Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 34: Saguai is a handsome guy! ?

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

Because I was nervous, I almost didn't breathe in a single breath, because my nerves were tight all the time, holding my breath, my eyes became dark for a short time!

When I returned to the environment full of pheasants and tweets, my heart kept falling.

"Oh my God!"

The slayer released his hand, Yang Ye fell on the ground with his butt, and the mobile phone in his hand was still backlit. His violent gasping voice was even more exaggerated than running a marathon, and it was more exaggerated, like pulling a bellow .

"It's so shocking that I almost got caught by that thing!"

He patted his chest with his hands, and I leaned softly into the arms of the scum with some legs, calming my heart strongly.

The screams from far and near just tortured me crazy! Until now, I can feel my ear, and still circulate that terrible voice.

The scum hugged me tightly and bent over to examine my body: "Did you hurt me?"

I shook my head, and gazed at the door with the rune paper pasted, relieved.

"It's over ..." I lowered my head and muttered to myself, and suddenly, thinking of the owner of the backpack, I couldn't help but ask, worried, "What about ... who broke in?"

How is he Is he ... alive?

The devil shook his head and calmed me: "I'm afraid it's more formidable, but thankfully, that guy didn't escape, and then it was unthinkable."

I tilted my head and thought for a while, there was always a doubt in my heart, and I asked for a long time.

"You are the king, and you must be very capable, so why not solve it?"

The slender fingers nodded my nose suddenly, and he replied with amusement: "It's not because of Huaer, I won't let you be in danger, it's not in my eyes yet."

He looked at the closed door and said, "It is easy to deal with it, but just now you were inside. In case it hurts you, it is definitely not worth it."

When I heard him, I felt a little moved.

Yang Yan stood up from the ground, and I could see his back, the shirt and the back were stuck together. From the back, it looked very awkward and embarrassed.

"Thank you, Lord Yama, for your help. Otherwise, at my speed, 80% will become the guy's belly."

He wiped the sweat from his forehead, and the dark gray marks on his face were very obvious.

He stretched his back, like letting go of a big deal, and relieved: "Grandpa and grandpa, it's easier to explain."

Yang Yan wrinkled his face and rubbed his chin with his fingers, adding: "I have to talk to the person in charge of this scenic spot, someone needs to be on vigil here, watch over, in case this kind of thing happens a second time."

He smiled tiredly at us: "The second time, there is no Lord Yama, and I will certainly not be able to deal with this level of undead alone."

From the inside to the outside, the devil has never said a word, and his breathing has not been disturbed. If it wasn't for his hand holding my hand all the time, I wouldn't have felt the change in his heart.

His solemn voice came, and the object of the message was obviously addressed to Yang Yan.

"This offense is taken up by your offspring. Of course, you can also cut the grass and root out and find other yin and yang people to help you. I hope the end is like this."

"That's right, that's right."

Yang Xun nodded his head with no intention of disobedience. This was originally a matter of their family. He naturally wouldn't be cheeky and asked the king to help.

"It's getting late, let's leave quickly. Summer comes fast during the day, and it's in the scenic area. It may be near dawn, and there will be more tourists. Go back and rest early."

The devil nodded, and I felt a whirlwind, people appeared outside the iron fence, Yang Ye was using all four limbs, overturned, the whole body collapsed, like a flat breathed balloon, stingy.

What happened tonight must have brought him a lot of pressure and influence, mental stress and physical exertion, which are extremely great.

Before he said goodbye to us, he took out a business card from his backpack and handed it to me.

"If you are free tomorrow, you can come here to find me, and I welcome you at any time."

I took it. It was dark and I couldn't read the words at all, so I had to put it in my pocket first.


When Ning and I returned to the hotel, An Ning slept back and forth, and the hotel's thick quilt was kicked to the ground by her half. I smirked and shook my head to help her put the quilt back on.

She murmured, wondering what to say, and flipped over! He changed his ecstasy posture and went to sleep.

The smile in my heart became more and more fierce, and I was about to pop out of my chest. I opened my mouth and laughed at this nizi little.

"If your sleeping position is known to your group of suitors, your image will be completely gone!"

I just finished talking, and there was a soft laugh on the bed behind me, with **** magnetic lines.

"Huaer, you are almost like her."

The words of the devil make my whole face red! I turned my head hard and looked at him in disbelief, with some anger in my eyes: "You bullshit, I'm in a sleeping position ... I can't sleep well, it's not so much."

When it comes to the end, my voice is getting lighter and weaker, until the last few words, just like the mosquito is screaming. I can't hear what I'm saying without listening carefully.

I began to doubt myself, whether I really did what the Saguaro said, sleeping ... it was terrible.

The smile in Sagui's eyes was so obvious. I was a little angry, but my temper suddenly came up: "You must be talking!"

He saw that I was ashamed and angry, but he was even more amused. The smile in his eyes was about to grow wings and fly out of his eyes.

He reclined on the bed and waved at me.

"Huaer, come here."

I bulged my cheeks, the boss reluctantly walked towards him, sat down on the side of the bed, and looked at him quietly.

What did you ask me to do?

I'm sure I look at him, conveying this meaning.

He got up, leaned up towards me, his masked face moved closer to me.

The sound was so sweet that people's ears were intoxicated, and he passed into my ears with a smile.

"Isn't Huaer looking forward to her husband's looks, long been looking forward to it."

My pupils shrank, and I looked at him with some surprise. I looked at him with expectation, swallowed my saliva, and said, "Are you going to take off the mask?"

The demon's head turned asleep toward tranquility, and said, "Your friends are right, you are my wife, I am your husband, but you don't know how I look. This is ridiculous."

He raised his hand and took off the mask directly with his good fingers.

This process, to be honest, was not slow at all, but I felt that the process of exposing his face seemed to be slowed down for several beats and slowly appeared in front of my eyes.

Dark black hair pours down from the sides of his face. A pair of narrow pupils are extremely deep, like a vortex, which can firmly attract people's sight.

His nose, like the one made by heaven, is strong and slender, the nose tip is not large or small, the nose is symmetrical, and it is perfect. The shares are abnormally white, but not as dead white as the dead.

His lashes are thinner than mine, like two small fans, and his eyes flicker constantly.

In front of the man, each of the five features is so delicate. When they are put together and displayed on his face completely, it is not appropriate to use a sentence to describe his face—

Looks better than Pan An.

It can be described as "beauty", but without the feminine feeling of women, the masculinity of men is fully manifested.

I widened my eyes and looked dumb. Without first arriving at Segui, I had such a terrible evil face. I unconsciously reached out my hand and touched my cheek.

I am so ordinary, but my husband is so beautiful, it is really ... If Seki is not a king, but an ordinary person, I really feel that I have found a treasure.

"Is Huaer watching?"

There was a smile on his face. I saw his smile, and he was almost blinded. A current flowed from my eyes to my limbs. My face rose more and more red. I didn't know what to say for a while. His mouth also began to become out of his control, and he couldn't even say a complete sentence.

Why ... why this strong feeling is more violent than the time when the mask covers his face.

Like a dam that broke, a lot of water spewed out and rushed towards me.

My stupid idiot looks in the eyes of Segui, and it is a different style.

He saw me panicking, wondering what to say, holding my face with both hands, and those black pupils looked at me affectionately.

What an emotion this is, why ... I looked into his eyes, and I became unable to extricate myself.

I felt like I was sucked into the vortex in his eyes, sinking in it.

He squeezed my chin with his fingers, lifted my face slightly, and pressed his beautiful lips against my lips.

The cold touch was very familiar. I felt his gentle kiss, could not help lifting his hands, grabbed his placket, and gripped his robe with fingers.

His movements ranged from the original gentleness to the fiery and domineering back, and I was overwhelmed by him on the bed, and the kiss turned dizzy.

The white light in the brain kept appearing, just like the fireworks exploded in the sky, and the limbs kept telling their joy.

He finally let me go, hugged me, turned off the bedside lamp, and said softly in my ear--

"Good night, Huaer."

I hugged his sturdy waist and leaned his head in his arms before he teased his own affairs, as if it didn't matter so much.

Anyway, my sleeping position is so ugly, as long as he doesn't dislike it!

I think so.

In fact, what I didn't notice at the time was that An Ning actually opened her eyes dimly, glanced at us, and saw me and Seki kissing.

I woke up the next morning and she told me about it. I could only blush. Gu Ju said that he would not even admit that he was killed!

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