Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 214: Madam, I am a civilian

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

Murray suddenly smiled, exposed a row of white teeth, and looked at me with a smile.

"After all these years, we have tried various methods, but we were unable to wake up our mother. We have already watched it."

Her smile was desolate and she missed her mother.

Although I do n’t know what happened 20 years ago and what the huge war between the two realms was, An Ning ’s parents lost their lives and Murray ’s mother fell into a permanent coma.

The attitudes of Anjia and Mojia to me are in my eyes, so this time, I must give all my strength to help Mojia.

I glanced slightly, seeing Murray pretending to be indifferent, without ignoring the grief in her eyes.

This made me even more determined.

I thought of the peace in Country M again, and Grandpa An again. The feeling of uneasiness struck again. I was familiar with this feeling, and I was worried about my relatives and friends who were there.

Even if the seducer hides it even better, I still notice his solemn expression.

In addition, my mother is also on a business trip in country M. No matter what, I must keep an eye on the development there.

If something happens, I will fly to country M immediately!

I sat in my seat and stunned, Murray suddenly seemed to have found something, eyes stared at my stomach, and stunned: "Xiaohua, have you been fat recently?"

I was drawn back to her thoughts, but was almost drooled by her words.

"What did you say?" This is the second person who says I'm fat!

I wore a tight-fitting undershirt today, and a light pink short coat was set on the outside, and her eyes kept staring at my stomach.

It seems that without knowing it, the little guy has grown up a lot, even Murray can see the clues, but the unknown Murray has mistakenly thought that I was fat, which made me cried and laughed.

I don't want to talk about the little guy in the belly for the time being. Although she can accept me to marry Yan Wangming, I am not sure whether she can accept a "ghostbirth" in my belly.

After having breakfast in the bedroom, we went to the classroom for a class, breathing the familiar air, watching the familiar crowds rush to the teaching building, and my heart flew up.

This is the first time I feel that the life of college is great.

Carefree, laughing and joking with roommates, no worries, as long as you do not study in school.

Even the professor who was a little bald made me feel very kind. It seemed that he knew that I was "pregnant" and he was more relaxed. I sometimes couldn't help taking a nap in class. Even if he saw it, he didn't do it. sound.

Of course, as soon as I come to class today, some girls ca n’t wait to come to me and ask me about scum, and naturally there are jealous girls who come to find fault, and see that I do n’t wear a ring, they make a fuss , Think that I was pregnant before marriage or something, it is particularly ugly.

I didn't take these people to heart, but Murray couldn't stand it.

Her personality is very similar to that of her second sister Mo Yin, and she has a strong temper, but she lacks the momentum of Mo Yin.

"Okay, don't worry about them, go our way, let them go."

I grabbed Murray, who would stretch out her small claws at any time, and let her sit back in position, and soon go to class. Don't affect my mood for one day for some unrelated people.

As the bell rang, a person walked into the classroom, and the moment I saw him, I was scared to stand up from my seat!

The familiar face with a smile like Mu Chunfeng, a soft black hair tied behind his head, did not add a slight femininity to him.

The fair skin can be broken, and the handsome face has a pair of wise eyes.

This ... why is the judge here? !!

I swallowed, and all the students in the class fell silent because of the handsome guy who suddenly appeared.

The judge looked at me with a look of surprise, but just smiled softly at me, as Mu Chunfeng said, "This classmate, please sit down first. You will greet me with such enthusiasm. I will be embarrassed."

His slightly funny words made the students in the class laugh, and I blushed and sat back with my butt.

After speaking, he introduced himself: "I am your substitute teacher. Due to the teaching of the body, I may not be able to come to class for a while."

"You can call me an official professor or an official teacher."

The scum appears to come to the classroom to look for me, even if it doesn't matter, why did the judge come here for the fun, and also come to give us lessons?

I sat back in my seat, with Murphy holding her face in her hands, and her eyes were bright: "Wow, I thought I could only see this scene in Korean dramas. I did n’t expect to be so handsome, so young. Professor. "

The appearance of the judge made my heart suddenly heavy.

Hades have been busy because of the war, so why should Seki send people to Hades? Isn't there enough manpower?

He seemed to not know me and started his class with due diligence. Compared with the previous professor, the judge's lecture style was very different, and he had attracted the attention of many students.

Before I thought, this class was a mix of credits chosen by the students, and I sighed in my heart.

The charm of handsome guys is really great.

But I couldn't concentrate on listening to the lesson at all.

Worried about what happened there, he was puzzled by the sudden appearance of the judge.

After class, I did not hesitate to get up from my seat, ran to the podium, stopped the judge, and looked at him seriously: "How did you come here?"

As soon as I left the seat, the girls who came to look at me stared at me with vicious eyes, and said sourly: "They are all married, and they are playing together, even the official professors do not let go."

"That is, if you look at the class, she can't wait to run up to the podium to hook up with others. It's shameless."

There was a girl who echoed with her, and I didn't hear these words, but it happened that Murray not far away caught it!

"Hello, keep your mouths clean."

She was very unpleasant to some of the glamorous and cheap goods in the class. Originally, she had no classes today, but she still came with her. When she saw such students in the class, she really felt appetite.

Suddenly, Ye Yao also came over and stood beside Murray, helping to set off: "Don't worry about it, you'll have to pass the sixth grade exam, remember to pay the money to me, not overdue."

Murray looked at Ye Yao a little unexpectedly. She didn't expect someone to come forward and stab at her enemies.

The two girls rolled their eyes, one of them looked at Ye Yao gritted his teeth, and muttered softly: "Your mother is a neurosis, what's the drag." Ye Yao's hearing is very good, naturally she heard her say Then, this time, she directly hit her inverse scale. Her two eyebrows flew up high and looked at them angrily: "What do you say? You say it again !?"


I patronized the judge and didn't notice that the four people under the podium were straightened. I saw a few girls walking towards the podium with their eyes staring, but the judge said half a word and dragged him out of the class.

I quickly brought him to the corner of the tea room, and said nervously, "There are so many things in the underworld, and there aren't enough manpower. Why are you here? Don't you stay in the underworld to help the scum?"

The judge saw me in an anxious and angry manner, gentle and respectfully said: "Mother-in-law, I am a civil servant and will not go to the front line, and here is only my avatar, and the body is still in the underworld."

After he said that, I was relieved.

The avatar, that's good, as long as it doesn't affect the ogre.

"The king said that the little prince in his mother's belly was growing fast and couldn't accompany you to protect you at all times, so he sent me to help stare."

My heart trembled and I couldn't help lowering my eyes. This man ...

He was so intimate every time, so thoughtful about everything, I was really moved and ashamed.

I always felt that he had been selflessly dedicated there, and I didn't seem to really help him except to trouble him.

The judge seemed to have seen my thoughts, and his mouth said, "My mother doesn't need to worry about it, Wang will arrange everything properly, and I will always help him."

After hearing what he said, I nodded silently and let go of my hanging heart.

"I have asked my mother for more attention recently."

Holding the lesson plan in his hand, the judge gave a salute toward me and walked away.

I looked at his back, squinted my eyes, looked down at the ruby ​​bracelet on my wrist, and clenched my fists.

By the time I stepped back to the classroom, my classmates were almost there. Only four people were still standing there facing each other.

"I have long seen you displeased, isn't it tiring to chew your tongue every day !?"

"I think you're envying Xiaohua, huh! It's a shame for your parents that the girls are so uneducated!"

Ye Yao and Murray stood on the united front, and the two girls on the other side looked like dishes, and each reply was vicious.

I frowned and heard what they were talking about. It was about me, and when they saw that they were noisy, I pulled Ye Yao and Murder behind them.

"Oh, our Lord is back." A girl's eyes glanced at my lower abdomen, and when she noticed a slightly swollen belly, a ray of viciousness and jealousy flashed under her eyes.

"You obviously have a husband, and it's cheap enough to come and hook up with our new substitute teacher." She said she was going to pull my arm, but I was severely thrown away.

I froze and looked at them coldly, slowly speaking.

"You have the ability to marry a man who is as handsome and good as my husband. If you have the ability, you can also hook up with a handsome teacher."

I looked sternly at the two makeup-like monster girls before me, approaching them step by step, squinting.

"But do you have this ability? No, so you can only be a loser standing in the dark and constantly jealous and quick-talking!"

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