Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 270: Come back home

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

The affairs of country M came to an end. On the way home, I watched the tranquility of the car in the dormancy, stretched out my hand to help her clean the blanket, leaned her head back, and felt the shaking car.

Behind this car, in the car that followed, was Catherine's body.

I was so afraid that after Ling Lingjing left, it would cause too much side effects on her body. I was sitting in the car and still fantasizing. When we got home, Catherine's body had turned into bones.

Originally, in order to give Catherine a name, Caesar wanted to take her body to the underworld, frozen it, so that she would keep this status quo and never disappear.

But I know that we must give Catherine's adoptive sons and daughters an explanation, a statement, and we must pass their consent before we can take Catherine away.

I don't think Catherine would mind.

I came with this diary book this time, and wrote many ideas still blocked in my heart. The shaking car caused my hands to be very unstable, and my eyes began to become sour, but I Did not stop pen.

After going through so many things, I also have many question marks in my heart, waiting for me to answer.

"Ms. Catherine's adoptive son and daughter have me to think of a way, you take good care of tranquility for me, if possible, Irene also asked you."

Chris turned to look at me and said in a low voice. He looked very drowsy, sleepy, and his two brown eyebrows frowned.

I gave him a reassuring look and continued to record my experiences these days.

Write down some thoughts in my heart that cannot be described in words.

Before we got on the bus, Segu sent a black butterfly to hear the news. The troubles of the underworld were resolved. It may be because of the return of the phantom crystal that their processing time has been greatly shortened. It seems that they are doing it now. After work, come to me later.

The David family was really wealthy. We even mobilized a private jet to pick us up. Because there were too many Exorcists who were too badly injured, it was really inconvenient to take a regular plane. The private plane was able to return to our original city faster.

Only after the plane landed, a few stretchers took some of the injured to the ambulance and left quickly. An Ning draped with a blanket, resting his head on my shoulder, and holding my arms in both hands.

After getting off the plane, Chris quickly put on his attire. Several men and women with different skin tones and different hair colors came towards us.

There was also an old man in a wheelchair. When they saw Catherine's body, they all covered their heads and wailed while sitting on the ground. Even the sick old man covered his mouth. Weep silently.

After all, this scene has arrived.

I lowered my eyes, even though Catherine had no blood relationship with them, but she nourished them, and gave them selfless motherly love when they were the most lonely and helpless, so that they could grow up.

At Catherine's age, some of her early adopters and daughters are estimated to be dead, but looking at these men and women of different ages, there are many, and my admiration for her is getting stronger.

If only she was alive, that would be nice ...

I looked at the old, immature woman lying there, without vitality, and my eyes couldn't help getting wet again. In order not to let me lose myself again, I quickly turned my head and stopped looking at this scene.

"You said! This is not our mother! She is so young and beautiful, so wise and kind, how could she be like this now?" Sure enough, those daughters and sons who did not believe the truth shouted crying, some even Rush up and get hands on Chris.

One of the tall men with Mr. Bodybuilder stepped in front of Chris in three or two steps, waved his arms to raise his placket, and brought his teary face to his face.

"You tell me honestly, what happened to our mother? Why did she become what she is now? Well? Don't you give us an explanation?"

"Please calm down, don't do this."

A smart woman in business attire took off her glasses, wiped her eyes, and blocked his behavior.

"Calm? What a joke, how can we calm down, mother, she's gone, she left us forever, you look at her, wrinkled, and turned into a poor old woman, our beautiful and amiable mother? ? Oh my god, I must be having a nightmare! It must be! "

The sturdy man loosened his hands, covered his face and burst into tears, and his nose filled his face with tears.

Even though Chris has the ability, in the present situation, it is inevitable that he is a little overwhelmed. He has not thought of a better speech in a short time, and can only apologize constantly there.


I called his name softly, and An Ning raised her head with the noise, and I let go of her hand, walked to him, and handed him the diary in the bag.

"Tell them, tell them all the facts, I think, they must also want to know what kind of woman the mother raised them."

I looked at these sad people and said, "Please believe me, what Chris said next is all true, and your mother is really great. She is the one I have ever met. The bravest and kindest woman. "

Chris looked at me in surprise: "That's not good, Miss Rong, this is your diary ..."

"Nothing. It just records what I see every time I look back at the memory. It belongs to those souls' obsessions during their lifetime or the best memories of their lives. You just need to tell them what I have clipped. "

After Chris told me everything I recorded, Catherine's adopted sons and daughters opened their eyes in disbelief, and some even shook their heads because they couldn't accept what seemed so ridiculous.

But with the passage of time, after tens of minutes passed, they slowly digested so much information.

I think there must be something in their minds. Catherine has lived so long and was so young. It is an incredible thing, but I also expected her children. She will definitely accept and understand her identity and what she has experienced. .

Chris saw the content of this diary stabilizing the group of sorrowful people, relieved, and thanked me, "Thank you, otherwise I don't know how to face them yet."

I took his diary with both hands, smiled at them, and turned away.

They looked at me with complex expressions.

Because, I have such a sentence in my diary--

I have the same identity as Catherine, but I will never follow the same path as her.


The Exorcist, who was supported by the other family, was injured and needed to stay in country M for a while, and I went back home by air.

After all, I still have my studies, and my parents must be worried about me.

By the way, I haven't forgotten that I have a very important thing and I haven't asked my mother. When I got home, it happened to be the weekend and I opened the door. On the way, I was acquainted with the familiar aroma of meals and a touch of nostalgia.

The corners of his mouth couldn't help but raise, it seems that the scum is home one step ahead of me.


Mom and Dad rushed up, Mom hugged me tightly and rubbed me into her arms desperately, I think I'm going to suffocate in her arms. A sparkling liquid was shining in her eyes.

"You're all right, you're finally back, we want to die for you."

Dad wasn't as emotional as his mother, he just stood aside and said softly, "It's good to be back in peace, just fine."

I held my parents in both hands and listened to them. My eyes narrowed. I didn't say what I was going to do. From their words, it made me feel like they knew what dangerous things I would do.

And who the masked group of people I saw in Ding Ruoshui's memory, why the mother and Grandpa An supported me in front of me, and why the Mo family spoke such meaningful words.

Rong family ... what kind of family is it?

These, I think I have to know.

My parents took me to the table and kept putting food in my bowl. It was not a meal now. They even cooked such a rich table and waited for me to come back. I couldn't help feeling warm.

I think they have been away for work because of work. I also stayed at school from Monday to Friday because of my academic relationship. I can only go home on weekends. I can see them even less. The trio reunited and cherished even more.

I ate a few mouthfuls of rice, a few mouthfuls of vegetables, and looked up all around. I didn't see the ghost, and it seemed that he was mostly hiding in my room.

"Parents, I want to ask you something."

When they asked me this, they said curiously, "What is it?"

I put down the tableware and looked at them with deep eyes.

"Do we have any unspeakable background in Rongjia? You kept hiding from me and didn't tell me."


Dad had the spoon in his hand and fell into the ceramic bowl. His face changed slightly as if he didn't hold his hand, but he quickly returned to normal, pretending to be holding the soup in the bowl as if nothing had happened.

"Haha, what are you talking about, Xiaohua, what background can our family have, your dad and I are ordinary office workers, and your mother is the same. We are just a working-class family. You still think we are a hundred A billionaire? "

Mom echoed and said, haha.

"Yeah, yeah, did Xiaohua see a lot of rich men in country M, right? That's why I asked?"

"Parents, you don't need to hide anymore."

I looked at them seriously, and realized the dodge in their eyes.

"The Mo family gave me a lot of tips, even the people of the David family. Mom, I think you should never see the grandpa of peace, but you happened to be talking to him at the airport that day, do n’t think I did not see it."

The bland expression on the parents' faces could no longer hang up, and soon they would break power.

Just then, Dad's mouth was quick, and he accidentally said that he had leaked.

"Mo family? Which Mo family, which family specializes in magic stick ..."

"Shut up for me!" Mom interrupted Dad immediately, but I still caught it.

"Oh, I still do n’t know, I still have no background, when will you hide me?"

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