Biquge, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

what? Marry him?

Anxuan and Anning both had their eyes widened, especially Anxuan, the eyes were about to pop out!

"Do n’t dream anymore, how could my sister marry you!" An Xuan stopped An Ning behind him and pulled the distance between them a lot, standing between the two of them, Gao Said.

Chris smiled and widened the distance between them. His voice was full of magnetism and raised his eyebrows, "I'm telling the truth."

It was only during the exchanges between An Xuan and Chris that An Ning found out that there seemed to be fewer people around them.

"Cousins ​​and grandpas? Why didn't you come back with you?"

Anxuan's body immediately straightened, and he immediately became stiff. Chris' face also appeared to have cracks. The smile on his face disappeared without a trace, and his eyes did not move freely. .

"Well, what about Xiaohua? How about you two?"

An Ning poked his head, looked around, and determined that he didn't see the person he wanted to see, and looked at them in doubt.

Still Anxuan excited, turned around and immediately walked round the road: "Ahem ... Ronghua, you know, just left with Yan Wang, probably to go back to the underworld, grandpa, they still have some things to deal with there, probably Will return in a week. "

In order to prevent tranquility, he followed up with a thorough question, and then said, "It's you, how is your health? We went to help these two days. How are you resting?"

An Ning made a movement of Mr. Bodybuilder, and said with a smile: "What's the matter, I slept for two days, and now I feel better!"

It was only when she was doing the extra shame that she noticed Chris, who was looking at her aside, a flush of cheeks suddenly appeared on her cheeks, and her hands in the air were awkwardly lowered.

"It's okay, so Grandpa won't worry about you when you come back, you don't have to force it in the future."

Chris kept looking at Anning with a smile. Anxuan noticed his strange look at his sister and said excitedly, "You boy, don't give me any thoughts, my sister won't marry you."

"At that time, I personally heard the owner said that I and Ms. An were engaged."

Anning was confused, and after hearing this sentence, she opened her eyes in disbelief and did not expect when she would make a kiss with this foreign man.

"Don't fart, you were all babies at that time, how could you count what you said?"

Chris suddenly smiled slyly, his eyes full of narrowing.

"But didn't you understand Miss An's request?"

An Xuan gritted his teeth, and for a while he was speechless, and An Ning was still in the clouds and fog.

"As the eldest son of the Anjia family, you should know that your family's ability to exorcise ghosts can only be learned by your own family. It cannot be passed on, and the exorcism family in our country M is also the same."

"Unless I marry into our family and become a member of our family, I will be able to teach you."

Chris looked at Anning seriously and said calmly.

An Ning sighed with regret. It would be impossible to marry Chris. For her, Chris is still a stranger.

I've only seen the man I met twice before, so how can she marry.

"But ..." Chris learned to sell Guanzi. He glanced at Anxuan and reminded him.

"I came here this time because something happened at home. I specifically asked some people to come back with me to help me. I can take you through the exercise and you can just follow us this time."

Anxuan didn't want to be a million. At the beginning, he worked hard and wandered outside from a very young age, just to prevent An Ning from suffering. He thought that if An Ning didn't learn the ability to drive ghosts, he must be strong enough to protect her .

Now letting An Ning follow Chris to country M is no doubt pushing her to the battlefield.

Although she now decides to inherit the family business, from the perspective of An Xuan's sister, An Ning only needs to learn a few basics and be able to defend herself. He has the capital to protect her life.

"No, I don't agree!"

Anxuan was so angry that he was about to jump. Anning didn't seem to realize the mind and thought that Anxuan had been hiding in his heart. He looked at Anxuan indifferently, as if he was angry with him. Come.

"I'm going with you. Although I don't know what happened, I think you must have discussed with Grandpa what you said, so take me with you."

"Grandpa, I'll go."

An Ning resolutely said, but An Xuan yelled and was very anxious: "Don't make a fool! Do you think things are so easy and easy? Chris' family is bigger than ours, even they are understaffed. What are you trying to resist?

"Also, your ability, even Xiaoru's level of evil can not dispel, do not help."

Anxuan's tone may be a little heavy, An Ning's face suddenly pulled down, and the wayward temper suddenly came out. The next step brought some enthusiasm.

"What qualifications do you have to control my actions? Did you go out to practice when you were not too young? Why don't you let me go now?"

An Xuan was confused by this sentence of An Ning.

Chris has been watching the show aside, knowing this, knowing that he will not try to relax the atmosphere between them, it will be a war.

"Okay, okay, don't you believe in my ability?"

Chris rubbed his forehead with one hand, feeling distressed.

"Since I say this, it means that I can guarantee the safety of your sister, and that the An family who went with me this time is not Miss An alone, you need not worry."

Anxuan was still reluctant, and finally was anxious and anxious. He was helpless and unable to cope with his sister's temper, and had to yell at Chris angrily: "Okay! Then I'll be together! Count me one ! "

"Otherwise, no way!"

Chris calmly appeased the explosion of Mao Anxuan and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, let's go together, if this can make you feel relieved."

"Have a look after each other, right?"

At this moment, An Xuan breathed, hands around her chest, leaned against the doorpost, a look of breath, but no longer dealt with An Ning and Chris, it was a compromise.


I woke up from my dream and found that I was sleeping on the bed of Yan Wanggong. The clothes that had been kicked to the ground were missing, and there was a neat ancient costume beside the bed, and the ghost was gone.

The only place in the quilt where I slept was warm, and there was a slight fold in the position next to it, but the bed was cold and cold.

I pulled the quilt with one hand and sat up from the bed. The soreness from my waist and legs made me grit my teeth, and I yelled in a swearing sentence: "Asshole!"

That asshole! I have never seen anyone like this! Haven't you been warm for a while, too much!

I felt my belly and looked at my ruby ​​bracelet, and I was a little worried.

Last night, the demon was indeed very fierce. I was a little worried about the safety of the little guy. Before I asked the question, I saw the red jade bracelet flashing red, and I knew the little guy was telling him that everything was OK, I'm relieved.

All right.

"Baby, after I give birth to you in the future, you have to teach that scum!"

How can it be so pregnant? The saint is really reassuring to the little guy, and he is not afraid of him "falling". In retrospect of the war last night, my cheeks are red again.

Suddenly, a breeze of wind blew in from the half-opened window. I shuddered and picked up the clothes next to the bed. When I was about to put them on, I was in trouble.

Several pieces of clothing, from thin to thick, five full, are all ancient clothing.

The reason I'm in trouble is ... I don't know how to wear this dress.

I held my clothes in my hands, looked at this, looked at that, and finally threw them all onto the bed in annoyance, my head as big as a bucket.

My heart is filled with turbid air!

Not anger! I think I'm going crazy! I even think that this is what the lascivious deliberately did!

I thought that my modern clothes and my underwear and shorts were gone, and I was angry.

It wasn't enough to toss me all night, and now it bothers me how to wear clothes. I can't wait to catch the ghosts and beat them hard!

Just when I was angry and helpless, a familiar black butterfly flew in from the window.

The red powder spilled to the ground and spread in the air, emitting a little red light.

The red pattern on its back is also brighter, flickering and flickering, especially beautiful.

The black butterfly seemed to know that I was distressed, and flew up to me, flew around my body, and then flew to one of the clothes, dancing up and down.

I froze, and after a few seconds, I knew that the black butterfly should guide me in the steps and order of dressing.

I was still looking for help from the beginning, but when I thought about this huge palace, there weren't many servants, and the palace of the emperor was only accessible to me.

It seems that this black butterfly should be specially sent to help me.

"It's kind of your conscience."

I muttered my mouth, muttered in annoyance, and stepped on my clothes step by step, following the instructions of the black butterfly.

Until the last robe was put on my body, I looked down at myself, trot in front of the mirror, and took a picture.

Although I wore my shawl and had no decoration on my head, this outfit still made me a little amazing.

Very delicate fabrics are smooth to the touch, the outer robe is violet, and red patterns are embroidered on the sleeves and hem.

From the back, you should be able to see what pattern is embroidered at the hem.

I turned around and looked at it, and was immediately fascinated by the scenery in front of me.

The blooming clusters of flowers on the other bank bloomed on the purple cloth, and I even faintly saw the flowers emit red light.

Just like the pattern on the black butterfly.

I was going to pull my robes and see clearly that a mask appeared on my side instantly and startled me.

A pair of powerful arms slammed me from behind, the familiar breath rushed towards me.

"Huaer is so beautiful."

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