Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 276: Coconuts outside the house: fun before marriage

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

The wedding time is scheduled for the following spring and April.

It is said that the hotels that parents wanted to book were already boarded by other new family members, which resulted in that none of the best hotels in the city left us with April seats.

Later, I don't know what method the scum used, and successfully booked a lobby in a five-star hotel.

The relationship between Anning and Chris is heating up, and from that war, I can see that there will be some signs between them. After returning home once, Anxuan set out again, except for the far door, and chose to experience.

It is said that Erin seems to have let go of this relationship and did not tie him up, but the news from Chris, she was closed in her room for five days and five nights, and did not eat anything.

"Xiaohua, I should finish college in country M, so I should not be back this year!"

This is a short message that An Ning sent to me, or a word that came back to me after a long time. When this message was displayed on my mobile phone, I really wanted to break her off with her every minute!

"This stinky girl who is embarrassed!"

I have n’t had time to send a reply. She seemed to make up for my broken heart and silently said, "When you get married, we will definitely come back to your wedding."

"?" I raised an eyebrow. "We?"

She really thinks of Chris as her own person. When she claimed to have added "men", she was afraid that I didn't know that Chris existed.

But ... I don't know how they got together. I want to say that Chris is an old fox with a good thief. More vividly, he is an old fox with a beautiful young skin.

Obviously very young, but Xinjicheng is not ordinary, and very good at hiding his nature.

People like me who are unwilling to be friends with others do not choose to be friends with him. They are too tired. They feel like they are a fool in front of him. They see him inside and out. Including what I thought, but I couldn't guess his mind.

How could such a person win the peace of mind? This makes me wonder.

And when I went to country M, I didn't know what contact and communication they had had before, so I was also confused about how the two established their emotional foundation.

But, as my parents and I said, since the two of them are very happy to stay together, that's it. We don't need to worry about anything else.

This is what happened before the New Year, I always remember.

At the New Year's Eve, Seki brought the judge, and Black and White Impermanence spent the Spring Festival with my family.

Then the mother yelled at Bai Wuchang. For a woman of this age, she is defenseless against a cute little girl like Bai Wuchang.

At that time, my belly had grown a lot, and the protruding contours could be clearly seen, and it felt very elastic.

"Madam, when will the little prince be born?"

Bai Wuchang sat next to me and looked at me with a pair of big eyes. I touched my belly with a smile. Since the little guy grew up differently from a normal baby, when he was born is also unknown.

It may be as quiet as in the past few months, with no response at all, or it may grow quickly for a while, and it will be ready for delivery next week, or maybe.

The mother who was packing the chopsticks looked at me distressed and said, "What am I going to do about your wedding dress? As you told me before, if you are out of luck, your baby may even be at your wedding ceremony. Was born, it was really embarrassing. "

I waved my hand and calmly replied, "It's okay, Mom, it's time, and he will come out naturally."

"Then you want to give him a name?"

Mom was wiping the table sharply, and Dad brought the coloring ghost into the study. I didn't know what was being discussed, and I couldn't hear it clearly.

I seem to haven't thought about this question yet. I think it's time to discuss it with the ogre. After all, this name is a big deal.

"Hey, there are, haven't you gone to check-ups? Mom knows that your baby is not the same as a normal baby, but you still have to go for an inspection. This is the necessary process. Something went wrong. "

She tilted her head: "But what if they could detect any clues?"

I saw her rushing there, worried about this and that, and laughed out: "Okay, we'll check it after the Spring Festival."

When the demon came out to the living room, it was too late, his expression was calm, and Dad's face was filled with a satisfied smile, cheerful, I have never seen him like this.

Until Segui and I returned to the room to rest and grabbed him for a question, he didn't tell me, like a big secret, kept silent and kept silent.

"You tell me, I'm tonight ... I'm tonight ..."

I blinked at him, straightened my chest, and gestured constantly.

The slayer took off his coat and saw my face as if looking dead, but the body was still signalling something, and couldn't help laughing: "Huaer, you are so cute."

He didn't strike me. Instead, he hung his clothes on a hanger, took my hand to the bed, and gently tucked the hair on the sides of my neck behind my shoulders. "I can't tell you, Huaer, this It's a secret between me and your father, and you'll know when you graduate. "

After graduation?

I frowned, what would happen after I graduate?

"Yes, I'll take you to the hospital for a checkup after the New Year."

He also talked about things that my mother and I mentioned in the living room.

"Don't you worry about checking out something weird, in case our children don't look like ordinary babies, wouldn't it ..."

"Hua'er, rest assured, he has a blood relationship with you, and he has a sense of God, knows your thoughts, and naturally will not show flaws."


"The child is very healthy, and the indicators are normal, just keep it." The doctor sat behind the table and smiled at me and Segui.

The doctor is a white-faced female doctor. She first glanced at the ghost, and then glanced at me. She couldn't help but envy: "Madam, your husband is really handsome, and his wife looks good. The child born by that time must be Beautiful and healthy. "

I secretly froze.

Don't think I don't know what she means! I bowed my head in discouragement, wasn't my appearance worthy of a ghost?

In the past, Seki has been hiding by my side. Not many people have seen him in Yang. Now, because of marriage, he must show up physically. I always feel like standing next to him, like a clown.

Hey, there ’s no way. Who gave the appearance to his parents? The devil looks like this. I ca n’t make him ugly, right?

It is said that the daughter is like a dad and the son is like a mother. Although the doctor did not tell me the **** of the little guy during the examination, there would be nothing wrong with impermanence.

A son, isn't it like me? !!

Little guy, you still have to inherit your father's genes!


For some time in mid-March, I started to get sleepy. Sometimes I couldn't help falling asleep on the table during class.

If Murray does not conflict with my class, she will help me to occupy my seat early after class and also occupy the back row position by the window.

Although March Sky was still a bit cold, if the sun was shining through the glass into the classroom during the day, it would still be very warm. She specifically targeted the place and moved me.

What surprised me the most was that she brought me various supplements from home.

What chicken soup, pigeon soup.

"Xiaohua, Xiaohua, my mother woke up early today, and deliberately boiled the soup and let me bring it to you to drink! She also said that the girl should get more rest when she is pregnant. If the homework falls, she will let her brother, two Sister, third sister is here to help you! "

When Murray entered the bedroom, she yelled and was very excited. When I heard the previous sentence, I blushed rather embarrassed. I didn't say thank you. The last sentence almost made me drool.

Ding Ruoshui really cared for me, and she treated me as if she was her biological daughter.

I'm embarrassed enough to cook her soup for me, now how can I lift my head up.

In addition, another situation that made me cry and laugh was that Murray brought me food and drink, even Ye Yao next door, too. I ca n’t wait to knock on the door of our bedroom every day and stuff me a bunch of pregnant women. Tonic ...

And An Ning, Da Laoyuan delivered a bunch of baby products from country M. When he checked the brand on the Internet, he knew that the price was expensive, and they were all very good quality products, and they seemed to be married into the David family.

The giants are too wide.

And I can only look at the supplies full of boxes, at a loss.


On the wedding day, the banquet was not large, but it was luxurious.

In a banquet hall, there are not many tables. The guests are almost all my parents' colleagues, some of our relatives, my classmates and friends, etc. There are not many people in Segui, but there are more guests from several families.

The wedding dress is not a western-style wedding dress, but a wedding dress prepared by Segui personally. It is the same as the ancient times. Fengguanxiaxia. God knows where he has so much money to make this pure gold crown. It's complicated and expensive. After wearing it on my head, I feel sore neck.

On the outermost cover of the wedding dress, a huge phoenix was embroidered, and the long hem was embroidered with golden-red flowers on the other side.

Makeup is also specially made for people. Before I put on the red head cover, I took a picture of the only full-length mirror in the dressing room.

"Sure enough, people rely on clothes and Buddha rely on gold. This behavior has really saved my appearance."

Ms. Makeup artist drank water aside, laughed a moment, and then looked at me in astonishment, enviously: "Your husband is really nice to you."

I glanced sideways, blinked, looked at her, then fangs, and gave a playful smile.

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