Midfielder Ruler

Chapter 144 Great changes, 2 reds + penalty kicks!

"Hello, viewers, the game we are broadcasting for you now is the first half of overtime in the last quarter-final of the Russian World Cup. The Chinese team and the Portuguese team tied 1:1 in 90 minutes of regular time. I want to The fans sitting in front of the TV are as confident as me that the Chinese team will defeat Portugal and enter the semi-finals!"

With the whistle of Sandro Ricci, the referee on duty, the Chinese team took the lead and the central 5 commentator He Wei shouted with passion.

The Chinese team did not rush to attack at the kick-off, but controlled the rhythm of the game under Tang Zheng's deliberate control, and then threatened the Portuguese fans through gradual penetration.

Although the overtime period of the game lasts for 30 minutes, the first half and the second half are 30 minutes long, but everyone's physical fitness has dropped significantly.

Once a goal is conceded, it is difficult to equalize the score.

Previously, Lu Liang and Sun Jingbo were the absolute main players in their respective clubs, and their physical condition was insufficient. The Chinese team played all 90 minutes in the past four World Cup games, and their running speed dropped significantly.

You must know that the Chinese team's main offense revolves around quick counterattacks. The two main counterattack points, Lu Liang and Sun Jingbo, have physical problems, which has a great impact on the team's tactics.

Tang Zheng has a strong ability to read the game and has long noticed the decline in physical fitness of Lu Liang and Sun Jingbo, so he organized the offense in a step-by-step manner.

Central penetration was also used by the Chinese team in the World Cup Asian qualifiers. Now their opponent has just become a stronger Portugal.

The Chinese team's offense played pass-and-control football under the control of Tang Zheng. The Portuguese team, which was also affected by physical fitness, did not run in a wide range, but retreated to the half court. Except for Cristiano Ronaldo at the front, the other nine Players return to their own half to defend.

In fact, with Hao Junmin being substituted, the Chinese team's midfield passing and controlling ability has dropped greatly. It is not enough to rely solely on the linkage between Tang Zheng, Lu Liang and Sun Jingbo. In addition, Deng Hanwen plays very cautiously, and the frontcourt It is difficult for the offense to pose a direct threat to Patricio's goal.

Continuous multiple passes were ineffective. Tang Zheng realized that the team might get a better chance by retreating to half-court defense. At the same time, Lu Liang and Sun Jingbo could also recover their strength and prepare for counterattacks when Portugal's offensive rhythm was not fast.

After clearing his mind, Tang Zheng took advantage of William Carvalho's mistake and completed a long shot before Manuel Fernandez came up to block it.

Tang Zheng's long-range shot was of very high quality, like a cannonball being fired. Goalkeeper Patricio did not dare to neglect, flew sideways and lifted the ball over the crossbar with one palm.

Lu Liang's corner kick did not pose a threat. Gao Zhunyi failed to find the crosshair due to Font's interference, and the football missed the goal post.

Portugal switched from defense to offense. Compared with the current Chinese team, Portugal's midfield and frontcourt organizational capabilities are obviously much stronger, so they can find some opportunities after continuous passes. It is a pity that the players' physical energy consumption is serious now and their running enthusiasm is not high. In a fleeting moment, Opportunities are often inconsistent with passing and running, and opportunities are lost.

Including Cristiano Ronaldo, everyone has experienced varying degrees of physical decline.

Central 5 commentator He Wei said in a heavy tone: "In the first five minutes of overtime, the Chinese team's defense was put to a great test. Fortunately, the Portuguese players also seemed to have physical problems and were unable to take that extra step forward at the critical moment. Even Cristiano Ronaldo bent over and supported his knees, and time passed by minute by second. I hope our players can grit their teeth and persevere at the critical moment!"

"That's right! The game now is more of a test of everyone's willpower." Commentator Xu Yang said: "And we are from falling behind to equalizing, and our psychological advantage is more obvious. What our players have to do is how to Obvious psychological advantages turned into opportunities!”

"Ouch, ouch, ouch—"

Another five minutes passed in the game in a relatively stalemate, and there were still five minutes left before the end of the first half of overtime. The passion released by the fans from both sides of the Fisht Olympic Stadium did not decrease at all. On the contrary, it became more and more intense as time became less and less. It rose geometrically, erupting into a huge roar that was higher than the other.


There were five minutes left before the end of the first half of overtime, and the running distance of the players on both sides of the game had dropped significantly. The on-site director gave Lippi and Santos a close-up shot of their faces.

The intention of this shot is obvious. Although all three substitution adjustments for both sides of the game have been used up, there is an additional substitution adjustment for the overtime of this World Cup. That is to say, when the game reaches overtime, each side has A total of four substitutions were made.

The enjoyment of the game is affected by the decline in physical fitness of the players on both sides. Should the head coaches of both sides strengthen the offense through substitutions and break the balance of the game?

In fact, both Lippi and Santos were thinking about substitutions.

Just how to adjust and who to replace has not been decided yet.

In the 103rd minute of the game, the Portuguese team took the lead in making the fourth substitution adjustment of the game, with Gerson Martins replacing Moutinho.

The live broadcast showed Portugal's substitutions. British Sky commentator Andy Gray said solemnly: "Portugal's four substitution adjustments were all made. Should Marcelo Lippi also make adjustments to the lineup?" ?Gelson Martins is extremely fast and has excellent dribbling ability. His speed and impact ability can pose a fatal threat to the Chinese team's defense!"

"Yes!" Commentator Martin Taylor immediately said: "Marcelo Lippi should make adjustments to the lineup, either offensively or defensively!"

But until the end of the first half of overtime, the Chinese team did not use the fourth substitution adjustment.

The first half of the fifteen-minute overtime ended. After a brief rehydration, the players from both sides of the game exchanged venues for the final fifteen-minute overtime.

It is worth mentioning that as captains Tang Zheng and Cristiano Ronaldo respectively incited the emotions of their teammates in preparation for the final game.

A spiritual leader, in addition to being able to turn the tide at critical moments, also needs to boost the morale of his teammates when they are on the verge of mental collapse.

The game has reached overtime, and the competition is about willpower!

"Ouch, ouch, ouch -"

There was a frenzied atmosphere above Fisht Olympic Stadium, and the atmosphere in the second half of overtime became even more tense than in the first half.

Once a goal is scored, it may mean a decisive victory.

Neutral fans can accept the result easily, but it is a little uncomfortable for Chinese fans or Portuguese fans.

They don't know whether it is their own team or the other team that scores the goal. Of course, if the team they support scores a goal, they will definitely be very excited, but no one knows what will happen in the future. What if the other team scores the goal?

So... in the second half of overtime, fans from both sides were very nervous, fearing that the other side would score in the attack.

In this regard, Chinese fans are the most nervous.

Gelson Martins, who came off the bench, dribbles the ball very quickly. He has an absolute advantage in physical fitness and physical confrontation just after coming off the bench. Whether on the left or right, he can bring great advantages to Jiang Zhipeng or Deng Hanwen guarding the wing. Huge pressure, especially left back Jiang Zhipeng.

Tang Zheng, who should have been more involved in the offense, repeatedly defended the left flank. Jiang Zhipeng, who played all the Chinese team's games in the past, also played 105 minutes in this game, and his physical fitness dropped to freezing point. If it weren't for Tang Zheng and He Chao or Li Kui took turns to cover up the defense, and the left side of his defense had long been penetrated.

In the blink of an eye, three minutes passed in the first half of overtime. In these three minutes, the Chinese team did not create any opportunities, but suffered continuous tests. Lippi, who was standing in the command area on the sidelines, was very nervous. He kept communicating with his assistant Madaloni. , discussing how to make adjustments.

At this point, should we strengthen our defense or improve our offense?

In the sixth minute of the second half of overtime, Lippi made a decision, or... was forced to make a decision.

Right winger Sun Jingbo suffered from cramps and was unable to continue the game, and 19-year-old Liu Ruofan came on as a substitute.

The Chinese team's formation changed accordingly, from 433 to 451, maintaining offensive pressure on Portugal's defense.

Although Liu Ruofan is definitely not particularly fast, he has a very good rhythm with the ball and can pass, shoot and shoot suddenly. He is a weakened version of Tang Zheng in the frontcourt.

In less than half a minute, Liu Ruofan showed excellent ability to adapt to the rhythm of the game. He received Tang Zheng's long pass and passed it to form a breakthrough, which caused a burst of exclamations from the Portuguese fans in the stands.

If Pepe hadn't stopped Liu Ruofan with a foul, Liu Ruofan would have really been able to break into the penalty area and shoot.

"What a pity!"

Central 5 commentator He Wei said depressingly: "If Liu Ruofan could be faster, the 34-year-old Pepe would have no chance to foul!"


Commentator Xu Yang nodded slightly and looked at the broadcast screen again.

Lu Liang's direct free kick from the front was not hit by anyone and flew out of the baseline.

Portugal switched from defense to attack, and the ball passed through Cristiano Ronaldo on the left and came to the feet of Gelson Martins.

Obviously, Portugal coach Santos hopes that Gelson Martins, who comes off the bench, will complete more breakthroughs and create opportunities for the team.

Gerson Martins is indeed the most active player on both sides of the game. He continuously uses his speed and technology to break through the Chinese team's defensive players. However, as time goes by, the Chinese players gradually adapt to his breakthrough rhythm, and with the addition of three back The waist's timely defense brought less threat than coming off the bench just now...

When the time came to the 115th minute of the game, the coaches of both teams stood in their respective command areas with their arms folded across their chests, their eyes fixed on their faces, and their faces solemn.

"There are only five minutes left in the game!" He Wei, the commentator of Central 5, said his voice became heavier and heavier, full of tension: "Both sides are very likely to enter..."

Before he finished speaking, Portuguese central defender Fonte suddenly made a long pass from outside the arc of his own center circle and flew towards the left rib of the Chinese team's defense.

I saw Quaresma standing out from the entire back line of the Chinese team and running towards the landing point of the football at high speed.

Behind him is left back Jiang Zhipeng, who is chasing after him.


Seeing this, He Wei's voice suddenly changed and he exclaimed.

Zhang Linpeng and Gao Zhunyi were affected by the interspersed movements of Andre Silva and Cristiano Ronaldo. It was too late to run towards the landing point of the football. Quaresma, who was running at full speed, moved the ball forward during the run. As soon as he stopped, his speed did not slow down, and he ducked in front of Gao Zhunyi, who was assisting in defense, and directly entered the penalty area.

Gao Zhunyi, who had been running for 115 minutes, had a very obvious decline in physical fitness. He was ready to get a red card but failed to kick down Quaresma.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch—"

Immediately, the Portuguese fans in the entire stadium became extremely excited, making loud shouts like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

Yan Junling had no choice but to abandon the goal and attack.

Quaresma, who is particularly experienced in the game, did not choose to shoot directly in a single situation. Instead, he used his superb foot skills to try to break through Yan Junling and then hit the empty goal to ensure that nothing went wrong.

However, as the final protector of the Chinese team's gate, how could Yan Junling give Quaresma this opportunity?

Quaresma moved the ball and broke through in the opposite direction of Yan Junling's save, but Yan Junling, who was lying on the ground, did not give up. He raised his feet close to the ground, just in front of Quaresma's forward right foot.

Quaresma even thought about the celebration, but where did he notice that Yan Junling would choose to foul?


The referee on duty, Sandro Ricci, blew his whistle immediately. While pointing his finger at the penalty spot, he touched his trouser pocket with his right hand and walked toward Yan Junling with an unfavorable expression.

How could Tang Zheng not know what the referee was going to do?

Destroying the opponent's chance to score directly will result in a red card!

All four of our team's substitution adjustments have been made, and there is no room for substitutions!

If Yan Junling is sent off, it will be a disaster!

So Tang Zheng stood in front of Yan Junling and tried to change the referee Sandro Ricci's decision.

The penalty kick can be recognized, but Yan Junling must not be sent off!

"Ouch, ouch, ouch—"

With the huge cheers produced by the Portuguese fans, the referee Sandro Ricci was particularly insistent. He first warned Tang Zheng, then walked around to Yan Junling's side and showed the red card he had taken out.

At the same time, Central 5 commentator He Wei exclaimed: "The referee Sandro Ricci was too harsh. He showed Yan Junling a red card directly! A typical penalty plus red card package! After the Chinese team used all four This would be an absolute disaster if there was a substitution adjustment!”

"The referee's penalty is indeed too harsh." Commentator Xu Yang echoed excitedly: "A yellow card is enough when there are only five minutes left in overtime. After all, we have no substitutions..."

Thousands of miles away in China, countless fans were insulting the referee Sandro Lippi. They agreed with what He Wei and Xu Yang said.

Too harsh!

Lippi, the head coach of the Chinese team, also protested to the fourth official, saying that referee Sandro Ricci should use his discretion and consider the enjoyment of the game when awarding a penalty kick.

Although Tang Zheng knew that there was no way to change the referee's decision, he still hoped that Sandro Ricci would be more generous. At the same time, he had the consciousness to push away his excited teammates to prevent them from suffering unnecessary losses.

But... the referee Sandro Ricci did not change his mind, but instead warned Tang Zheng.

In this regard, Tang Zheng was helpless and could only accept this result.

How to deal with penalty kicks and red cards?

The referee Sandro Ricci, who signaled Yan Junling to leave the court quickly, received the message from the fourth official, ran to Lippi in the panicked eyes of all Chinese fans, and directly showed the red card.

"This... is definitely a disaster for the Chinese team! Two reds plus a penalty kick!"

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