Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 254: Under the big tree in the courtyard

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

"What's the matter with you, don't stay at home in the evening, what's your outfit!" Sebastian put Catherine's injured foot on his thigh, holding a potion in his hand, and smeared those scars On the feet.

Catherine wore a blanket thrown by Sebastian, her body still shaking, her golden brown hair covered with dirt, and a few dead leaves sticking to it.

She didn't reply to Sebastian, clutching the blanket on her chest with both hands, and curled up on the chair, frightened.

"His—" When he was applying the lotion, he was still cleaning the dirt stuck to the wound with gauze, which caused Catherine to make a gasp sound, which seemed really painful.

The flesh and blood in many places were blurred, and even the belt meat was turned up, and the original intact feet looked a little startling at this moment.

Sebastian saw that Catherine was still flying away from the sky, apparently seeing what horrible things she must have encountered. She did not continue to question, and her movements were lighter.

The room was very quiet and the atmosphere was very dignified. It took a long time for Catherine to speak slowly and her voice was calm, but I still heard the exhaustion in it.

"There is something wrong with that mental hospital. We must, immediately, block it!"

Sebastian stopped his movements, looked at her strangely, and asked, "What's going on? The captain just sent someone to search yesterday. Nothing was found."

He was still puzzled and asked his doubts: "How do you dress like this?"

"Me? Didn't the newspaper have received an anonymous letter saying that the director of the psychiatric hospital, Brown, was doing something illegal, did your captain take someone to search?"

She moved her body, turned her side slightly, and continued: "I noticed that there was something wrong long ago, so I pretended to be a patient's family member, and was always lurking in the hospital, trying to find substantial evidence."

Sebastian wrapped the wound on her foot with gauze, hugged her to the side of the cot, touched her head, and said softly, "You sleep first, nothing else Think about it, let's talk about something when you wake up. "

After speaking, he was about to get up and leave. Who knew Catherine pulled him back, his hands were wrapped around his thick neck, and tears lingered for a long time, she choked and said, "I can't sleep ... today What happened late will never be forgotten in my life. "

"I'm so scared. It's terrible there. It's just hell. I'm so scared. I'm afraid I can't escape. I'm afraid I won't see you again."

I think the strong Catherine is crying like a child now, and her heart can't help but feel pain. What happened in the laboratory just now, let alone her, I feel trembling when I look at it.

Once a little mistake or mistake, the small life is gone.

Sebastian hugged her body, holding his face in both hands, and wiped the tears on her face with strong fingers, coaxing: "Shh, shh, don't talk, you need to rest now, don't think about anything , You are safe, I will protect you. "

Catherine sobbed violently, it took her a long time to calm down, and she fell asleep in bed with the help of Sebastian. It didn't take long for a rhythmic breathing sound to come.

After he helped her cover the blanket, she went out lightly.

Louis was sitting in the front shift room, holding a tea cup in his hand. When he saw him coming out, he lowered his voice and asked, "She is asleep?"


Sebastian sat next to his desk, flipping through the booklet on the desk, picking up a pen, and flipping through it.

Louis held a tea cup and stood next to him: "Tell me what happened, she's obviously like she just escaped danger."

Sebastian knocked on the table with a pen. "Do you remember the letter to the captain? Yesterday they took someone to search the mental hospital, and Catherine escaped from there."

"There is definitely a problem there. The captain must have overlooked some places. After all, Brown, after all, is not a good person."

Just after he finished speaking, he saw a white figure appearing at the door, Sebastian's eyes narrowed, and he calmed down without revealing flaws. He said quickly to Louis: "Stop your voice. Someone is here. "

Brown opened the door, Sebastian looked up, and asked with a serious look: "Mr. Brown, how late, is there anything?"

Louis noticed the dirt and dust on his white coat, and of course, his blood-red feet.

He had a gentle smile on his face and wiped his forehead with his sleeves. Louis had now determined that what Catherine said was by no means deceptive. He stretched his body toward his desk and sat down with one hand On the waist side, ready to pull out the gun at any time.

After Sebastian's words, Brown shook his body and said, "I just worked in the woods behind the hospital and hurt my foot. It is already the limit to come here. Can you bandage me? "

Louis caught the eyes of his good brother, walked back to get the medical kit, Sebastian tried to soften his breath, and he let Brown sit on a small bench aside and took off his shoes.

"Mr. Brown, it's better to go back to rest early at this late hour, and if there's any daybreak, you can do it again."

"What Mr. Police said." Brown was obviously unnatural. He looked around. When he noticed some faint blood on the ground in the distance, he pretended not to care and asked casually. "Mr. Police "Did you see a woman in a sick suit, she escaped from the hospital and was very sick."

Sebastian smiled and joked: "Mr. Brown is not kidding, who will come to us this evening, no one else, otherwise my colleagues and I will definitely send her back, you said right?"

"Oh, really?"

Brown's voice suddenly changed, and his voice became extraordinarily weird. Sebastian realized that he must have noticed something, and then, when he saw the wound on Brown's foot, his body vibrated almost invisibly.

This kind of wound was pierced by a sharp weapon at first glance. Only a prop such as a knife and a dagger can make such a wound. No wonder she just fell out of her clothes pocket while he was helping Catherine with the wound A sharp knife.

I've always been nervous, because I know that Brown must know that Catherine is hiding at the police station at the moment. Although his foot was injured, others are tall and big, and Louis was also sent to get a medical box. Sebass I'm afraid Dean can't handle such a tall man alone.

Just when neither of them stood still, Louis came out with the medical kit, and I was relieved.

Brown didn't catch the question and pursued it. After Sebastian bandaged him, two policemen came back from the door. It seemed that they had just patrolled the town.

He can also be regarded as acquaintance, and did not do anything excessive. After the wound had stopped bleeding, he left on his own initiative.

In my opinion, bandaging the wound was definitely not his original intention of coming to the police station. In addition to checking to see if Catherine had escaped here, he definitely wanted to find a time to take Catherine away.

But the return of the two patrol police was completely unexpected, and his actions and plans were lost. Similarly, the safety of Sebastian and Louis was also guaranteed.

No matter how fierce he is, he is desperately fighting with four policemen with guns.

After dawn, when Catherine woke up, the police station was much busier than at night, and Sebastian told Catherine about the captain.

It seems that this should be what happened before the mental hospital was closed.

I looked at the strong men in police uniforms, thinking that all things about that mental hospital would be exposed and announced to the world.

The following pictures were fragmentary, showing them one by one. Sebastian and a group of policemen appeared again in the mental hospital. Who knows that they are still one step behind.

The patients and a group of caregivers had been hacked to death and fell to the ground, in the corridors, and in the wards.

The blood and smell of blood all over the ground, the originally clean and tidy hospital, the harmonious and peaceful health center, just after one night, it became a **** on earth. Even the walls were splashed with red liquid!

I was a little scared in my heart, not because I was afraid to see these scenes, but at the moment, I found that I was a little numb to this shocking scene.

The collapse that should have occurred has also disappeared. Maybe, I have experienced too many similar things before that.

When they arrived, Brown was buried with a corpse under the big tree in the yard. He was still wearing yesterday's clothes and hadn't changed. Emily was in a wheelchair, crying aside.

I can fully anticipate such developments.

After all, the witness Catherine escaped. He definitely couldn't escape the legal sanctions, but I still underestimated the extent of his madness.

Instead of running away, he chose to kill everyone and kill all those innocent people overnight!

Only did not attack her daughter Emily.

What should I say, that he is perverted and cold-blooded, what does Emily's survival represent?

Is he still in love? In his twisted heart, he still has a feeling for his own dear ones?

Emily cried in that wow: "Dad, stop, don't do this!"

A group of policemen took out their guns in unison, aimed at the man who was still waving the shovel, and the chubby man standing at the front shouted, "Brown! You are surrounded, raise your hands, otherwise we It's time to shoot! "

But Brown didn't stop, as if he hadn't heard the warning of these justices, and still doing his own thing.

"I count to three! I let you stop! Hear no!"

The chunky police officer should be Sebastian's captain. His height is not very high, and his figure is a bit out of shape, but the whiteness that appears in the two slugs, and the sophisticated and brave look through those eyes, are Can see his extraordinary.

As the countdown ended, Brown still didn't stop.

I closed my eyes in despair and sighed.

With the drooping of my eyelids, a fierce gunshot sounded in my ear, banging!

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