Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 335: The End of Rongao: Parting (Partial)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

"Where, where?"

Olivier was holding her cell phone and searching the bedroom with her lamp on. In order to prevent her parents from returning and finding that she had moved the drawer of their room, every move was carefully performed.

"Really nothing."

She sat on the ground, panting, and looking for a long time, she didn't see a key at all.

Then ... is it possible for grandparents?

She was planning to go to Henry and Jenny's room before she reached the door, and she heard a series of footsteps.

"Anna, you haven't slept so late."

Then there was a slight laugh, and the woman whispered softly: "Yeah, I'm looking for a night. Lao Green is out of health. Recently, I took a leave to go home to rest, and I must let me come to watch the night."

"Then please take a rest early, good night."

"good night."

Olivier's hands were already on her hands, and she almost twisted away, scaring her to stay where she was, and she didn't dare to move for a long time.

Until the footsteps went away, she slowly opened the door and slipped out.

When she passed the room where Rong Yan was, she stopped and looked at the closed door, with unknown emotions flashing in her eyes.

And Rong Yan, instead of sleeping at this time, was sitting on a rattan chair on the balcony, looking at the sky, and dreaming.

In the end, he made up his mind and picked up his cell phone and sent a text message to Anning and Henry.

He went to the table and sat down, tore a piece of paper, quickly wrote something on it, then folded him carefully and pressed it under the table lamp.

Then he lay on the bed, but sleeping seemed to hate him, but he didn't come, causing him to turn around all night.

Anning and Chris were shocked when they received the text message.

"You said he was going to transfer back?"

Chris and Anning had just got up and were changing clothes. Chris frowned when he heard.

"So what happened……"

An Ning held her cell phone around the bed. Chris saw that she was walking around without even changing her clothes. She picked up her coat and put it on her, and helped her to the bed.

"Ning, don't panic. What text message did he send?"

Chris glanced at his phone, and his face was not very good-looking.

"What should I do, Xiaohua asked me to take good care of him. Now that he is leaving, is there any grievance?"

"The servants in our family are hired after strict interviews. They cannot bully Rong Yan. So, is it a school problem?"

He saw that An Ning was still in a state of restlessness, and he calmed down again and again: "Ning, don't worry, isn't he saying that, don't you say that, after two weeks, it will take time for the school to transnationally transfer to another school. Persuade him well. "

"you are right."

An Ning was persuaded by Chris' words, and she barely pulled a smile: "I hope he can stay."

"Regardless of whether he can stay or not, obviously, he has encountered a problem. Otherwise, based on his feelings for Olivier, he will never give up easily."


She lowered her head and leaned against his chest: "Where can the children of Xiaohua and King Yan go? Rong Yan, if not for Oliver, how could he travel a thousand miles, come here to study, and Read the university you graduated from. "

"Okay, okay, we'll be back in a few days. Don't tell Victoria about this before it hurts her mood."

An Ning nodded nicely, ready to pick up clothes at the trunk.

"Go and get Victoria up next door, if she still wants breakfast."


After seeking no fruit in Henry's bedroom, Olivier finally gave up. She tried to ask her parents every time, but failed to send a text message every time.

Later, she discovered a phenomenon that made her feel cold.

Since that day, they said goodbye to each other, and Rong Yan treated her as if she were a different person.

From a suitor to a friend.

Yes, it is a friend who is too ordinary to be ordinary. He treats her as blandly as water, which is completely contrary to the previous fierce desire to approach her.

It's like being a person.

At first, she thought that another personality of Rong Yan had appeared, so she didn't pay much attention, but she found out over time. In fact, Rong Yan had been deliberately hiding from her and avoiding her.

Makes her very uncomfortable.

Finally, the night before Anning's return, she could not bear it, and at dinner, she raised questions.

"Rong Yan, I think we have to talk about it."

Rong Yan stopped with his knife and fork, slowly put down the tableware, and said, "What are you talking about?"

"Have you deliberately avoided me recently?"

Olivia herself didn't know why she was angry and uncomfortable. She tolerated it for so many days, and finally failed to completely digest the question.

"I didn't hide from you ..."

"No? Do you think I'm a fool? Didn't you say you were going to pick me up from school? This is all right, and why did I go to your bedroom to find you, and you didn't open the door? Anna said you were home! "

She suddenly felt very wronged. In order to help him, she went to her parents' bedroom to find the keys to the library, and thought about how to help him solve the problem of the ghost town.

Don't say to be more affectionate, anyway, when she goes to him, don't see him behind closed doors!


Rong Yan lost her voice, and Olivia felt sour in her heart. She put the tableware on the tablecloth and wiped her mouth.

The beef on the plate, but had two bites.

"I'm stuffed."

After speaking, she got up sharply, left the restaurant, calm and cold voice, so that Anna standing aside looked worried, looked at her back, and looked at Rong Yan reproachfully.

"Mr. Rong Yan, although you are a guest and I am a servant, I am not qualified to blame you, but I am more courageous and say a few words for Miss Olivier."

"It's too much of you to do this."

This was the first time she saw Olivier angry, as long as she was angry, she could hear it in her tone.

Although she did not know what happened between them, she has been serving them these days, and there is nothing unpleasant between them.

What happened is what made Rong Yan, who was so passionate about Olivier, what he is now.

Rong Yan got up and walked quietly towards the entrance of the restaurant. Without saying a word, Anna wanted to say something more. Another servant on the side stopped her and shook her head.

"Are you crazy, you will be fired."

Anna bit her lip, gave up further questioning, and looked at the two plates of steaks on the table. She seemed to read something and frowned. "His mood is not good."

Olivia returned to the room, threw the pillow on the sofa to the ground, and stomped her feet!

"I'm so, the dog has been kindly fed, what kind of neurosis is he?"

She trembled with anger, and finally lay directly on the bed, her arms and feet beating on the soft bed!

"Rong Yan asshole!"

What she didn't know was that Rong Yan was standing outside her room at this time and heard the roar and the sound of falling objects coming from the door. His eyes dimmed, and he left for a long time before he reluctantly left.

Anning and Chris came back with their little daughter after their vacation and became parents. At a glance, Olivier was different from usual.

Even though she is still lively and talks a lot, her mood is obviously much lower than before.

They also asked Rong Yan for the reason, and his answer was only one.

"I want to go back with my mother, and the schools in China are also good."

They did everything they could to get some truth out of his mouth, but they couldn't do it at all, and in the end they only agreed.

"Then if you miss us, be sure to come and see us more. We always welcome you."

An Ning gave him a hug, looked at him with emotion, and said sensibly: "Seeing you made me think of Xiaohua, so I really don't want you to leave, but if you insist on leaving, we also It ’s not easy to force a hold. "

"Also please Aunt Ning, Uncle Chris take care of yourself."

"So, did you tell Olivier about your return?"

Rong Yan looked at them seriously, but the pain in his eyes couldn't be covered.

"Please don't tell Olivia, I want to go back to China."

When Chris and Anning heard this, they were absolutely sure that he had a dilemma and that it was not his intention to leave.

"Okay, we won't say."


On the morning of leaving, Rong Yan walked into Olivier's room and saw the small hill bag still bulging on the bed.

He laid the piece of paper on her table, and then left quietly, dragging his suitcase to the airport.

Anna helped the gardener water the flowers in the back garden, and when she was back home, she heard An Ning said, "Anna, make four breakfasts this morning."

"Well? Aren't they five?"

"Rong Yan has returned to China."

As soon as this word came out, she stayed for a while, the towel in her hand shook, and almost fell to the ground. She said nothing, trotting up the stairs and knocking on the door of Olivier's bedroom.

The knock on the door was sharp, which was completely different from the usual rhythmic knock on the door.

After a long time, Olivia did not come to open the door. She could only grit her teeth and said, "It's rude."

After saying that she opened the door, she saw the girl standing in the morning light, holding the piece of paper left by Rongyan in her hand, standing still.

The teardrops of crystals dripped from the eyes, and finally fell on the thin paper, and bloomed.

Only a short line of words were written on the paper, which contained countless emotions-

Olivier, I'm sorry.

"damn it!"

She put on a coat directly, grabbed the paper and ran towards the door, rushing down the stairs.

"Olivia ..." An Ning looked at her in surprise, wondering what she was going to do.

"Mom, what about Rong Yan? What about others ?!"

An Ning's face was a bit ugly, and he finally said embarrassingly: "He has already gone to the airport and will return to China today ..."

She didn't even wear shoes. She ran out of the room barefoot and got into the black car. The driver was still smoking. She was horrified by the sudden appearance of Olivier and extinguished her cigarette butt, waving her hands Disperse the smoke in the car.

"Olivia, do you want to go like this? Put your shoes on!"

But she did not listen to An Ning's words at all, and she said to the driver, "Take me to the international airport, quickly!"

"You can't keep up. He has been away for two hours and is about to board the plane!"

She still didn't give up. The driver saw her lady's order. How dare not, start the car, step on the accelerator, and quickly gallop towards the international airport!

Holding his cell phone, Rong Yan hovered for a while at the entrance of the security check, his eyes turned to the entrance of the airport, and the figure he had been waiting for had not appeared.

He reluctantly hooked his lips and dragged his suitcase into the security entrance. Just ten minutes after he entered, Anning rushed into the airport barefoot!

She didn't care about her image, she looked out and looked for Rong Yan.

Tears flowed down, and she wiped the tears on her face with her wrist.

The soles of the feet were cold and cold, but her heart was colder. After running through several security checkpoints, she finally gave up.

There was a rumbling sound from the plane before it went to heaven, and in her ears, it turned into nothingness.

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