Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 264: Woman who has survived for hundreds of years

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

I didn't see An Ning again. She never knew that Grandpa An and An Xuan lost contact with us on the front line. The whole person was crazy. As I thought, Henry didn't tell her where they were.

I never saw her again.

I heard the servant Anna said that she had been hiding in her room, and she didn't even eat three meals a day. I was a little worried.

Chris still comes to my room every day and asks me to report the reliable information he has received.

I mentioned Anning casually, and wanted to see his reaction. To my surprise, he looked completely unconcerned, as if the girl was on a hunger strike, and he didn't know him.

Just when I was absent-minded, Chris pushed a piece of paper in front of me and said calmly, "This is Catherine's home landline number, as well as her mobile phone number. She is now renamed Smith and has lived on F Continent. "

I took the paper and looked at him inexplicably.

Now that I have found her phone number, why not call her directly but give me the number?

Chris smiled and glanced at the paper with the number on it.

"Since Catherine has been able to live quietly to this day without making any waves, she must have concealed herself very well. She may not answer unknown calls. Even if she answers, she must have raised 120,000 vigilance. "

He supported his head with one hand and looked at me with a side smile, before he answered, and then said.

"You do n’t need to worry about peaceful things. She is no longer a three-year-old. She will understand why we do it. In fact, it is to protect her. Sometimes, impulsiveness cannot solve things, and it will cause unnecessary things. Trouble, involving more innocent people, finally became out of control. "

It turned out that Chris all understood that he didn't really ignore tranquility, he actually saw it more clearly and thoroughly than anyone else!

He pointed to the paper in my hand and turned the topic back: "You said that you knew him, and from Yang Yan's side I also learned about the mental hospital. I think you have a way to persuade Catherine and let her meet See us. "

Chris' words were like a big stone pressed against my heart, and the paper in his hand seemed heavy.

I swallowed, thinking that Grandpa An and Anxuan were still in danger, and I couldn't sit still. Now they need me, and both the underworld and the sun here need the underworld.

I borrowed the phone from Chris' house and dialed the landline of Catherine's.

The receiver's busy speaker sounded for a long time before it was picked up by the person opposite me, and my body shook as she picked up the microphone.

"Hey?" A familiar woman's voice came from the earpiece. For a moment, my mind was blank. Then I realized that it was a mistake to call Catherine unpreparedly.

So, after hearing her voice, I fell into stiffness and overwhelmed.

"Hey?" Catherine asked again, the alertness and doubt in her voice increased obviously, and I didn't know whether my brain was pumping or something, and a name popped up in my mouth.

"Katherine ..."

The woman on the opposite side hadn't waited for me to respond, "clicked" and hung up the phone instantly, leaving me alone to stand there stupidly, and there was a helpless laughter from Chris behind me.

I blushed and lowered the handset in my hand. Chris seemed to know exactly what was going on and was not angry. He looked at me with a smile and shrugged his shoulders: "You scared her."

"I ... I don't know how to start, who knows her response will be so big, I just called her name."

Chris laughed directly, and when I saw the face turned redder, he became angry and glared at him: "What's funny, I just wasn't ready."

"Not in a hurry." He waved his hands, looking impatient and impatient. I felt less and less embarrassed. I slowed down my heartbeat and looked at the tall and handsome man on the seat.

He was really as good as anyone said, very polite and kind.

No wonder An Ning would not worry about him. Such a man looks very flattering, handsome, and educated and courteous. However, such a man often hides his nature.

No one knows what kind of person he is, so many people say, don't bully honest people, often many honest people are not really "honest", and how many of them are pigs and tigers, who knows.

Just as I stared at the phone and watched the paper in my hand, the phone rang again.

"Ding-bell—" The crisp telephone ring suddenly sounded, shaking my eardrum.

"Oh, here it is," Chris said, as if he had expected it, very easily. "Quickly answer."

I quickly picked up the handset.

"How do you know my real name?"

Her voice was a bit harsh, as if roaring out, the sense of alertness in it, I felt it immediately.

Obviously, Catherine does not want to be brought up again, and she does not want to expose what happened in the mental hospital before she chooses to remain anonymous. Isn't it a way to escape the past?

Emily's appearance before her death was still deeply imprinted in my mind. I took a deep breath and said, "I want to meet you, Ms. Catherine."

The opposite side fell into silence and did not respond to me.

"I know Emily and I know you. I came to see you this time, mainly to solve your doubts. After so many years, you haven't grown old, don't you think it's strange?"

Catherine was moved by what I said. She just hesitated for a moment and said, "We can meet, but I have a request."


"Please speak."

"When you meet, please come alone."

Should I go alone?

I turned to look at Chris, who was sitting on the seat, and hesitated for a few seconds before making up my mind: "Okay, I'll see you alone."

When Chris heard this, he looked at me in amazement and was about to say something. I immediately raised my index finger, pressed my lips, and motioned him not to speak.

Catherine told me the time and place of the meeting. I quickly took notes on the paper and then hung up.

"You want to go alone?" Chris disapproves. "Even if you know her, even if she is a woman, you can't go alone. I won't allow you to be involved."

"It looks like it's not time to look ahead." I handed him the paper in my hand. "If you really don't feel comfortable, you can send someone to follow up, as long as she isn't found."

Chris saw surprise again when he saw the meeting place on the paper. "What's wrong?" I wondered.

"This restaurant is not far from our house ..." He frowned and whispered to himself, "Is she in this city now?"


After getting the exact place and time to meet, I was preparing for the meeting. Catherine is a smart woman, especially after she has lived for so many years, she has more experience and knowledge than we do. If I use any means or scheming, I am definitely not her opponent.

Defensive heart is indispensable, and people will change. Even if I know that Emily is still alive, Catherine is an honest, kind, brave woman. After decades, it is impossible to guarantee that she will not change.

The day before the meeting, the ogre appeared, and he handled the business affairs of recent days, leaving time.

When he knew I was going to meet Catherine alone, he showed exactly the same performance as Chris.

"No, I don't allow it, unless I let you follow you." The seductively grabbed my hand, pulled me into his arms, touched the back of my head, and hugged me.

"Just rest assured, I'll be fine. She's a nice lady and won't fight me."

The demon froze my hair and nodded my forehead: "Hua'er, don't forget, she is the host of the phantom crystal."

"You have seen the power of the town ghost order. When I do n’t know what the power of the Phantom Crystal will be, I won't let you be alone. What if she can use the power of the Phantom Crystal?"

His concerns were really something I hadn't considered, so I had to color the ghosts.

"Okay, but don't show up, you know?"

The day came very fast. When I reached the restaurant, there were not many guests in the restaurant. At this time it was afternoon, not a meal or a weekend. The whole restaurant looked deserted.

A woman with golden brown hair is sitting by the window, her two hands are playing with coffee cups on the table, and from time to time look at the time displayed on the phone.

She still looks like what I saw when I look back at my memory. It hasn't changed much. She is still so young and beautiful, but between her eyebrows, there is a vicissitude and maturity in her body.

The seducer followed me without a voice, wearing a mask. At the beginning, I was worried that Catherine, who had a ghost crystal, would see the scum, but the subsequent development made me relieved.

When Catherine first saw me, she immediately became confused.

"Hello, Ms. Catherine, my name is Ronghua."

She stood up and shook hands with me. At the moment when our two hands touched, I obviously felt the little guy in my stomach moved, and then he seemed to encounter something exciting. , Constantly moving in my belly.

And Catherine's body was also stiffened, she looked at me in surprise, her fingers tremblingly pointed at me: "You too ..."

It seems that Ming Lingjing is 100% on her body. The little guy has such a big reaction, and in addition to Catherine's expression now, it seems that Ling Lingjing and the town ghost resonate.

I clearly noticed that her vigilance was let down, and a look that I could not understand appeared in my eyes, relieved, relaxed, moved?

The demon nodded at me, and I smiled at Catherine, reaching out to motion her to sit down: "Since they are all similar, I don't think you need to be too hostile to me, do you?

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