Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 252: Shh, i let you go

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

Oh my god, this gentleman-like man in front of me is not a pervert. !!

His eyes, excited and bloodthirsty, stared at me and became stiff, even as if I could feel the blood in my body to freeze ...

The sound of heavy breathing came from my ears. I thought it was Brown's voice, but no one knew it.

It was "I".

He touched down my face with those thick palms, then touched my neck, followed by the body in a sick suit. Although he praised and comforted me, his eyes lied Not me.

He can't wait to open my belly! I could even have expected that he would suddenly lift a knife into my chest!

"Oh, look at it, look at how delicate and beautiful your face is, so I will choose you, and only you will be worthy of my little angel."

He didn't know where to take out the dirty mirror and placed it above my face, that is, at this moment, I can understand my current situation, and relieved the doubts that kept in my heart.

I was still thinking about it. I am clearly looking back at the memory. Why did it become a part of this memory, not a bystander, just like being there?

The woman in the mirror is not my appearance at all. She has a foreigner-specific appearance. She is blond, with short blond hair slightly brown, and her eyes are clear blue like the sea, but her face is full of fear at this moment. And scared, his mouth was plugged fiercely by a tattered cloth!

She is very beautiful. I looked at her eyes carefully and was surprised to find that there was no madness or confusion in her eyes. Obviously, the foreign woman bound here must not be a patient in the hospital!

But a normal person!

And I also learned that my consciousness was attached to this woman! That's why I can completely and completely look at her perspective and feel the disaster!

This kind of development that has no scientific explanation can hardly believe it, but at this moment, the situation is urgent. Obviously, Brown is unwilling to wait any longer and can't wait to put on a mask!

The body began to shake violently, and I even became nervous and scared with this poor woman. Under the wet, I could clearly feel that my hips were cold, cool, and the poor woman was scared to urinate.

"Oh no no no, you can't do that!"

Brown was again insane, shouting with his hands over his head, half wearing a mask, shouting at me and shouting: "You can't do this! This is not beautiful! My little angel is not I will love you! "

To say that the whole psychiatric hospital is the one with the most psychiatric disease, this Mr. Brown. I have begun to wonder whether the patients here are not psychiatric patients at all.

This conjecture amplifies in my mind endlessly!

Is there such a possibility ... This psychiatric hospital is completely a gimmick, but in fact it has a meaning only to give Brown a place where he can safely plan and experiment?

Cold sweat kept coming out from behind, Brown saw me urinating my pants, and I didn't know where to draw a thick and long whip, which was about to be drawn towards me!

suddenly! There was a loud noise from the stairway in the distance, and noisy footsteps. Brown's face was blue, and there was a shadow over his eyes. He immediately took off his mask and took an empty bottle from the shelf on one side Bottle, hurriedly left the room and headed up the stairs.

I still murmured something in my mouth, and I only understood a few of the most familiar swear words, otherwise he didn't understand at all because he spoke too fast and I was nervous.

I squinted my eyes before I heard the voice from the office. It felt like someone had searched here. Before the mental hospital was closed, someone had realized the strangeness of the place and sent someone to check it early pass?

I don't know exactly when I look back in Emily's memory, but I know that this is the only chance I can survive.

If I hold it, I can escape from here and show all the evils that Brown did!

Sure enough, the woman on the iron plate started struggling. Even though I was attached to her, I could only feel her despair and unwillingness, but I couldn't really help her.

Not long after Brown left, a soft child's voice came from the side.

"Shh, don't talk."

Then, the squeaking noise of the door was opened, the wheels and the floor rubbed to make a gurgling sound, a touch of pure white and golden yellow appeared in front of my eyes.

It's Emily!

I widened my eyes in surprise, looking at the petite figure on the wheelchair. Her arms really held the same doll as I saw on the portrait, with blood-red eyes.

Her skirt was empty under her legs, as seen in the photo.

Compared to Emily in the portrait, she was more energetic at this time. Her every move made me feel like crying.

I can only look back at the memory, seeing such a beautiful girl, a little lively in front of my eyes, instead of seeing in the portrait, that is like a dead person.

But her eyes had lost their luster, and I tried my best to faintly see a ray of light from the bottom of her eyes.

That was her last stubbornness, the last hint of hope, and the last ray of light that belonged to her.

Sure enough, no matter what the woman sees now, even a mouse, she will faint into a daze. She struggles hard, with a continuous whimper in her mouth, and Emily's eyes are scared.

"Shh! Don't talk, I'm here to save you."

Emily poked out her little head and looked towards the stairs. Since the door on the stairs was closed again, we couldn't hear what was happening in the office, and we didn't know if the group of people who had sought out had left. .

In other words, the perverted killer Brown will come back at any time! At any time, Emily's rebellion is found, with the intention of letting this woman who is in my consciousness go away.

Emily's soft glutinous voice was very low. She was turning her wheelchair difficultly, approaching the torture device, while helping the woman to untie the cloth straps tied to her wrist, while keeping an eye on the situation on the stairs!

Through the woman's perspective, I saw the sweat on Emily's head, and that dry hair was not very clean, sticking to her cheeks, and her pale face that had not seen light for a long time had a sick look.

Her hands were shaking and her arms were full of pinholes and various scars, which made me feel pain in my heart. The thought of Sisyphus destroying her soul before looking back, and looking at her serious and strong at the moment, my nose was sore.

Just when she successfully unlocked the woman's two hands, preparing to remove the iron ring that fastened her waist from the nail on one side, the door to the basement opened!

Aside from being able to hear Brown's whispering to himself, the noisy vocals had completely disappeared.

As if the group of people who came to investigate just now does not exist.

The sound of footsteps from tapping was lifted from the stone stairs, and the sound of heavy breathing could be heard all the time.

Emily's complexion was even more pale. She panicked and held the key before her hand. She desperately wanted to insert it into the keyhole, but she failed to try it many times. I started desperately to close my eyes and just listen. With a click, the iron ring loosened around the waist.

"Run! You run away! There is a back door to Houshan. I stopped Dad."

She pointed to a door next to her room, where the locked iron door was half open at the moment.

The woman on the torture was simply exhausting all her strength, struggling to crawl from the top to the ground, and this sound was especially obvious in the quiet room, and it really caught Brown's attention!

"what sound!?"

Brown's footsteps became hastened, Emily pushed the woman with both hands and ran towards the back door, and I, after she successfully got out of restraint, consciously left her body and drifted aside.

The woman glanced at Emily gratefully and ran towards the back door with her bare feet, while Emily moved to the door of the room and gritted her teeth and fell to the ground. This caused Brown to come down from the stairs. Turning, I saw Emily lying on the ground.

"Oh my god! My baby! What's wrong with you, how did you fall to the ground? Didn't Dad say, you can't go out without my permission?"

Because the wheelchair was blocked at the door, and Emily attracted Brown's attention, the woman had some time to escape further.

Emily pretending to be in pain, she said calmly, "I see, Dad."

"You can't do this, you disobedient little guy." Brown hugged Emily horizontally and placed him in a wheelchair. He said solemnly that the anger in his eyes was different from the anger of ordinary people. terror.

"I want to punish you for not eating your favorite cookie for three days. I will now take you back to the room and stay in it." He squatted down and touched Emily's face with both hands.

"Soon, my little angel will be able to grow beautiful legs, and you will become perfect, no longer as incomplete as you are now, and your illness will be cured. Believe Dad."

Emily was acting superficially, in fact, I could see the despair and disgust in her eyes.

Actually, she knew everything. Judging from her risk of being taught by her father and letting her woman run away, she knew exactly what her father was doing to kill her.

Unsurprisingly, when Brown was about to push a wheelchair and return Emily to the room, he noticed that the "experimental body" that had been **** disappeared from the torture!

"No! What about her?" Brown shouted, his whole face twisted, and he seemed to realize something, and looked at Emily in the wheelchair suddenly. "You let go Is it ?! "

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