Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 321: Lining of Fanwai: Call and Response

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

"That, I'm very sorry, I can't let you pass."

An Ning waved her hand excitedly: "Why ?!" She just came to her boyfriend, why not let her pass.

"It's dangerous there, Chris is an exorcist, you are not."

Did she not let her go for this reason? An Ning patted her **** proudly, and said, "Who says I'm not, I'm also an exorcist!"

Sean's look at Anning was clearly doubtful. Anning looked around, but eventually he couldn't see the familiar figure.

The little maid who had just sent Chris back to the tower returned, and as soon as she saw tranquility, a hostility called a woman appeared instantly, and she frowned, her voice becoming a bit mean.

"Who are you? This is the Phillips family, so allow you to play around here, security guard!"

Then, she was going to call the security guard outside the door, but was stopped by Sean: "No, she's Chris's girlfriend. Henry called and told me."

Sean looked at Anning in embarrassment and calmed her. "Miss Anning is also waiting in the living room. I think Chris will be back soon. If you are really tired, Charlotte, if you take Miss Anning to the guest room, you must Take care of her. "

The little maid's name was called Charlotte, and Anning didn't know that her last name was also called Phillips.

She is the youngest daughter of Sean, and was born and raised from Xiaojiao, but she has a very special hobby, which is to play as a maid.

Sean saw that this was also an opportunity to exercise her, and she did not stop her from coming, but now it seems that her maid's mask will soon be worn.

To say that she has a great affection for Chris, it can be said that for these enthusiastic young girls, when they meet handsome teenagers, they are immediately fainted by being liked and admired, and hostile to other women. Also pulled to the highest moment.

Now when Charlotte heard her father say that Anning was Chris's girlfriend, the whole person was on alert, and the waywardness of the little girl was revealed.

"Dad, I don't take it."

She said to her father, "Although I play the maid, I am not a real servant! I will not receive this guest."

Anning felt inexplicable about Charlotte's hostility to herself. Instead of provoking her or doing anything to hurt her, why didn't people look at themselves pleasing to the eye when they met for the first time?


Shawn exclaimed angrily. Who knew that the girl completely ignored her father, spreading her long thin white silk legs, ran up the stairs with a skirt, and faced Anning and Xiao around the corner. Eun made a face.

"You little bastard!"

Shawn expressed embarrassment at his daughter's disapproval, and said apologetically to Anning: "It's too much for Charlotte."

An Ning Ke was not biased, she looked around and still insisted: "Take me to meet Chris."


Sean hesitated again, and he looked at Anning carefully again, and finally he relented and refused: "Chris is the exorcist of David's family, I know very well, otherwise I would not ask him for help."

"But you're different. I'm not sure if you're an exorcist. Chris has already worried me about taking risks, and please ask Miss Anning to stop messing with me, okay?"

An Ning wanted to say something, but the words were blocked by her mouth. She gritted her teeth and finally nodded in agreement.

I want to say why she changed her mind suddenly.

One of the reasons is that he didn't want to make Sean embarrassed. After all, he was an elder in front of himself. In the country of M, respecting the elders may not be as important as his own country, but she is not the kind of person who will tear her face with the elders.

Besides, this elder is not yet a person he knows well, and he should not be too polite.

The second ... is also the main reason.

She was afraid of herself, and dragged Chris' hind legs. Chris's ability to exorcise is more powerful than Anxuan. At the time, Anxuan came to the M country to practice. Many times it was Chris's guidance to have the current strength. .

Now, she said plainly that she could only be the first-level exorcist, and at best she learned the content of some books. If she wanted to talk about actual combat experience, it was still poor.

Even if she no longer worried about his safety, she finally chose to believe in Chris's strength, went to the sofa in the living room, and sat down.

It was only at this moment that it was not a soft cushion under the buttocks, but a hot iron plate. Even if she was sitting comfortably, she couldn't settle her heart.

Sean asked another maid to make a pot of green tea for her. Maybe she knows she is Asian and is not used to the taste of black tea.

The minute passed, and the time was almost ten o'clock, but Chris still hadn't returned. The restlessness that could not sit still, the anxiety in her heart almost rushed out of her chest. She stood up suddenly from the sofa and loudly "I can't wait any longer!"

After speaking, she would go outside the living room, but when she was only a few steps away, she seemed to realize something, turned her head, and asked embarrassingly: "Mr. Sean, that ... Chris is in where?"

It's not too early to see Sean, and Chris hasn't come back yet, and he's uneasy and can only allow An Ning to go.

"Come with me."

He led An Ning towards the tower, and the corridor was very dark that day. Sean seemed to be jealous. He didn't take her through the corridor and pointed to the end.

"There is a wooden door in the end, and after opening, it is the stone road leading to the tower. Miss Anning, I can only send you here."

An Ning didn't care if he sent himself under the tower, and walked straight towards the end.

There was a sound behind the door behind her, and her heart jumped violently as the door closed.

The carpet in the hallway was gray with navy blue lace, a flower of unknown origin bloomed on the carpet, and several smooth little angels shuttled among the flowers.

The wall lamp on the wall emits dim orange and yellow light. Some ancient oil paintings are hung on the wall like this. The doors in the corridor are open and some are closed. To the faint perfume smell from the inside, but I don't know what the room looks like.

There was silence all around, and Tranquil's hands clasped her chest tightly, and walked step by step towards the end of the corridor.

She wanted to run, she wanted to run, but why couldn't she?

She swallowed, wrinkled her face, and the hairs on her back erected. This corridor seemed to be endless, so long ...

suddenly! Her eyes suddenly darkened, and a large number of pictures were constantly pouring into her mind!

Chris stood in a clean and exquisitely furnished room with neatly cracked wooden floors. The bed was covered with violet sheets and the light purple veil hanging down from the bed.

On a door without a window, there were pots of flowers that could not be named, and they were opening beautifully. Under the light of night and orange and yellow lights, there was a different kind of beauty.

I do not know why, seeing these flowers, An Ning's tears could not help but shed.

Chris was standing in front of a piano, his eyes were lifeless, as if losing his soul, staring blankly at the black and white keys on the piano.

Next second!

哆 ——come—mi—fa—

Obviously there was no one in the seat in front of the piano, but An Ning saw that the keys were pressed like this.

Then, Chris seemed to be under control, and the disc with cracks in his hand just fell off his hand, fell to the ground, and made a loud noise!

He was walking towards the window without a window, and it looked like he was about to jump off it!

In just a few seconds of work, all these pictures entered the mind of An Ning, and suddenly, she woke up and her body was already soaked with sweat!

She seemed to realize something, and the man quickly ran to the window of the corridor and looked at the top of the tower!

The familiar orange-yellow light came out of the window, and you could even hear the piano playing!

Chris ... No, Chris!

An Ning exhausted all his strength, rushed towards the end of the corridor, smashed the wooden door, and ran towards the tower with reckless energy!

Tears had filled her eyes, and the noise ran down from the corners of her eyes, her heart shouting there!

"No! No! Chris! Wait for me! I'll be right there!"

No matter how she saw the pictures herself, whether it was true or false, she would not allow it to be 100% possible, making this possibility happen!

Absolutely not!

An Ning pushed open the wooden door under the tower, a stone staircase swirling upwards appeared in front of her eyes, raised her head, she could not see the top, but she had no time to shrink back!

She can only move forward!

This staircase may be the only one so long and difficult to climb in this life!

She is not an athletic athlete, so it is definitely not those with very good physical strength. When running up the stairs, she can feel the weakness of her legs and feet, and the sound of breathing becomes heavier.

The picture in front of me was sometimes dark, apparently hypoxia, and there was a window in the room at the top of the tower, and there was no window to allow her to breathe fresh air during the entire process of climbing the stairs.

Smooth music came out of the room. This tune was familiar, but she couldn't name it.

The person who plays it must be a superb musician.

She gasped, and even if her legs were completely sour and lost consciousness, she could not stop, tired, and sorrowful melody in her ears for a long time. Her sense of tranquility, her body, and her mind were suffering double blows.

at last! Her feet reached the last step, and before she could breathe, she opened the half-closing door.

Chris had stepped on one of the windowsills, watching his body lean forward, and Anning yelled in horror: "Don't!"

She didn't know herself. It was an instantaneous thing that her exhausted strength could run so fast. She rushed behind Chris and hugged his body. The whole person fell backwards!


Chris's strong body pressed directly on An Ning's body, and she snorted in pain and drank in air.

The piano melody in my ear was also instantaneous and stopped abruptly.

Suddenly, a sharp cry came and almost broke the eardrums of An Ning!

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