Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 167: Embrace faithful forever

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I can finally embrace faith and obsession forever.

This sentence is like a curse, constantly hovering in his mind.

The moment the seducer held me out, I still didn't get out of everything just before.

I stared blankly at the black hole, and the liquid in my eyes kept flowing.

The temperature of Xuanyuan Lingyin's soul is still left between the fingers, so cold and desperate.

Before coming out, on the altar that held millions of souls, all the souls that flew out were taken away by those giggling little ghosts.

They held the sickle that didn't match their height, and tied those souls away.

Xu Mang, who had been standing at the gate of the cemetery, saw that it was too early, but he didn't see us coming out late. He wanted to go to the cemetery with courage, but saw that we were coming forward.

He showed an excited expression in surprise, trotting up to us, and after seeing my tearful face, he asked nervously, "What's wrong, is the little girl injured?"

I saw him looking at me. I shook my head, wiped my tears, and made a terrible smile, and said, "It's all right."

Xu Mang is not stupid. He saw my crying cavity and the ugly faces of the two people beside him, and knew that something had happened.

The first thing he thought of was failure of exorcism.

But apparently he was wrong.

"Exorcism succeeded."

"That should make me happy, why are you all frowning." Xu Mang heard An Xuan's words, sighed with relief, his tight body relaxed suddenly.

I said with emotion: "Uncle Xu, you don't know what happened."

"This thing is not worth the joy at all."

Xu Mang looked at us in confusion, looked at me strangely, not knowing what I wanted to express.

I tickled the corners of my lips and smiled bitterly, seeing a bit of darkened sky, and stretched my hand towards the tower.

"Go back first and tell me what happened."

When we all sat down and recounted what we saw and heard in the cemetery, and in the underground world, Xu Mang's face was not what I expected, showing a shocked expression.

But his expression, from shock, calmed down, and finally calmed down.

He seemed to be no longer afraid of the cemetery. After knowing the truth, a middle-aged man couldn't help sighing.

"It turned out that my ancestor had done that kind of thing before."

I calmly said, "That's something from your ancestors. It has nothing to do with you and your family. Their sin has long been buried with them after their death."

"It's more difficult for me to let go, or the words she said before leaving. For the first time, I felt that a person can live this way and spend his life like this."

"All that I do is to give my people an account and justice, and I am willing to leave my soul in the sun for hundreds of years."

What words should I use to describe Xuanyuan Lingyin? I do not know.

After returning from the phone call, Chris sat directly on the stool and said to Xu Mang: "Mr. Xu, since your commission has been completed, you also know the truth of the whole thing and get rid of the gravekeeper. Fate and responsibility. "

"You can leave here and live your own life."

He was right, he stayed here because of his ancestors. Now he knows that the reason why the Xu family came here is not because of the call of God, the root cause has been completely resolved, and he can safely leave the identity of the gravekeeper and leave here.

Find a job in the city, buy a house, and if you can, you can have a relationship and get married and live your own life.

The Xu family can continue to continue, the blood lineage will not be broken.

However, Xu Mang's words continued to shock us all.

"No, I'll stay here."

I looked at him with my eyes wide open and asked incredulously, "Why?"

"Don't you have enough of it here? Otherwise, why did you ask Grandpa An to come here to drive out the ghosts, and now things are resolved, why do you stay here?"

At this moment, the decision made by Xu Mang and what he said made me feel for the first time that he was middle-aged.

A middle-aged man in charge, not the timid man he saw at first.

"Little girl, you said, this is the place where Xuanyuan's family used to be, and my ancestor did so much wrong. Just hundreds of years ago, hundreds of lives were killed here overnight.

"Like Xuanyuan Lingyin said, I can't do it and just leave."

I looked at him in surprise, he smiled slightly at me, his voice was very low, it seemed that his character was still relatively weak, but the momentum in the discourse was much heavier.

"Don't you say that there is a tomb for my ancestors in that cemetery? It is indeed my responsibility to guard it."

"And." He tickled the corners of his lips with a weary look, staring at one place whispered, "I'm used to living here, and I'm used to it."

"Still choose to stay here."

Chris obviously didn't agree with Xu Mang's decision, and frowned his golden eyebrows. He said, "I've sent someone over and arranged a place and work for you. Are you sure you want to stay here?"

I heard this and couldn't help squinting at Chris.

Even though his appearance looks cold and hard, his current approach makes me feel that he is a very good and generous man.

He can think about many things, and also to help a person who is not related to him or her to arrange a place of residence, or even find a job.

It was someone else. After coming here to help drive out the ghosts, I definitely left directly. Who would be so kind to help so many things.

Just when I thought Xu Mang would be so excited and changed his mind, he waved his hand and looked at the gradually darkening sky outside the house.

"Thank you for your kindness. I want to stay."

He said with a little embarrassment: "I was afraid of it, especially when I knew there was a terrible ghost in it, but your words let me know what I should do."

In the end, after our persuasion, he chose to stay.

One day in the future, I heard that Xu Mang built a tombstone for Xuanyuan Lingyin, right in the middle of the cemetery.

The line engraved on the monument is--

Embrace the believer forever.

After everything was settled, we went to the hospital. After listening to all the stories I told, Grandpa An suddenly leaned on the bed and let out a sigh of relief.

"Sin, sin." He seemed to be very shocked, repeating it there, rubbing his forehead, and finally closed the books on the table.

"It's been hard for you this time." He looked at us comfortably again and nodded with a smile.

"Especially you, Hua girl." I looked at Grandpa An in surprise, wondering why he emphasized me.

He looked into my eyes with a look that I couldn't understand, and at last he exhaled and said to Anxuan and Chris: "You can go to the two wards of the opposite door and help me see the children How is the injury? "

"Go and take care of your brother, Anxuan." He waved, as if to send Anxuan and Chris.

Chris seemed to know what Grandpa Ann wanted to do, and immediately retreated.

"Master Yan, would you allow me to talk to the queen mother alone?"

At first, he was reluctant. Even after my persuasion, he still didn't agree to leave, and finally had to stay.

"Hua girl, are you a retrospector?" Grandpa An asked, raising his eyebrows. Hearing these familiar three words, I immediately thought of Xuanyuan Lingyin and said the word.


"I don't know. Xuanyuan Lingyin also called me like that, probably because I can go back to their memories in their lifetime."

He looked at me with a complicated look, and asked with some worry: "Hua girl, how do you ..."

"Because the town ghost order is in me, I seem to have this ability."

I thought Grandpa An was asking me this question. Who knew he frowned and shook his head: "I'm not saying this."

"Grandpa An knows that you have a town ghost order. It is quite normal for you to have this ability. What I worry about is ..." He stopped abruptly, and just kept silent for a while before continuing.

"There used to be a retrospector. Unlike you, he has this ability because of the special reason of the town ghost order. He is also a yin and yang, and a ghost exorcist, but his ability is to trace the memory of the soul's life.

"But you know, what's his end?"

I couldn't help but hesitated. I always felt that once Grandpa An asked that, there would be no good things.

Sure enough, Grandpa An sighed and looked at me complicatedly, his mouth opened and closed, and he uttered a word for a long time.

This sentence alone is enough to make me feel the thunder of Wulei.

"He was crazy at last."

Grandpa An closed her eyes and said uneasily, "He was very kind and had a strong ability to drive away ghosts, but every time he traced back the memory of his soul, he not only consumed a lot of yang, but also lived a long life."

"Not only that, he also endured too many pains of these evil spirits, because they could touch the reasons why those unwilling souls would stay in the sun."

"Some are for revenge, some are for resentment, and the suffering of these poor people will be felt the same by the retrospectives."

Grandpa An sighed helplessly: "So, over and over again, his body is getting weaker and weaker, and eventually he becomes frail and sick. A large number of dark sides and the burden of his heart are all on him."

I know, I know very well.

I nodded and answered softly, "I know, Grandpa Ann."

Grandpa An touched my hair distressed, and finally held me in my arms. I patted my back with a rough hand and comforted me: "So, Grandpa doesn't want you to use this ability, even if you have it. do not use."

"No matter how strong a person is, you ca n’t bear so many tragedies. They will only get more and more pressure. In the end, it ’s like a mountain. Even a god, you ca n’t get away completely, you know, Hua girl? "

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