Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 147: Wish you well in the afterlife

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

Xiaoru's white eyes could not see the pupils, and the original tender and white immature face also turned into a lilac of some dead people.

The bright red liquid flowed from her eyes, and her messy black hair covered the sides of her cheeks, as if she had never thought that someone would know her name.

An Xuan looked at me in surprise, with a shocked expression on his face.

He may not know why I knew the girl ’s name before she died, but I do n’t have time to explain it to him in detail.

"Xiaoru, I know what happened to you, I'm sorry."

I wonder if this is a mouthful? I chose to use it this way, and I even started to think that it would affect her.

Anning has fallen, and the ritual has been destroyed, and it cannot continue.

If I do n’t do anything, if Anxuan uses the black charm that can destroy the soul, nothing can be undone.

But how could things be solved so easily?

Sure enough, as I expected, Xiaoru was like a child abandoned by the world, crying there: "Know what, you are not trying to kill me!"

"Like those nasty guys!"

I certainly know who the "hate guy" in her mouth is. After looking back at the memories of her lifetime, those children who used her as a shield and were suffocated by my heart felt another pain.

Xiao Ru's words were very angry, angry, and even sad. She was like a normal child, her words were naive, and unlike some adult grudges, she could feel their blood crying in every sentence.

All her resentment, with her very simple and immature expression, was less imposing, but it made me even more distressed.

Xiao Ru didn't even start her life. She was completely excluded in the orphanage, and she was beaten to death by the chief Xu, who had a tendency to abuse children.

This phenomenon is definitely not the only one. I can believe that there are always orphanages around the world that suspend adoptions and give orphans a warm home. Such a false guise, but doing some unsightly and outrageous Atrocities.

"I've had enough, Xiaoru has had enough. I want to go home, I want mom and dad, ohhhhhhh."

The black breath blew up again, and the girl who loved Anxuan was directly overthrown by this black gas, and another piece of yellow paper "cracked" into two halves and burned.

An Xuan's face turned blue and white instantly, and he looked at the girl in anxiety and gave me a stern glance.

"Don't come in your way, get out!"

I turned a deaf ear completely and walked towards Xiao Ru.

This move made An Xuan's eyes flicker, his tone with irresistible momentum and anger: "Go out! Don't approach her!"

I didn't know what was wrong with me, and my body honestly approached her struggling figure slowly.

"Xiao Ru, don't be afraid, you are not alone, you still have me, there is me."

I opened my hands and walked towards her.

I know what she wants and desires, her wish is very simple, and now I can only use this to let her let go of her obsession with life.

In order to escape the possibility of the soul dying.

Anxuan was desperate, he shouted, "Are you crazy! Ronghua!"

"I know that you suffered a lot of grievances during your lifetime, that bad uncle always hit you and scolded you, and those children also rejected you.

When Xiaoru heard my voice, she stopped crying, raised her head in disbelief and looked at me.

Little blood was dripping on his hands.

As I got closer and closer to her, the familiar nausea struck again, constantly stimulating my brain nerves.

The ruby ​​bracelet also kept flashing, and I stopped suddenly, decisively removing the ruby ​​bracelet from my wrist, and put it on the table aside.

I endured the nauseous sensation that was about to gush, and stepped into the array. Two steps came to the girl who was kneeling on the ground and crying, slowly squatting down and hugging her.

This is my first time hugging a spirit body.

Previously, I always thought that the human soul cannot be touched, but today, for the first time, I feel the touch of a soul.

So lonely, so sad.

All the emotions of the soul pass into my body and my heart through her soul.

I can even feel Xiaoru's slightly trembling body, the wounded young mind, and unwillingness to all the tragedies and injustices of life.

I just hugged her, no matter if she was struggling or not, I put her head in my arms.

I am an only child. I have no siblings. There are a few distant relatives, but many of them moved out of the small village with my family and lived in different cities.

Gradually, they became alienated, and even lost contact.

So I don't know how to comfort a little girl. What I can do at the moment is to hug her and give her a sense of security.

Since she can't get the temptation she deserves in front of her, I will compensate her now.

Although, I knew that the death on her body would have an impact on my little fellow, but I still chose to take off the ruby ​​bracelet to prevent her from being excluded by the ability of the jade bracelet.

That way I can approach her.

"Don't be afraid, no one will hurt you anymore. I am here now, and I protect you."

Xiaoru opened her eyes wide, and the two hands on her side were raised in the air, as if hesitating to hold me back.

"Really ... Do you really protect me? Don't let Dean Xu hit me, okay, I won't wet the bed in the future."

Her words succeeded in making my tears shed. I nodded solemnly and said with a choked voice: "Well, Dean Xu will never hit you again, I promise, I swear."

After I said this, Xiao Ru held my hands around my waist, and the black gas on my body began to disappear magically.

"So warm ..."

She said softly, and then she followed: "Same as Aunt Mao's hug."

My hand touched her hair, her head bowed slightly, and said gently, "I will protect you with Aunt Mao in the future."

"Xiao Ru, you have to believe that there are still people in the world who love you."

I patted her on the back in pity, noting that the black gas on her body was gradually disappearing, and the color of her skin was gradually fading. It was no longer the original purple-black.

What Xiao Ru wants is so simple. Maybe she just needs a comfort, a hug, or maybe she can let go and she won't have such a big grudge.

She would not force Ye Yao's mother and grandma to accompany her after her death.

Ye Yao's mother is actually about the same age as Aunt Mao, which may be why they were selected by Xiao Ru.

There was a moment of silence in the room, and I kept holding Ru, quietly waiting for the dark air on her to disappear, and the soul became transparent.

But the room at this moment was already a mess, and the long black hair that had covered the entire room was rapidly shortening.

The floral cloth robe that was originally red with blood was also recovering its original color. Xiaoru's soul began to gradually turn transparent. After a while, her figure completely disappeared.

Nothing in my arms.

Suddenly, I felt a weak pair of arms hugging me behind me, and a soft voice came.

"Sister, thank you."

The cricket's voice disappeared with the invisible hands.

I wiped my tears and said with a trembling voice, "Xiao Ru, may you be safe in the next life." "Well ..." She answered, very light and light, and I could hardly hear her voice.

The surroundings soon returned to their original quietness.

It was a long time before I returned to God.

Looking at himself, the original very delicate ceramic doll was broken into pieces at this moment. The red floral cloak was also torn into pieces by unknown forces.

With my head down, my fingers picked up the pieces and rags from the ground, grabbed them in my hands, and got up.

The moment they turned around, all three of Anxuan looked at me in astonishment, with incredible faces.

Although Ye Yao couldn't see Xiao Ru, but from my behavior, she should know something.

In the end, Ye Yao took her grandma to her bedroom to rest, and took the sleepy Ye Yao mother to another room with the little girl.

The little girl who settled in to take care of the tranquility was not here.

My brother Anxuan and I packed up in the room.

The array is painted on the ground, or something, anyway, clean it up.

I put on the jade bracelet again and helped to clean the floor. The two people beside me were always quietly doing themselves. Suddenly, Anxuan asked me, "Why do you know her condition?"

The other junior also stopped and looked at me curiously.

I knew what he wanted to ask, stood up, and bent over, rubbing the towel in the side basin.

"This is arguably my ability."

I washed my towel, squatted back, and slowly said, "You can settle the ghosts through rituals. That's the ability of Anjia ancestors."

"And I." I looked at them, and when my eyes met with An Xuan, I noticed that his eyes were a little complicated.

"I was able to look back at their memory and learn what happened to them and what caused them to become evil spirits after their death."

When both of them heard me, they looked surprised.

I glanced at them calmly, and then continued to wipe the floor.

Anxuan was silent for a while, and only a word came out.

"Do you mean, can you get into their memories before they die?"


I nodded and said truthfully, "If you are forcibly dispelling their grievances and sending them to the underworld, I will find the source of their grudges and resolve them from the root."

The boy who hadn't talked a little bit of words, said, "Can't you change their past?"

I glanced down at him, and with a bit of helplessness ticked my lips: "It would be nice if I could do that."

"I can only look like an onlooker, I can only see, I can't involve, I can't change, because that's against the common sense."

Anxuan looked at me all the time, and there was a flicker of light in his eyes.

He knew that this problem of finding the root solution was indeed a more permanent solution than their ritual forced exorcism.

However, Anxuan also understands that those who undertake this work need a very strong heart.

For those who have become evil spirits, which is not something that they have suffered miserably during their lifetime, will make them long reluctant to die, or even renounce themselves, so that their souls will fall into evil spirits.

It is good to let others go back to those tragic things once or twice. Over time, people who often use this ability will definitely be under psychological stress.

He sighed. When he was traveling, a foreign exorcist with a very powerful strength told him.

If a person is very capable and strong, he must have lost a lot.

Only the more you lose, the more you will get.

He felt the meaning of this sentence.

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