Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 249: Emily's Call for Help

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

"Looking at the toys here, most of this room is Emily's room."

I can't imagine what she has experienced. She was only a few years old and forcibly accepted the pressure that she should not be under this age.

The portrait hanging on the outside wall, the pale and weak face, the hollow and indifferent eyes, seemed to be telling me something.

"Induction came from behind this door."

Danatus took the crystal in his hand closer to the door, and the golden light was even better. I naturally understood why this crystal had such a reaction.

"Looks like we have to go in and find out?"

I pointed at the crystal hanging on his finger, like this.

"That's what it said, good." Danatus' silver eyes looked at the few of us. "But Miss Rong doesn't need to go in, you just need to stay outside."

Before I even spoke up to reject his decision, he directly said, "The dangerous things are of course left to us to do, instead of letting your mother-in-law follow us to take risks."


I was so anxious and angry that I didn't understand why they always treated me differently?

Just because I'm a lascivious wife, do they think that I must be the kind of person hiding behind and letting them take risks?

I remembered that at the time of Sun Moon Mountain, Yang Ye and they nearly died in the lake. Would they still be alive without me?

Even if it makes me a little more useful.

I lowered my eyes, why do n’t you try to believe me once, believe that I will not drag you back, can help you, protect you.

Bai Wuchang raised his head, noticed my expression, and glared at Danatus, then took my hand and walked up the stairs.

"Mother-in-law, since he is going to be unable, let him go in alone, we will go up and wait for his good news."

"That was not what I meant……"

Danatus didn't seem to expect Bai Wuchang to misinterpret his meaning in this way, and hurriedly wanted to explain, but I was interrupted.

"I know, you don't need to explain, I listen to you, Xiaobai, you go in with your brother and him, and we will go back to the office and wait for their news."

Yang Ye saw the embarrassing atmosphere between us, and was very acquainted with each other. He did not come to make trouble, nodded obediently, and walked upstairs. Bai impermanently saw that I had compromised, and no longer tangled with Danatus, and flung his sleeves. The trot followed me up the stairs.

He said to Danatus apologetically, "My sister is rude."

"It's ok."

Sisyphus had been leaning against the wall and saw us coming up the stairs without actually mocking us, but after we came out, we went straight down the stairs.

Without saying a word.

"Huh! I don't understand what to put on the shelf. My mother and him are innocent and innocent. Where is his hostility?"

I couldn't help but think of the scene I looked back at before I came in, and a guess appeared in my heart.

"Probably, for Danatus."

"Ah?" Bai Wuchang apparently didn't understand what I said and looked at me in confusion, even Yang Ye looked confused.

"You are young, this is not what you should know."

I touched the head of impermanence, and I was not quite sure. It was my rotten girl who was in trouble, and just made them a pair, or did it matter.

"Ah, Xiaohua, I'm not a kid, can you always tell me?"

Yang Yan also followed the blind, and seemed to have to get an answer from me. I sighed helplessly, came to the desk, and put the crumpled photos and manuscripts in my document bag.

"You better not know, I don't think you can accept it."

"Xiaohua, you are looking down on me!"

I saw his gossip-like character like An Ning, shrugged his shoulders, pulled the zip of the document bag, looked at him with a smile, and said, "Sisyphus likes Danatus, I say so, you understand ?"

Sure enough, such a straightforward way of expression made this young boy who was unable to straighten up.

He was stupid, and laughed at Bai Wuchang: "Haha, look at your expression, it's so funny!"

"What do you mean by this ..."

Yang Zheng asked straightforwardly. I handed him the document bag in my hand, pointed it towards the side of the backpack, and motioned him to put it away: "That's what you think."

"What are you kidding, how is that possible! Are they not brothers?"

It seemed that Danatus and Sisyphus looked exactly the same, which puzzled Yang Ye. I leaned at my desk and looked around at the photos on the wall, saying, "They are not brothers, they just look the same. . "

"So there is no possibility of violating morality, ok?"

"That won't work, I can't accept it, how could they ... how could it be **** ?!"


I almost sprayed, Yang Ye was quite clever, I just clicked a little, he can understand what I want to express.

"I just said it, probably, so this is just my guess." I told the scene I saw before I arrived at the psychiatric hospital. Yang Yan stood still as if he had been thundered.

After a long time, he patted his chest with a little fear: "I always heard that there are many gays in foreign countries. I didn't expect that luck was so good, we met."

"They like each other, what's the relationship between genders?" I tilted my head and looked at him, Yang Ye also obediently put the East and West into the bag to prevent losing it.

"As long as they don't affect me."

I squinted my eyes, sexual orientation, and so on. I was not interested. I felt that I had never done anything to hurt Danatus or Caesar. I never understood what Sisyphus was hostile to me. Come.

Can't do it ...

I tilted my head, trying to reach the respect that Natus had for me, all manners of saluting postures ...

Is he just because of Danatus' treatment to me, so he can't get used to me? !!

I covered my forehead and was speechless.

Is it necessary to target me this way? I even think that Sisyphus is a bit unreasonable, and it can be said to be quite unreasonable. I didn't do anything. It was too much for me.


But after I sorted out my thoughts, I was sure.

Sisyphus actually discriminated against me. From the moment I saw me, even when I was the wife of a demon, Queen Yama, he looked down on me from the bone.

That's why he feels that it is a shame to make someone he likes salute to me, and that he can make things difficult for me, even if the export is demeaning to me.

Just now he saw us coming out, without mocking me. It was clear that what I said earlier changed him.

However, he is still the same with a bad temper. Compared with the previous words, I am very satisfied with such changes.

I saw Bai Wuzheng leaning out of his head, helping Yang Ming tinker with the coffee, incidentally stealing the food he brought, involuntarily walked to the portrait again, and looked up at Brown and Emily.

At this moment, I had the opportunity to look at their expressions and looks carefully. Suddenly, I noticed a strange feeling.

Brown's expression was very amiable at first glance, with a gentle and thick smile, but if my eyes have been staring at him for a long time, my heart will continue to grow hair.

His smile gave people an inexplicable sense of strangeness and thriller, as if a mask was put on his face, his smile became more and more stiff, and even began to twist.

In those dazzling eyes, what was glowing was not a vibrant and energetic light, but a kind of excited light that was almost insane and perverted.

I felt a current rise from the soles of the feet to the top of my head, my body trembled suddenly, my eyes shifted immediately, and I stopped staring at him.

Eyes turned to Emily's fair-skinned toes. The artist still painted her legs, but the facts were not as good as the portraits.

Reality is always crueler than what is shown in these paintings.

"Xiaohua, don't look at the painting again, and you're not afraid of having nightmares when you go back."

Yang Zheng is taking out a few bottles of mineral water from his bag, as well as a thermos and instant coffee.

"We must not be able to sleep tonight. I'm afraid you can't hold it. I brought coffee. Would you like to drink?"


At this moment, in front of Emily's room, Sisyphus and Danatus rendezvous. Heiwu often came to him, and asked in amazement, "How did you get down? Mothers ..."

"Your mother-in-law is very capable, at least, you have a good job on the lips, and nothing will happen."

When his cold face saw Danatus, it melted like snow in the early spring, and instantly became a lot softer.

Hei Wuchang looked up the stairs uneasily, and then thought that Bai Wuchang followed, so he let go.

"You should know what the ban is, then I don't need to explain it any more, you have to be careful." Hei Xianchao raised his hand, holding a black puppet in his other hand, and his fingers quickly became incomprehensible The Indian, forefinger and middle fingers merged and pointed to the door.


A very thin and crisp sound came, and the ripples on the door suddenly turned round and round, the cyan ripple turned out faster and faster, Danatus raised his black sickle high, Directly to the seemingly weak wooden door!

The door was not chopped, but opened like a slam!

In the dark, they can see everything, unlike living people.

The first purpose is not the layout of the room, but the bright red handprints on the walls, and the bright red characters that fill the room!


The entire wall, including the floor and ceiling, is full of bright red English characters. The blood handprints on the wall are very messy, and in some places, it can even be seen that the nails have been cut down to the grooves.

There was only a small bed in the room, a table, a wheelchair exactly like the portrait, and broken toys scattered on the ground.

Not even a window.

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