Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 329: Extraordinary content: she has not changed

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

Olivia listened, just wanting to breathe a sigh of relief, who knows that Rong Yan's words are amazing, and she is not light!

"I will wait for you to like me."

Who is this narcissistic man? !! Where did he have the courage to say such a thing? !!

Olivier was stunned. She has seen too many narcissistic men. After all, many boys of her age now feel good about themselves, feel cool and handsome, and just use hair spray to style the hair. Attract a group of beautiful girls screaming loudly? Dump for him?

To put it simply, is the secondary disease outbreak okay?

She opened her eyes wide and looked at Rong Yan, as if she had seen some rare species!

She hates those stinky men the most, and she's still a little humble, which she taught her from a young age.

"Then please ask Mr. Rong Yan to stop thinking, I still won't feel for you, absolutely not, it's impossible in this life!"

She squinted her eyes, forcefully: "Do you think I'm the same as those idiot girls? No, you're wrong, I'm not interested in you at all."

"Even if we met when we were young, you are now a stranger to me, a complete stranger."

When Olivia finished speaking, she turned over from the sofa and ran towards the door, and she was about to leave. The closed door opposite opened and Anna came out with the dessert and black tea. I saw her trotting up the stairs.

"Miss! Miss Olivia, I made your favorite lasagna and crepes, don't you eat them?"

"No, Anna." She leaned her head from the corner of the stairs and said to Anna, "I won't eat anymore, you can eat my share."

She gave her a kiss after speaking, and then she looked like an elf, and disappeared without a trace.

Anna held the plate awkwardly, and finally shook her head and went into the living room.

Rong Yan turned her head, and she put a tray on the table with a smile on her face: "Mr. Rong Yan, try this. To receive you, I took out my housekeeping skills."

He nodded and acted after he thanked him. After biting the cake, a cracked look appeared in his eyes.


"Really?" Anna smiled suddenly, her face kind and tender.

"Just like what you like, not enough to tell me, I can do more."

"Oh thank you, that's enough." Rong Yan's English is very good. Many of the country's etiquette and customs are very clear, so in terms of words and words, Anna feels very comfortable.

"You're welcome!"

Anna looked towards the stairs with anxiety, and murmured, "I don't know what happened to Miss Olivier. She usually likes to eat my crepes, but she returned to the room without eating today."

"Just now ... isn't it ..."

Rong Yan did not intend to conceal what he did, chuckled, and was somewhat discouraged: "I seem to scare her."

"Well?" Anna didn't understand what he meant.

He euphemistically told Anna what she had done, she listened, covered her mouth, and couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha, Mr. Rong Yan, you have really changed a lot when you grow up."

Her loving eyes flashed with bright light: "Do you know what it was like when you came to this castle on the first day?"

Rong Yan looked back at her curiously.

"You're quiet, very polite, and ... you really like Miss Olivier, and likewise, Miss Olivier sticks to you too." He pursed his lips and frowned: "But she doesn't remember this anymore And now, she doesn't like me either. "

"I ... I don't know exactly how to contact her, but now it seems that I should have failed."

When Olivier was a child, she did say this to Rong Yan—

"Olivia will be Rong Yan's wife when she grows up!"

At the time, both An Ning and Chris couldn't stop laughing, and they must be treating the words as childish. However, Rong Yan is different.

Obviously, he took it seriously. Not to mention being naive, the child's thinking is very simple.

Anyone with a good eye can see that he has a good opinion of Olivier, but this is just a simple love expressed by children.

He likes her, she likes him, not a boy or girl in the adult world.

However, what Olivier said that day kept Rong Yan in his heart, which is why his university applied for the aristocratic school where Chris was.

He came to fulfill Olivia's promise to himself that year. He came, but she no longer remembered him.

She is no longer a well-behaved little girl when she was a child, she has changed, she has become a little pepper, and she has a bad temper.

But why?

He didn't hate her like this at all. Although she was full of doubts and polite tone when he saw him, he was not disgusted at all.

He even felt a hint of hostility from her.

This is a sense of vigilance when people encounter strange things. Maybe he really caused her a lot of trouble. Together with Anning and Chris, as well as Henry Jenny's involuntary travel, her disgust with him increased by a degree.

Anna saw him look a little depressed, and reassured, "Ah-it's hard to see, look at you like this."

"When you were a kid, you really looked like a little grown-up. We were shocked when we were mature. This was the first time I saw you look like this."

"You can rest assured that Miss Olivier will not hate you."

She reassures him: "Miss Olivia is typical of candid and candid. She writes everything on her face and will be angry and complain, but she is just that, and she will not blame you or even hate you."

"That's it. She offended many people, but she also got a lot of friends. She didn't think about it very much. She was simple."


Rong Yan asked again, Anna nodded with a smile, and approached him, whispering as if he wanted to tell him a little secret.

"But in five minutes, Miss Olivier will be back. She will not give up enjoying these delicious."

Anna glanced at the wall clock hanging on the wall and stood aside leisurely, with her hands in front of her and the tray in her hand.


Olivier refused to enjoy the dessert of Anna's own characteristics, and regretted it before she reached her room.

"Why should I give up what I like to eat for someone I don't know ?!"

She stopped abruptly, patted her hands hard as if she had come to her senses, and was puzzled by her expression. It took a while before she turned around and ran downstairs!


The rapid footsteps came downstairs, from far to near, and then saw a figure rushing towards this side, and her goal was the delicate desserts on the table in front of Rong Yan!


When she was excited, she burst out of English directly, and came to the table recklessly, quickly grabbing a few dishes of her favorite sweets, and shrinking to another small sofa!

A pair of eyes seemed to be staring at something terrible, and opened round.

"I tell you, you have ruined my plans to travel with my parents, and now you don't want to take away my favorite food!"

Anna covered her mouth and smiled secretly, even Rong Yan was surprised by the sudden appearance.

Seeing her look like an enemy, he didn't hold back, raised his hands, and laughed twice: "I can't eat, you eat, you eat."

"That's pretty much it!"

Olivier ate there with the knife and fork, and was gobbling, it was really unrestrained. Anna looked a little bit and said with a smile, "Miss Olivier, pay attention to the image."

"Ah? Image? Anna, Mom and Dad are not at home, just forgive me! Okay?"

The weather turned cold. She wore a sweater on her upper body, but only a pair of very short jeans on her lower body. Two large white legs were exposed. She did not know when she took off her shoes. She was stepping on the carpet barefoot .

At this time, regardless of the image, sit on the sofa with two legs on one plate, and place the plates directly on the overlapping legs.

At no point, there is no image that a lady should have, and if you let some people see it, she will definitely say that her behavior is vulgar, but her every move, in Rong Yan's eyes, is another scene .

The memory quickly regressed to the time when they first met, when Anna also tried her best to make a whole table of delicious dishes.

When his hand was about to pick up the little cake on the table, Olivier with short hands couldn't get it, so he frowned and pulled his sleeves.

"You ... help me get ..."

He only brought the cake at that time and was taken away by the little guy beside him! At that time, he hadn't responded yet, and saw Olivier's soft hand holding the cake.

He swallowed and stared at the cake in her hand, forgetting for a while that he could actually go to the table to eat one.

Olivier seemed to think of something, turned her head, and stared down a little in those clear big eyes.

"Do you want to eat?"

She blinked and asked, Rong Yan nodded again and again.

"Oh!" She held out her hand and passed the cake, which was covered with her saliva, "for you."


Suddenly, the person next to her voice pulled back Rong Yan's thoughts. She looked at him with a complicated look, and she poked her lips, looking a little embarrassed, wrinkled her face, and picked up the small plate near her leg.

Holding a fork in his mouth, he handed the plate to Rong Yan.

"give you to eat."

Two figures and two voices overlapped. The same person, at the same time, said the same thing.

Anna's eyes were soft and she looked at the two children.

Miss Olivier really talked about it, so disgusting on the surface, but still thinking about others.

Even though the personality has changed, ten years have passed and some natures have never changed.

"Just eat it for you, you dare say it's bad ..."

She was like a bully and threatened Rong Yan, who was not angry at all. Instead, she smiled and raised an eyebrow, "OK."

"It's pretty much the same."

Olivier was holding the cake, squinting and enjoying, and sighed.

At this time, Rong Yan ignited a hint of hope in his heart.

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