Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 235: What international joke? !!

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

"Eileen said! She spoke!"

An Ning grabbed my hand and was about to cheer. I was busy pulling her and closing her mouth, lest we all be found.

"You calm down!" It was as if she had confessed herself, and I couldn't pull that excitement.

However, I never thought that we could hear some surprises this time overhearing.

Irene's confession was completely beyond my expectations, and I thought that she would talk about some topics like many times before, wasting another chance to get along with Anxuan.

An Ning's face was smug, with a grinning smile, and said gloatingly: "I'd like to see how An Xuan would respond to Irene. It's been a long time since I saw him in distress."

Really, I really saw my younger sister doing this for the first time, and I was happy with my brother's discomfort. Should I be happy or sorry for that?

Unsurprisingly, An Xuan's hair-cutting hand stopped for Tom, with a look of surprise on his face, and looked up at Irene beside him, looking unbelievable.

"what did you say?"

He seemed to ask again in order to make sure that his ears were not wrong, but it was Irene who dared to confess his courage, but suddenly he couldn't say a word, his face rose like a cooked one Crab-like, red and red.

"I ... I like you."

I can't help but admire Irene a bit. If I were to change my character, don't say a confession. Let me say the words "I like you", and it will probably kill me.

His skin is too thin for Chen Ye to do.

And this big straight man An Xuan, even asked a second time, but also made Irene confession a second time.

"Sorry." Anxuan replied blandly after hearing Irene repeated her words shyly again.

Her confession seemed to be in his eyes, just a common language, and could not set off any waves in his heart.

The word "sorry" had completely extinguished the last hint of hope in Irene's heart. She stared blankly at An Xuan, shaking her head, her mood seemed very unstable: "Why do you apologize? Are you ... ... "

"I'm sorry Irene, I ..." An Xuan was about to interrupt her. Who knew that her words had not been finished yet, she was interrupted again.

"Whether you don't like me, it doesn't matter, just tell me directly, I can accept it, no matter what you say, I accept it."

Erin's voice was a little crying and trembling slightly. If she hadn't listened carefully, she couldn't see anything unusual from her pretending to be calm, but her language wouldn't fool me.

When An Ning saw that his silly brother had rejected such a beautiful girl, he was so angry that he rushed forward to help them make this good.

"What is An Xuan doing? A girl such as Erin is so good, except that he is a little older than him. What's wrong with him, is there any dissatisfaction with him!"

"You are more excited than the two parties. This is a matter between the two of them. You are still at peace. Do n’t be careful. The situation is not so good at first. It has just been made more rigid by the two of us."

I reminded An Ning, after listening to her, I just smiled.

Feelings like this can't be reluctant, not to say how good Irene is. The key is that An Xuanxi doesn't like Irene, and it has nothing to do with whether her own personality is good.

Some people in the world will like scum, and some people will like white lotus, all kinds of people.

It seems that An Ning still does not realize this truth. As a sentence said, the strong twist is not sweet, no matter how good Irene is, others An Xuan has no affection for her, and there is no way.

"I don't hate you, Irene."

When Anxuan said that, she quickly explained, "It's not what you think. I don't hate you. You are a very good girl."

"Then why did you reject me? Anxuan, do you remember when we were all young? At that time, you came to our house shortly after, and the family was conspired by hostile forces, and evil spirits sneaked into our family home. It hurt me, or you saved me! "

Irene took another step closer to An Xuan, and Tom raised her head in fright with her voice raised, rising from the ground, and making a circle around the two of them.

"You know, I will never forget that day. At that time, you were younger than me and of the same body, but you stood in front of me and helped me drive away the evil spirit, and I always believed that my mother said A sentence. "

Irene said with emotion, the soft light in her eyes made me and An Ning see clearly.

Anxuan listened to her narrative. The expression on her face was a bit subtle, like moving, but there were some complicated emotions mixed in it.

"Mother said that her daughter is a princess and that her prince will be married to her in the future."

Alas-I saw An Ning almost sprayed, she covered her mouth with her hands.

"I thought that the words of Fairy Zixia would only appear in the movie. I did not expect that there would be similar words in real life."

My favorite person is a world hero, and one day he will step on the seven-color cloud to marry me.

From Erin's previous description, we can know that An Xuan once protected her, so what is he a hero to her?

Even if I didn't see Irene's face, I could still feel her expectant gaze and turned to Anxuan.

Anxuan shook a bit. He frowned, looking a bit painful, as if trying to get rid of something, and finally took a deep breath, and said, "Sorry, Irene, I already have someone I like."


Anning was pinching his thighs, and at the moment couldn't help swearing, and it hurt my hand.

"Breaking news! Blast news! Anxuan has a favorite girl? I never knew it, and he never told me!"

"His, you lightly."

I want to get rid of her light and heavy hand and pull out a red mark on my wrist.

An Xuan's sentence also surprised me. When he returned to China, I had contact with him for a while. I could not feel the slightest feeling of love from him except to show his face.

Do not all say, will men and women in love change their breath and even their personality?

Moreover, I don't see it at all, he looks like a person in a crush.

An Ning and I are not at a loss during this trip. Although the actions are not very clear-cut, we know a huge amount of information.

Shock! Irene confessed to be fruitless and was rejected. The reason is that An Xuan's heart has long belonged?

"It's impossible. You've been at our David's house all year round. The closest thing to you is our house. Where do you like girls?"

Irene seemed to be stimulated, emotional, sharp, and said sharply, her arms waving. She covered her head and finally covered her face.

Suddenly, her body was stagnant, and she thought about what she thought, and laughed a bit bleakly, and said, "I know, is she right?"

An Xuan looked to the green grass on one side, and Tom who had run away, said nothing.

"Is it Miss Rong? Isn't she like you?"

An Ning really shouted at this moment, her eyes widened, her eyes were almost staring, staring at me, with extreme surprise in her eyes!

I was also scared by this sentence by Irene!

What international joke is it? Anxuan would like me?

He ca n’t wait to kill me. I ’m not going to talk about this. I ’m a married woman. Although I have n’t obtained a marriage certificate with Seki, I and he already have a husband and wife. Now, how anxious can Anxuan be like me?

Actually at this moment, I have the same thoughts as Fen Cai Anning.

Once this matter was put on me, as the person concerned, I could not appreciate what I thought at the time.

I am a wife and soon a mother, how can he like me.

If the time is right and the love is here, and the block cannot be blocked, naturally I will not change my status in his mind because of my identity.

When I was screaming impossible, Anxuan didn't give a firm answer.

"Why don't you speak, am I right? Ha ha, the woman's instincts are indeed accurate." She grinned with a bitter smile, tears flashing in her eyes, and she was emotional.

"Just now, after you got home, mom and dad were receiving you. Your eyes have never left Miss Rong."

Irene said so, I felt like I was about to explode, and I couldn't believe Anxuan would like me.

"It must be fake, An Ning, what An Xuan did to me after returning to China, you should be very clear, Erin is just trying to make an excuse for her failure."

I haven't had time to explain more, the next paragraph of An Xuan, like a solid slap, shouted on my face.

"Yes, you're right, I like her."

At this moment, I felt like I was hit by a thunder. I couldn't say a word, and my body couldn't move.

"I should have thought about it, but I still don't give up. I want to tell you what I have in mind." Irene let me down with a sad and sad word.

An Ning saw that my face was ugly, and before asking, I shrank and walked towards the garden.

They didn't know that Anning and I heard the whole process, but how should I face Anxuan and Erin?

I have just arrived in country M. After that, I may have to talk more about the David family. Now that this incident has happened, I don't think I will stay here.

Especially Irene, if it was me, I confessed to the person I like, and the other party rejected me for a husband's wife ... I just couldn't accept it just thinking about it!

Knowing that, we should leave after listening to the first half of the content.

If I do n’t know, it ’s fine. Once I become an insider, how can I see people in the future.

If Irene told this to Jenny, Henry, I ...

I suddenly had an illusion. I felt like an old witch who had broken up a couple of dependents.

"Xiaohua! Xiaohua!" An Ning also followed, grabbing me, and said, "Why did you leave?"

"I won't leave without being dismantled, and then the three of them will be embarrassed?" I sat on the wooden bench by the fountain, poking An Ning, and said unhappyly, "I wouldn't follow you anymore if I knew it, you said How will I face them? "

"Erline in particular, do you know that I feel guilty?"

I covered my face in annoyance, and my head was confused.

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