's noodle shop is not exactly a late-night restaurant. It opens at seven o'clock in the evening and lasts until two o'clock in the morning. So Yu Dongqing’s dinner is all done here.

It is now early September, autumn has entered Yanjing, and it is a bit cool at night.

During the day, Zhang Yang and the others went to Shangzhuang Reservoir to fish for a day and did not come back until night. Yu Dongqing did not go home but went directly to his father-in-law's house in Houhai to deliver the fish he caught.

Yu Dongqing is from Qin Province and doesn't like eating fish. However, her mother-in-law is from the south and has a special liking for fish, so Yu Dongqing brings fish every time she catches them.

After playing with her son for a while, Yu Dongqing waited for the child to go to bed before driving home. It was already ten o'clock in the evening when she got home. After taking a bath, she lay on the bed and chatted with Meimei via video.

They talked about interesting things and problems they encountered during the shooting. Usually Meimei talked a lot, while Yu Dongqing listened quietly.

Yu Dongqing didn't have much guidance for his wife's filming.

The script has been given to her, so she can use it to her own advantage. There is no need to film "Roadside Picnic" in the original time and space. Each director has his or her own approach to the use of lenses, the handling of actors' language and body, emotional tension, etc. Features.

It was already eleven o'clock in the evening after meeting Mingliang, and Yu Dongqing suddenly felt a little hungry.

Usually when Mingliang is at home, Yu Dongqing will not go out for supper - his wife won't let him.


Keep at it and lose weight.

If that doesn't work, just eat some apples or bananas.

But Yu Dongqing doesn't like eating fruits.

His wife was not at home today, so Yu Dongqing changed into clothes without hesitation, walked out of the small courtyard and walked towards the entrance of the alley.

He was going to Lao Ma's Noodle Shop at the entrance of the hutong.

The night is slightly cooler.

Yu Dongqing wandered to the entrance of the alley. Lao Ma's noodle shop was still open, but there was a pancake stall next to his small restaurant.

The proprietress is a middle-aged woman with nimble hands and feet. She is greeting customers enthusiastically and her business is quite good.

Yu Dongqing took one look and walked into the noodle shop.

"Master Yu, you're here." Lao Ma still greeted him with a smile: "What do you want to eat? The third chapter of Lao Ma?"

"The Third Chapter"

"Okay, please wait a moment."

Soon a steaming bowl of mixed sauce noodles was served, along with a plate of pickled cucumbers and a plate of sugared garlic.

There are not many people in the noodle shop now, so Lao Ma came over to chat with Yu Dongqing as usual.

"Boss Ma, can we set up a stall outside?" Yu Dongqing asked curiously, thinking of the pancake stall outside.

"How can you? But you also know that this place is in power and it's hard to do business now." Lao Ma said and sighed.

Yu Dongqing nodded and asked again:

"Aren't you afraid of the urban management?"

"Let's fight guerrillas."

Lao Ma laughed, and Yu Dongqing also laughed.

Perhaps, this is the fireworks of this city.

Thanks to BOBzhang, Mumu Sanshou1, Shuyou20210301105355715332, and Xiaoyao nilson for their monthly votes

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