Biquge, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

My heartbeat hasn't stopped since I was brought home from the cafe by the seducer.

The sweat on my body didn't dry up, the t-shirt stuck to my back all the time, making me very embarrassed.

I was sitting in the air-conditioned room, panting heavily, trying to calm myself down, and even the devil started to undress.

"Hey! What do you want to do!"

I hid a little to the side of the bed and looked at him vigilantly. The man saw my reaction. Instead of stopping, he walked towards me while taking off his loose robe.

"You ... I tell you, you can't do that!"

I panicked incoherently and talked well, don't take off my clothes!

The seducer completely took my words as a breeze, even if the mask was covering his face, I could see his face with a charming smile.

"What the lady is afraid of, our husband and wife have met each other frankly and shyly."

I heard, my face became instantly red! Seeing this lechery approaching me constantly, my breathing became more and more rapid, suddenly! I saw the bathroom in the room! The whole person crawled and grabbed one side to change clothes, entered the bathroom, closed the door with a slam, and quickly locked it.

I seem to hear a smirk from behind.

The white light in the bathroom was on. The small bathroom felt very crowded and sweltering in summer. I was sweating, and I couldn't wait to take a warm bath.

Thinking that the bathroom door was tightly closed and the dead ghost could not enter, my heart was relieved and calmed a lot.

The white and clean bathtub was filled with clear water, and the warm water emerging from the faucet could faintly see some foggy water floating in the air.

I lay in and took a deep breath.

From time to time, there are horrible things that happened in the cafe before, so true. Now as soon as you close your eyes, you still can feel the cold wind behind you ...

Wait, cold wind?

I straightened up from the bathtub and turned to look behind my back.

I saw Seki wearing a red, blood-colored mask, not covering the whole body, sitting on the edge of the bathtub, one hand was stroking my neck.

I was shocked by his sudden appearance!

"How did you get in!" Didn't I lock the door!

"The lady is so despise as a husband, how could a wooden board block me, have you forgotten that your husband is a ghost?"

I hurriedly wrapped my hands around my chest and covered my shy part, but suddenly I realized that there would be no hands to cover the lower part of it. The water in the bathtub was transparent, wouldn't he be seen by him!

"You ... you go out, I'm going to take a shower."

No matter what I said, Seki raised his feet and stepped into the bathtub. I lowered my head in horror, for fear of seeing something I shouldn't see! Blushing, I don't know if it was because of being smoked by hot water, or because of shyness.

The cold hands touched from behind, and my goosebumps were up, my heart was ashamed and annoyed!

"You ..." I was so angry that I didn't dare look back at the people behind me, so I buried my face in my knees.

"Shh." He put the masked face in my ear and whispered, "Huaer, I've been looking forward to it for a long time."

What to expect? My head was foggy, because his hand kept touching his waist, causing my body to be stiff, and my scalp was constantly numb.

"Bath together." Segui finished, grabbed the towel again, wiped my back after soaking.

I felt his gentle gesture, one cold hand held my shoulder, the other hand held a towel, and wiped every inch of skin on my body carefully.

The hotness on his face faded away quickly, and his body slowly relaxed. The ogre pulled me back, and I leaned in his arms. He wiped my body while helping me. It's bad for you. "

"Well." I answered softly, no matter who I changed to, I would be scared when I encountered this situation.

I heard his tone full of apology: "I'm late."

I looked up at him in surprise, but only saw a familiar mask that covered his face, but couldn't cover his eyes.

While I was still touched by his tenderness, I saw a smile passing quickly in his eyes.

"Hua'er was frightened, he should compensate you for it, didn't he?" As soon as his words fell, I felt that the situation was bad! He was about to escape from the bathtub, but was hooked back by a strong arm.

I kept mourning in my heart: I actually believed that the nature of the ghost was changed, and I was crazy!

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