Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 207: Strongest man column

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

Everything in front of me was so real. A witch passed by behind me and walked in one direction. I looked around and rubbed my eyes vigorously.

No matter how incredible I am, the reality is before me, I have to believe it.

"Yuri sauce!"

The cry of that witch led me to the past, and I quickly got up from the ground and chased after me.

I saw the witch walk to the side of another witch, and I looked at the witch's face and froze in place.

The girl's face overlapped with that of the girl in that yellowish photo.

She is Yuri Kurosawa!

I was taken aback and wondered if I could be seen by these people, just in case I hid behind a pillar.

It seems that I was really brought to the period where Yuri Kurosawa was by an unknown force.

I should be in the shrine at the moment.

It's just their conversation that makes me have a headache.

I do n’t know Japanese. If Yuri Kurosawa wanted to send me some information through this method, even if I saw it, I would not receive accurate information.

Because I do n’t understand!

This is awkward!

I stood behind the pillars, regardless of 37,21, and listened first to see what they were saying.

When I was still worried about the language barrier, the ruby ​​bracelet on my hand lit up, even though my ears still heard strange Japanese, but when these conversations reached my brain, there seemed to be another voice, Helping me interpret.

"Yuri sauce, Lord Magistrate is looking for you."

Kurosawa was sitting in the room kneeling with her hands folded on the witch costume. She slowly raised her head and saw a slight smile on her face after seeing the person. Two cute pear vortexes bloomed at the corners of her lips.

But she hadn't waited for her smile to bloom, and the smile on her face froze instantly.

"Zhenxi sauce ... what is the Lord Master looking for?"

An uneasy expression appeared on her face, and the witch who came to the notice shook her head innocently: "I don't know, you should go now. I think Master Shen Guan's face is not very good. I think something urgent needs you."

Yuri's face was even more ugly, but at the urging of Zhenxi, she got up and left the room in a hurry.

The clergyman is looking for something in Yuri, and it looks very late this evening. In the evening, there must be no good things.

Just as I was going to follow Yuri quietly to leave, the real hope at the door seemed to have found me, and looked at me, startled me!

When I found out, she just glanced at me casually, and then left like an innocent person, knowing that she couldn't be seen by them.

Also, if you can see me, it means that my entity has penetrated into history, which means that every act I take, any small behavior, will cause history to change, and in the end will be like a butterfly effect. In the future The world has changed because of me.

The rules absolutely do not allow me to behave in such a bad way.

I watched Zhenxi leave, but her dark eyes, with the compassion in her eyes, made me take part.

Sure enough, something happened.

Behind the door, I clearly heard the conversation between the two inside the door.

"Yuri, it's the ceremony soon. How are you preparing?"

After that, there was a long silence. For a long time, Yuri suddenly cried: "Master, why am I, why did you choose me ..."

Weeping voices came, and I heard her crying sadly, and it wasn't a feeling in my heart.

"This is God's direction. I called you today to inform you that you have no room to refuse."

As soon as the master's decisive words fell, the sound of the door rang sounded. Obviously, he left after violently speaking the harsh words, and left Kurosawa Yuri alone in the room.

Suddenly, I heard hurried footsteps coming from the other end of the door, and hurried to the side. I saw the door quickly opened, covered my face from inside, ran out of the room, and wept while running.

It seems that this should be the reason why Kurosawa fled.

She did not hesitate to travel long distances, away from her homeland and homeland, and came to a neighboring country, probably to avoid the disaster.

As for the "God's instructions" said by the priest, most of them are to have Kurosawa Yuri as a pillar of people, and what ceremonies to perform at that ceremony.

I think my reasoning and guessing are definitely correct!

It seems that now, as long as I keep up with Kurosawa Yuri, I will unveil everything that happened to Sun Moon Hill.

I trot and followed behind Yuri, and when I knew that these people could not see me, my courage was a lot bolder.

Yuri finally cried and ran to a wood behind the shrine. It was dark, and only a few lights along the road slightly illuminated the entrance of the wood, and she was shrunk in a tree in the shadow. Then, holding her knees and crying.

I know her ending, and I even know the tragic end of the girls who are the pillars of her people. Her cry was full of despair and depression, so I couldn't help coming to comfort her.

As I slowly approached her step by step, a mother-in-law who came out from behind the shrine interrupted my movement.

Her mother-in-law, wearing cloth clothes, carrying a lantern, moved her less aura, and ran out anxiously, looking around for something.

"Yuri sauce! Yuri sauce!"

She cried her hoarse voice, anxiously calling Yuri Kurosawa's name, but Yuri, who was drowned in sadness, did not reply to her.

After a while, she found Kurosawa under the tree, walked quickly, set the lantern aside, and bent down to hug her.

"Child, why are you here?"

Yuri raised her head and saw the mother-in-law in front of her. Tears flowed down from her eyes. She hugged her white-haired mother-in-law tightly and cried: "Mother-in-law, why is it me ... Whoohoo ... "

There was a distressed expression on her mother-in-law's face, but more was helpless and sad.

She hugged the crying tears, she did not hold back, and shed two tears.

"Child, this is all fate."

I frowned when I heard this sentence, and felt very upset in my heart.

I hate to use "fate" to speak. This is not only a kind of self-consolation and self-deception, but it does not help the person who will endure suffering.

It will only make them more desperate and make them arrogant.

"Child, do you want to know why?"

Her mother-in-law spoke slowly, and Kurosawa heard her say, her crying moments were much smaller.

It seems that this old man knows something important!

I was so excited, I thought, maybe everything she said next was the secret of Sun Moon Mountain!

Nodding from inside, the sadness in her mother's eyes became stronger.

"Your mother, who was also a pillar of humanity, finally sacrificed to the gods here ..."


I seemed to hear a giant thunder directly on Yuri Kurosawa's head, her eyes widened, and the tears on her face had not completely dried out, but people could not stand anymore, and her legs were soft and I saw her. Flutter, sitting on the ground kneeling, his eyes staring dullly.

"Impossible! This is impossible! Mother-in-law! You told me that my mother died because of illness! You said it!"

She held her head and shouted, her voice sharp and stabbing my eardrums.

Her dark hair floated in the air, swinging constantly, like a claw in the night.

The mother-in-law hugged her and said everything.

"I'm sorry for you, sorry for your mother and daughter, I really tried my best ... but now, not only did I not protect your mother, but you and I will lose it."

She wiped her tears, recalling her past, and slowly said, "Before you were born, your mother was the most famous witch in this shrine. She was light and beautiful and had her. The guarded shrine, the people in the mountains live a peaceful life. "

"She has been working to rescue those witches who have been used as human pillars, and because of her high status in the shrine, she has not been reduced to sacrifice."

Yuri's cry faded gradually, and her mother-in-law slapped her on the back, soothing her.

"But in the summer of that year, everything changed."

She let go of her hands, freeing Li from her arms.

"The grains planted by the farmers in the mountains have not been harvested. The houses have become extremely vulnerable due to the pouring rain in summer. A large number of houses have collapsed. What is more weird is that all the buildings were damaged shortly after being built for various reasons."

"The mountain people have no rations for survival and no place to live, so they all attribute it to the gods and go to the shrine to pray for blessings."

I listened quietly, carefully recording every word and every sentence of her, and the voice in my head translated my conversation to me.

"But even so, their lives have not improved in the slightest, but it is even more difficult, and even after dedication of a person, the status quo has not changed."

Yuri immediately grabbed her mother-in-law's clothes, and said with excitement, "So, because of this, I gave my mother and adult to it? Why? Why should we let us witches take this responsibility?"

When her mother-in-law talked about her emotions, she wiped her tears with her hands, and said helplessly: "Your mother doesn't want to, but your mother loves it. She knows that someone must be a pillar to sink into the lake behind the mountain Here, dedicate your strength. "

Her hands grabbed Yuri's shoulders, saying, "You know, the witches of Sun Moon Mountain have spiritual power, and your mother is the best of all witches, so she must do it. Otherwise, the apprentice will only sacrifice more innocent witches. "

Looking at her mother-in-law from the inside, she couldn't say a word, and the whole person was stupid.

"After your mother became a pillar of person, the deities of Sun Moon Hill disappeared. In later days, the weather was smooth, the fields became rich, the food began to fill up, and the houses people built were stronger."

I think I have cleared the whole context, so to speak, if Kurosawa's mother has strong spiritual power, then her child must have inherited her constitution.

I looked up and looked at the dark mountain, and my heart was disturbed.

Now that the master of the priesthood wants Yuri to be the pillar, it seems that the peaceful life supported by Yuri's mother has been broken, and the gods in their mouths have begun again.

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