Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 113: Love beyond the soul

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

On the boat that was constantly swaying on the Santu River, there was a wooden platform, and a chandelier hung on the hook above it, emitting a faint white light.

White light does not seem to penetrate the black river, and even the visibility is extremely low.

Above the river there was a thin layer of gray fog. Through the fog, I just saw a man in a black robe vaguely standing at the bridge head with a paddle in his hand.

"He is the ferryman of Santuhe."

Meng Po said calmly: "The ferryman can freely travel between the two sides of the Santu River, of course, his boat can also carry a lot of people,"

"But they need enough paper money, otherwise the ferryman won't let them get on board."

Bai Wuchang added a sentence, and I frowned doubtfully.

Many people die, family and relatives and friends will burn a lot of paper for them ...

I was thinking, and I immediately thought of some of the questions I asked Segu before, and I almost forgot.

The banknotes burned by living people can't be received by people in the underworld. This is just a nostalgia and a thought of people.

"People in Yangjian can burn as much paper as they can't receive. They can only have banknotes in circulation in Hell when they live and work in Hell." Bai Wuchang sat on the bridge with two short legs stretched out Outside, constantly

"Then why did they cross the river?"

Meng Po's voice was light: "Madam, for a period of time, the yin will be very heavy. It seems to be called the Qingming Festival. During that time, as long as these poor people have enough paper money to go back and forth, they can go to the world in a short time See your loved ones. "

I listened and understood the significance of the ferryman's existence, staring at the dark shadow.

"His temper is weird. Before Xiaobai went to play with him, he was also spanked with a wooden paddle!"

噗嗤 ——

Meng Po couldn't help but laughed loudly, her hands half covered her mouth, and the smile at the corner of her mouth couldn't stop.

I couldn't help laughing, seeing her cheeks bulging, could not help pinching.

I never expected that she would say such a thing, no matter what, Bai Wuchang's status in the underworld is not low.

Even though she was a child, the fact that she was ferryed into a big **** still made me feel a different kind of joy.

"Sister Meng Meng laughed! You saw it all at the time, and you didn't come to help me. My **** hurt for a long time!"

Meng Po looked up and said with a smile: "Who makes you so mischievous, once the three-way river touches you a little, your soul will be hurt."

"Where to go is not good, but I want to come to Santuhe."

Bai Wuchang's bulging hands were around his chest, pouting his small mouth, and staring at the ferryman with a stern eye. To my surprise, the ferryman was like an old pine growing on a ship, motionless.


Later, we got along with Meng Po again. Somehow, the soul that had just died suddenly increased. Meng Po got up, took out a few pieces of wood from the firewood piled on one side, and threw it into the dark black fire.

When we saw her busy, she stopped disturbing her and planned to leave the palace.

When walking on the road, I thought of time in my heart and yelled, "It's over!"

Bai Wuchang was taken aback by my sudden move and asked quickly: "What's wrong with my mother? Is it uncomfortable?"

She held my hand and asked anxiously.

I covered my head and looked at the sky.

Since the phone is out of power, is there any day or night in this underworld, and I have no concept of time at all, which makes me a little worried about things in the sun.

My parents knew that I was resting at home. If I was absent suddenly, even if they knew that I might go back to school, they would call and ask for a while, and they would definitely tell me for a while.

The point is, my phone is out of power, and they will definitely be anxious now.

And An Ning, An Ning is still in the hospital. Although I talked to her a lot before I came to Hades, if she was discharged, I should pick her up.

I have always been concerned about the settlement, and I do n’t know if they have found a solution. How is Grandpa An ’s body?

Anze's words were still echoing in my ears, I looked down slightly.

Bai Wuchang heard the words in my mouth, and pinched his chin with his fingers. It seemed as if he had decided what happened. He said to me, "Madam, please wait for Lord Yama to come back. Please ask for his consent."

"Xiaobai sees that the mother's body is recovering very well. Recently, she eats all things in the underworld. Many of them are specially cultivated in the palace, and the atmosphere of the palace is much better than the outside."

"Maybe in a short period of time, the little prince can no longer use her ability to protect her mother, but the mother's daily life will not be a major obstacle."

Bai Wuchang said, two small hands kept stroking on me, and finally told me seriously and seriously.

After I heard it, I nodded silently.

Mainly I don't have the concept of time. If the mobile phone still has electricity, I still know the point.

Now, just in case my family and tranquility do n’t have unwanted worries, if the body recovers well, I should go back.

Now that Seki has allowed me to come in and out of the palace, I can come back at any time if I want to come.

When I returned to the dormitory, the demon had already returned, hugged me, and led me into the back room.

"Huaer, are you having fun today?"

"How do you feel about the underworld?"

I sat next to the bed, and he sat down next to me. I was a little excited, and I remembered what happened today.

"Okay, scum, I care more about Meng Po."

I yanked his sleeve, and there was a flash of light in his eyes, which was fleeting, but I caught it.

"At that time, when you took me through the two realms, the song I heard was that she was singing, but she seemed sad when she heard this song."

The scum wrapped around my shoulder, and I leaned gently against his arms.

"Sad, what has she experienced?"

Meng Po is able to make a soup that will wash the memory of the dead, so why is there joy and sorrow?

She could drink it herself, forgetting all sorrow and sorrow.

The devil's hand on my shoulder squeezed, and sighed invisibly: "She once had a lover, but she's gone."

Surprised, I looked up suddenly and asked, "Love?"

He nodded and continued: "Meng Po once fell in love with a man who was accidentally killed in the sun."

"At that time, she fell in love with him at first sight, and came in accordance with the rules. Before the man got on the bridge, she would drink her soup, but her heart softened."

"That song was taught by the man to Meng Po. Meng Po never let him go to the Nai He Bridge. Once he got on the bridge, he had to drink soup first, so she kept him with him and accompanied him."

The sag stopped here, and I looked up, pushed his chest with my hand, and motioned, "Keep talking."

"Later, they got along for a long time, and men fell in love with Meng Po, but there are rules in the underworld. Everyone who dies must drink Meng Po soup and walk across Naihe Bridge."

"Finally, the man did not drink soup, but jumped straight from the bridge and jumped into Santuhe."

I heard the finale, the shock in my heart could not be calm for a long time.

In the process of talking about sex, the tone was very bland and there was no trace of emotion. Even though I learned about Meng's experience from a third party, I was still able to hear that this story is very sad, very sad.

I don't know what Meng Po had experienced with that man, what did they do when they got along?

However, I can recall the sadness and pain on Meng's face when I hummed that tone before.

They really love each other, but there is nothing they can do. Meng Po knew that they couldn't be together. She had to boil soup at the bridge for the rest of her life, and the man had to pass the Nai He Bridge to officially enter the underworld and start a new life.

What hurt me most was the way the man chose last.

His soul, don't want to forget Meng Po, don't want to forget their time together, don't want to spend his whole life in **** in amnesia, would rather not soul, not reincarnation, embrace their beautiful memories, disappear between heaven and earth .

What should I say? How do you express yourself?

I only saw two words before them.


A love that transcends the soul.

I carefully recalled the situation when I was with Meng Po. When she said "I can't bear it", I actually missed the loss and nostalgia in her eyes, but more of them were full of nagging.

It seems as if the seducer knew that I was thinking about the story he told me. He didn't say anything. He just kissed my forehead occasionally and held me tighter again.


A little later, I had finished eating with Seki in the palace. He listened to my thoughts and agreed to let me return to the sun.

"Don't mix things up, just rest well, you know?"

Before he left, he told me for a long time before he reluctantly gave me a deep kiss.

I nipped at his chest with a funny smile and said, "It's not like I'm not meeting again."

His beautiful lips were close to my ears, and he tempted to reply, "Don't you know the lady, it's a day to see the lady for a husband, like every third autumn."

I got hot from his sloppy cheek, and I spoke in a panic. I wanted to quarrel with him, but the words in my mouth were completely contrary to my thoughts!

"Complete business affairs, stay with me!"

There was a little smile in the eyes of Sagui. I was covering my mouth with both hands, and scolded myself to expose my inner thoughts. Sagui smiled and lingered with me for a while, and answered, "Observe, lady."

He disappeared and I returned to my home.

The first thing to do is to charge your phone and then flip through your chat.

When I saw the message that Mom sent me, I sighed with relief.

"Xiaohua, I can't make your call. Did you go back to school? Charge it back and remember to call me back. My dad and I are going on a business trip this month. I'm going to city M. Your dad is going to country R. Do you want us to bring something back? "

This is from my mom yesterday, and the little girl from Anning.

I can't believe it. It didn't take long before she disappeared, and she sent 99+ messages to herself.

It was a violent expression pack, and it was murmurous. She also said that if I wouldn't answer her phone, she would break off with me, making me cry and laugh.

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