Biquge, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

My name is Ronghua. I am 20 years old and my cardamom is in my life.

But this time is not good, full of nightmares full of endless loops that entangle me.

My hometown is a small village in a remote mountain, where there are mountains and rivers, but there is a story that is incompatible with the village scenery.

It is said that the location of the small village lies on the dividing line between the yin and yang.

Moreover, it is in the position of "Ghost Gate".

An old witch in the village kept telling the villagers that every five years, the king of the underworld would be sent a maiden of eighteen years old. Otherwise, the king would lose his temper, open the ghost door, and let the ghost out.

The villagers are convinced of this rumor. Of course, they also include the older generation in my family, especially my grandparents.

Looking back at the previous girl who was sent to the hut, when the coffin was lifted again, the body was covered with blue and purple, especially the lower part of the girl, which was simply unbearable.

At that time, I was still young, but I did not know the scene, and it was deeply imprinted in my mind. Of course, I wouldn't have thought that it would be my turn.

Had a dark marriage for Yan Wang. This custom persisted in that small village for hundreds of years, so that the villagers rarely interacted with outsiders in order to protect this secret.

And I am fortunate to be the only person who can survive to this century after marrying King Yan. Most of the women in the village were assigned to King Yan, and most of them died on their wedding night. Very few survived. No one can last a week.

After this incident, my parents took me away from the village and came to the city to take care of me and take care of me. I only wish I could forget what happened that night.

Two years have passed, and I thought I could forget to live a normal life, but I never imagined that what happened that night would be repeated and cycled in my dreams!

Even if I took a nap on the plane at the moment, I was not spared. Everything was so real. Repeated the exercise over and over again. The gentle and cold touch, and the heartbreaking pain from my secret place. ...

And the noise coming from outside the little black room.

Those superstitious villagers sang weird songs there. I was listening. The sound, the horror, the thriller, the weird tune, seemed to be mixed with the sound of suona, the witch of the old witch, and the roar of parents. .

Finally, the plane landed, and I walked down the plane in despair, and left the airport to greet myself with a warm hug from my mother.

"Xiaohua, you are back. How are you playing abroad, are you happy?"

She apparently noticed something, saw my pale face, and clenched my hand nervously. Knowing that I was still in the shadow of that night, I slammed me into my arms.

"Xiaohua, you have to believe that there are no ghosts in this world, that night ... I'm sorry, it was all mom's fault, because we didn't protect you at that time."

I don't know who set the rules in the village. Once the girls born in the village are eighteen years old, they must return to their hometown to celebrate the ceremony.

Who knows, that became the beginning of my nightmare. My parents knew about the marriage, because at that time, there was another 18-year-old girl in the same village. Grandpa and grandma also said that it was not my turn.

However, until the end, fate made me the unlucky one. My parents were forcibly seized by a group of villagers, and I, under the dress of a bunch of grannies, covered my eyes with white gauze, **** in a coffin, and entered the little black house where some 18 girls died.

Time passed minute by minute, and the villagers did not let go of my parents until the old witch stopped talking about the spell. They rushed into the room like crazy, and rescued me from the coffin.

They saw me in a messy white wedding dress, with bruises on their arms and snowy thighs, messy hair, and white veil blindfolded with tears and heartache.

When my mother saw that I was still alive, she burst into tears and cried. Dad looked at his relatives and villagers resentfully, and was determined to take me away from the village permanently and never return.

At the time, as if I was scared and stupid, my eyes were straight and my **** was flying out of the sky.

Wearing a bright red jade bracelet on his wrist, the jade carving is the flower of the river along the way-Manzhu Shahua.

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