When Meili won the award, the whole family had no desire to watch it anymore. Yu Tongtong wanted to go back to her boudoir, so Lele naturally followed her and pestered her to play with her.

Yu Dongqing didn't care, sitting in the living room drinking tea and checking her cell phone.

At ten o'clock, when the son went to bed, the nanny naturally went to take care of him. Unexpectedly, Yu Tongtong said: "Dad, I'm a little hungry."

"Dad, I'm hungry too." Lele also joined in the fun.

"Are you hungry? Can I get you bread and hot milk? Or hot flower rolls for you?" the nanny Xia Xia said immediately.

"I don't want to eat milk bread, which makes me vomit in the United States, and I don't want to eat flower rolls either," Yu Tongtong said.

"Me too!" Lele immediately agreed.

Xiaxia had a troubled look on her face: "Then I'll give you some poached egg noodles?"

"Forget it, Xiaxia, don't worry about them." Yu Dongqing interrupted: "There is a pancake seller at the entrance of the alley. It tastes good. Tongtong, you can buy it yourself."

"Okay, I'm going to eat pancakes!" Yu Tongtong immediately went back to the room to change clothes.

"I'll go too!" Lele said.

"I'll go too." Xiaxia was a little worried.

"No need." Yu Dongqing refused.

This is in the core area of ​​the imperial capital. Where is the security here if it is not safe?

The siblings changed their clothes and ran out happily.

After a while, I saw the siblings coming back dejectedly, with empty hands.

"What? Didn't you buy it?" Yu Dongqing asked with concern.

"Well, I heard from Uncle Ma from the noodle shop that the district is now being guarded. No stalls are allowed here, and there are people patrolling in the middle of the night."


Yu Dongqing sighed and said nothing more.

The siblings had no choice but to eat bread.

From then on, Yu Dongqing never saw the lady selling pancakes again.

The news that Meimei won this year's Best Director Award for "Roadside Picnic" quickly became a hot topic, and the Golden Horse Awards jury also gave high praise:

"Roadside Picnic is a highly creative and impressive visual presentation and poetic expression that resonates with the disordered life and times. It has hidden meanings and is full of philosophy."

This quickly aroused the curiosity of mainland audiences.

What kind of movie is this?

Taking advantage of this trend, the promotion group of "Roadside Picnic" released the film's promotional song:

"If We Never Met".

if we never met

where will i be

If we had never met

This song does not exist

Live every second and die every second

Yu Dongqing sang this song affectionately with a slightly hoarse voice, and it soon swept the major domestic music charts.

Meili, who rushed back from Taipei, didn't bother to rest. She and Lao Xu led the publicity team and began a whirlwind road show in major cities across the country.

Of course, Yu Dongqing also made an exception on his Weibo to promote the film shot by his wife. Whose publicity is it if he doesn’t promote her?

On January 14th, "Roadside Picnic" held a premiere in Yanjing and was released simultaneously nationwide on the 15th.

At this time, there is still half a month until the Spring Festival.

The imperial capital has been dry for many days, and today it suddenly rained.

It seldom rains in the imperial capital in winter, but this winter it rained unexpectedly due to the high temperature or some other reason.

The cold wind carried the rain stars, making it look extremely cold.

Except for those who had to go to work in the rain because of poverty, many literary and youth movie fans came to the cinema regardless of rain or shine because a very unique film was shown.

"Roadside Picnic" is the work of beautiful director Li Ming.

Rain, moss, dead wood, stone roads, humid and warm subtropical climate, the dialect of southern Guizhou.

There were a few fragmented paragraphs at the beginning, and I was a little confused as I was used to plot routines, but slowly the whole story came together like a puzzle. The audience thought it was about pursuit and return, but in fact it has a deeper meaning.

These are the parts that many people call "Master" for Meimei.

I think Dr. Chen Sheng, who can write poetry, is not pursuing others, but himself.

Some people say that his fragmentary poems are a disease of literature and art, while others say they are the fragmentary thoughts of a middle-aged man, but in fact they may also be a kind of sentiment given to the protagonist by the author.

The connection between nouns and nouns constitutes some very vague scenes, just like Chen Sheng's dream.

What impressed me most was Chen Sheng’s fantastic encounter in Dangmai.

In many cases, long shots are used to show off skills, but in "Roadside Picnic", the content is greater than the form.

His long shots encapsulate the past and present in the same time and space.

The non-editing of long shots makes time confused and becomes "the same time and space". People and events in the past, as well as Chen Sheng's own memories, all appear in one shot.

It was also here that Chen Sheng found a way to reconcile with the past. The train passing by outside the window had a clock painted by Wei Wei on it, and time was flowing backwards.

It rains all night long in the capital. Let’s look at poems like rain again.

These are all written by the director himself, with great enthusiasm for the local country and human feelings. This also makes us look forward to her next feature film.

This is a review of the film "Roadside Picnic" published by a young man named Zhang Wen on Douban, titled "A Fantasy and Poetic Appointment in the Subtropical Rainy Season"

In just two days, it had more than 2,000 likes and 500 people responded.

Meimei also saw this movie review.

Naturally, such weather is not suitable for going out. My daughter Tongtong has returned to the United States, leaving the family of three and the nanny to stay at home and enjoy themselves.

Meili was nestled on the sofa with her bare feet on Yu Dongqing's legs, not caring about her own image.

"You actually call me a master? You overestimate me. I really don't dare to claim it." She said, her face a little red.

"Don't be modest." Yu Dongqing joked: "I will call you Master Ming from now on."

"Go, go, stop teasing me, I know myself." Meiliang said angrily.

"Okay, I'm going to send Lao Xu a WeChat message to see how much the box office is now. I can't lose my husband's money." After finishing speaking, Meili picked up her phone.

Within two minutes, Meili suddenly screamed "Ah", which startled Yu Dongqing.

"What's wrong? Are you surprised?"

557 "Husband, do you know how much the box office has been in the past three days?" Meiliang looked excited.

"Three days? The capital should be guaranteed, right?"

"It's more than just capital preservation, look at it!" Meili handed Yu Dongqing's mobile phone.

It’s Lao Xu’s WeChat message.

The box office in the first three days was 8 million!

Of course, this box office revenue cannot be compared with those blockbusters. After all, the investment in the film is only 2 million.

What's more, this is the box office for three days.

"Husband, we made money again." Meili murmured.

She had already planned to lose money, but she didn't expect to make a huge profit!

"Roadside Picnic" was released on January 15th and was taken off the shelves on February 1st. Although it was only released for half a month, it also generated 38 million in box office revenue.

Some people shouted, the spring of literary and artistic films is coming!

Yu Dongqing doesn’t know if the spring of literary films has come, but the spring of the imperial capital is coming soon.

Thanks to Mojia’s Yun, Changheman, One Square Her Dad, Jiangchuanting 888, and ACDSEE for their monthly votes.

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