Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 225: Sea of ​​Fire

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

In the end, Bai Wuchang took me to the next five floors.

After all my explicit hints, she finally compromised.

"The lower five levels are not as harmonious as the next level. The lower the level, the more purgatory-like, and the more dangerous it is. Unlike these layers, there is no oversight."

The success of this impeccable sentence made me feel a trace of fear, unprecedented.

This has already given me a very uncomfortable feeling. Bai Wujiang's vaccinations at the moment are timely.

But ... the effect of her early warning was so small.

The scene in front of him is like the horrible purgatory described in the book. No, to be precise, it is more vivid and shocking than what is described in the book.

It is a scene beyond words.

We just landed on our feet, and a heat wave came! Wherever you look, they are blood-like red.

At the bottom of the foot is a trembling wooden bridge, and under the bridge is a river flowing with blood. The peculiar smell of heat and blood rushed into my nasal cavity, and the blood river even boiled, and bubbles bubbled up from the river.

When you look up, you can see a dark red sky covered with vermilion blossoming clouds. From time to time, there are several red flashes of current flowing between the clouds.

On the bank of the Blood River, there are covered with Sensen bones, some even piled up on the height of a hill, human skeletons, unknown animal bodies, mixed together.

Occasionally I saw a few ghosts drifting past, all of them with long hair, skinny limbs, black and long nails, pale skin, and green hair.

A heavy iron chain was tied to their feet, and a huge iron ball was dragged to the ground behind, leaving a deep mark on the grassless ground.

"Niangniang keeps up with Xiaobai, don't stay too far away from me, remember not to go near any soul here."

Bai Wuchang walked forward and walked forward.

At this moment, my feet were as soft as cotton, walking lightly, my body was a little bit crooked, and my heart beat almost to break through the sky.

"They ... what are they doing ..."

"be punished."

Bai Wuchang said calmly, and turned to look at me: "They carried too much sin in their lives, so they have to pay back after death."

"Xiaobai knows that mothers may be soft-hearted, but when they are alive, some of the things they do are outrageous and unforgivable. These are what they deserve and must bear."

I kept following Bai impermanence, and walked into the only city not far away. When we were about to walk in, all of a sudden, two slender tentacles came out, and they were densely covered with dense Sucker.

Bai Wuchang's mouth evoked a sneer, and said coldly, "The deity does not come here for a while, do you not know the deity as a beast?"

Her words didn't seem to be of any use, and the two tentacles were still blocked at the gate of the city, preventing us from entering.

They are also arrogant, flying up and down in front of our eyes, as if they were provocative!

"Hum, beasts are beasts!"

The voice of a white impermanent mature woman came, and the powerful momentum would shake the two tentacles ahead! Suddenly, a painful cry from a beast came from nowhere, the ground trembled constantly.

"What happened !?" I was frightened, not to mention how terrifying the environment was, even a thicker tentacle made me scared to stay in place, my body was extremely stiff, one step Can't move.

Only the hot air sweated my clothes.

Bai Wuchang didn't say anything. After being attacked by her, the two tentacles retracted in a familiar manner, and its body also appeared before our eyes.

A huge, translucent, octopus-like monster appeared at the top of the city. It was densely covered with crickets, and the same tentacles appeared just below it.

Two large black round eyes occupied most of its body and could not see its mouth.

To be honest, I really regret that I can follow, what is this guy who suddenly appears? !!


I swallowed saliva constantly, my body was stiff and I didn't dare to move. I was afraid that this big guy would see me as an unpleasant one, and he would take me away!

It was as if irritated by the impermanence of whiteness, shaking his tentacles and rushing towards her!

Bai Wuchang didn't move at all, and she was always standing in front of me. She just stared, the octopus-like monster screamed again, and her two ugly eyes were bent, and the tentacles were put back in a wrong way.

The expression made me less nervous, I actually thought it was a bit fascinating and cute, I was really crazy!

"Oh, don't forget, you are no longer the big devil you used to be, work hard, and give this dear Hu, believe it or not, and cut your hand!"

Bai Wuchang said fiercely, that some hoarse voices were filled with threats.

This is the first time I've seen Bai Wuchang have such a side. Usually, she gets along with me like a cute little sister, considerate, cute and docile.

However, I thought for a while, and I understood a bit.

No matter how cute Bai Wuchang is, she is always a high-level underworld of the underworld, a ghost.

How could she not be majestic and cold?

"The deity comes today to ask you if you have encountered Lord Yama."

The big octopus with big eyes constantly watched the scenes in the city, and then I saw the scene in the city. The ghosts with iron chains and iron **** on their legs and hands were carrying heavy wood in their hands. Go up a steep slope.

Once a ghost was lazy, the big octopus's shot was pumped to them all at once, and a firmer thumping sound than the whipping stimulated my eardrum.

And the pile of tall firewood, I take a closer look, what kind of wood, obviously is a bone with a white Sensen, they are like moving endlessly, no matter the ghosts have moved up and down for a long time, they disappear Bone piles have reduced dings.

The ghosts suffering in this layer endlessly carried these bones and entered a permanent cycle. They could not rest for a while, and felt the endless pain and suffering in this hot purgatory.

The big octopus seemed to be mad, and did not respond to impermanence. When you look at the eyeballs here, you just don't dare to look at impermanence.

"Is your skin itchy ?!"

Bai Wuchang yelled, surprised that the big octopus looked back, raised one of the longest tentacles obediently, and pointed towards the ground.

Seeing this, she squinted her eyes and gritted her teeth softly, "Is Lord Yama really going to the bottom?"

Isn't the seducer here?

I saw Bai impermanence biting her lip, her face was dignified, she looked up and said to me: "Madam, Lord Yama may still be on the following level, are you sure you want to continue?"

The lower the level, the worse the environment becomes, and it is full of more crises.

I've already come here, and I can't help but smile a little at the corner of my mouth.

"Of course, I will follow you." Even if there was a moment of regret in my heart, I couldn't resist my determination.

I must find the ogre! Looking at the scene in front of me at this moment, I know that the front is full of ups and downs, it is like going up the mountain of swords, going down the sea of ​​fire, but I don't flinch.

Bai Wuchang's eyes softened, and she suddenly smiled, holding my sleeve softly, and said, "Only a woman like a maiden will be seen by Lord Yan."

"Okay, we continue to the lower level!"

Bai Wuchang took me all the way down, and I was curious about the big octopus.

"That beast was a captive who had been surrendered in the underworld war. It was originally held in the penultimate layer of the underworld, and Lord Yama saw that it had remorse, so he cut off half its ability and let it guard the next five layers."

I opened my eyes a little in surprise, and I always thought that the seducer was harsh and even cruel when exercising the duties of the king of the dark.

He did not expect that he would have such a soft side.

"Although Lord Yan is sometimes ruthless, he is always the Lord of the Underworld. The ultimate goal is to hope that the souls can find good thoughts. The last place to go is the reincarnation door, instead of suffering in the underworld all the time."

Bai Wuchang smiled and explained to me that before I was relaxed, a loud noise came suddenly!

Now we are on the bottom seven floors. Just as we landed, I saw the person who had been dreaming about me for a few days!

"found it!"

Bai Wuchang looked around, and the ban on this level had already begun.

The incomprehensible mantras covered the ground and the entire sky, as if the entire space had been sealed.

Her voice was dry, and she said tightly, "Sure enough, the ban was opened, otherwise there would be no connection."

He was standing back to me, standing there, his robe swaying from side to side due to the strong wind, and a black hair was flying in the air.

I was excited and shouting, but I saw, in his arms, leaning on a familiar girl.

The long white hair looked particularly dazzling against this dark background.

It's Saya.

Even Bai Wuchang noticed her.

At this moment, naturally I am not jealous. When I make troubles unreasonably, I hear the words of impermanence and ask immediately.

"What is a ban?"

She said in a low voice, explaining: "Because there are many levels, in order to facilitate management, there will be a ban on each level. The ban is to respond to emergencies."

"It will only be turned on when it is absolutely necessary, and this layer will be isolated. No matter what happens here, it will not spread to other layers. Of course, we cannot reach the people who are in the ban."

Her voice had just fallen, and the ground was shaking again. Before I could stand still, I fell down on the ground!

The tall black shadows not far away were all exposed to our eyes.

"Impossible!" Bai Wuchang screamed, she shook her petite body and shook her head, and murmured, "How is it here? Isn't it held at the bottom ?!"

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