Maybe we never matured,

I still don’t know, but I’m already old

Although the young man is still alive in my heart

I look back frequently because of uneasiness

Ignorant requests, shame and help

Tirelessly climb every hill

Yu Dongqing sang in a hoarse voice.

Time flies, and the years pass by like a white horse,

Yesterday I felt like a young man,

In the blink of an eye, I found that the years had gone by forever.

Want to buy sweet-scented osmanthus wine

It’s not like a teenage trip after all.

The concert in Harbin was a huge success, and Yu Dongqing and the others set off for Dalian the next day, followed by Yanjing.

"Husband, you are back."

In her small courtyard in Nanluogu Lane, Mei Mingming welcomed Yu Dongqing in with a smile and picked up the suitcase in his hand.

When he returns to Yanjing to hold a concert, Yu Dongqing naturally does not need to stay in a hotel. No matter how good a five-star hotel is, how can it be better to have his own little home?

Meili warmly welcomed Yu Dongqing into the living room and helped him take off his suit jacket.

"Honey, you rest first, I'll make you tea."

"Where's Lele?"

"Xiaxia took her out to play."

Today is the weekend and the children don't go to school.

Mingliang brought a pot of brewed Longjing tea, and Yu Dongqing poured a cup and drank it comfortably.

"Husband, the song "Hills" you sang in Harbin has been discussed a lot online." Meiliang said sitting next to him.

"Oh, what do you say?"

"Some people say that it is not a song, but a prose poem. Some people say that the melody of this song is not very outstanding and is not as good as the songs you wrote before. But many people still like it."

"It doesn't matter." Yu Dongqing chuckled: "I sing with my heart in mind now, I can just let others say it."

Mingliang hummed, and suddenly said: "I just got the news that Huabangzi Band has announced that it has disbanded."

"Lu Ping and the others have disbanded?! Didn't they hold a small concert at Mao live house a few days ago?" Yu Dongqing was a little surprised.

Previously, Lu Ping called Yu Dongqing specifically and wanted to sing the two "Love Songs" at the concert. He said that he liked it very much and wanted to buy the right to sing the songs.

Yu Dongqing readily agreed and said with a smile: "If you want to sing, just sing with it. Even my friends are so polite. Why should I buy it? Let me sing with it for free!"

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a swan song.

"Yeah. I just got the news. It was posted on their official Weibo." Meiliang sighed and said.

Yu Dongqing took out her mobile phone and opened Weibo, and sure enough she saw this paragraph written below the Lu Ping Weibo that she followed:

"At the end of the song, everyone will disperse and go to the next stop."

Hey. Yu Dongqing sighed after looking at it.

The Huabangzi band formed by Lu Ping is almost the same age as his Qingmanglu band. They were both formed in college, but the Huabangzi band is more rock-oriented.

The two bands also practice and compete frequently, and even participated in the Midi Music Festival together.

Some time ago, Yu Dongqing originally wanted to invite Huabangzi Band to be the special guest singer at the Dalian station, but they also had their own performance plans and the trip was not possible.

What I didn't expect was that it would be the swan song.

After decades of ups and downs, it finally disbanded.

Yu Dongqing originally picked up the phone and wanted to call Lu Ping, but when he called up the number and wanted to dial it, he put it down.

Immediately, he called Zhang Yang, who had already returned home: "Zhang Yang, Lu Ping's Huabangzi band has been disbanded. Did you know?"

"I just heard the news. This guy does things quietly." Zhang Yang replied.

"Do you know why they disbanded?" Yu Dongqing asked.

"I called just now to ask. He was tired and tired of rapping, so he wanted to take a good rest. Actually..." At this point, Zhang Yang paused on the other end of the phone and said, "I know the real reason."


"During the Chinese New Year this year, I had a meal with him. After drinking, he expressed his depression and said that he was old and could no longer write songs. It was okay to sing the same old songs all the time. I mean, it’s better to just break up and beg.”

I see.

Yu Dongqing didn't know what to say.

"But he said he had no regrets. He had been playing music for decades, traveled to many places in the wind and rain, and had some savings. It was no problem to support the family. He finally said that he would join us after we finished singing. Let’s learn to fish!”

"Haha, welcome, welcome!" Yu Dongqing also laughed.

"Also, he thanks you for letting him sing those two "Love Songs"

At 8 p.m. on September 20, Qingmanglu Band’s tour concert Yanjing Station was held at the Capital Workers’ Stadium. This is a super large stadium that can accommodate nearly 70,000 spectators. On the day of the performance, there were still huge crowds of people and all seats were packed.

Yu Dongqing sang a song that everyone is familiar with.

Sitting near the back of the stadium was an unshaven middle-aged man wearing a baseball cap.

He is Lu Ping.

He came specifically to see his old friend's concert.

In fact, he could have called these buddies and asked for a ticket for the front seat, but he didn't do so.

I bought the cheapest ticket for 499 yuan. I sat in the farthest stand and could not see the singers on the stage clearly.

In fact, there is no need to see clearly.

He came to listen to music.

"Love Song 1980", "Love Song 1990", "on night in BJ", "Brother Sleeping on My Top Bunk".

They are all masterpieces of Qingmanglu Band, and Lu Ping also likes to listen to them.

Especially the two "Love Songs", in Lu Ping's opinion, were sung for an era.

That era of fluttering white clothes is long gone.

Wu Jingqi, who came all the way from Hong Kong, also sang the song "We Are All Returning at Night" as a special guest, and the concert reached its climax.

Yu Dongqing, who had rested for ten minutes, walked to the front stage again with his guitar and spoke into the microphone.

"Some time ago, a good friend of mine's band disbanded. He said that he liked the two love songs "Love Song 1980" and "Love Song 1990" very much."

"Today, I am here to sing a new love song, "Love Song 2000" for him, wishing him a new life, thank you all!"

The drums sounded, and Yu Dongqing's hoarse voice echoed throughout the stadium:

The Himalayas climbing into the clouds

Looking back and jumping into the strait where the waves are floating

Looking north, lonely and cold as Siberia

Is there such a thing as a teaser?

It turns out that time and space Luo Dayou's "Love Song 2000"

Lu Ping listened quietly.

Different from the original two love songs, this "Love Song 2000" is desolate and atmospheric, and the mode is actually the Dorian mode!

Remote and mysterious.

No, it’s not the Doria mode, but the ancient Bianzheng mode!

Lu Ping listened carefully.

He remembered the records in ancient books that Gao Jianli was building a building and Jing Ke was singing in harmony. It was the voice of rebellion that made all the soldiers shed tears.

The wind is rustling and the water is cold. Once the strong man is gone, he will never return.

Lu Ping sighed in his heart.

The singing continues:

blue pacific

disappearing red sun

Does it arouse

Your answer?

The lingering time difference after a thousand years

Do you still want to recognize me?

I can't let myself pretend to be deaf and dumb anymore

The price of silent expression is too stupid

Thanks to book friend 20210605171139166, Fat Boy! ! Book Friends 2021030110649511736, HAMMOND, Ye Ye

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