Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 46: Husband can penetrate the wall!

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

I saw the demon still closed his eyes, and the panic of fear and terror began to grab my heart and cover my whole heart.

Just when I was panicked and wondering what was right, Segui suddenly opened his eyes and sat up, shocking me!

"Mother, I'm still alive, don't worry."

I burst into tears and saw that he was still alive without any accidents, and suddenly flew into his arms, feeling his cold body different from ordinary people.

"I'll be fine, Huaer, who is your husband, and King Yan, how could it be so easy to die, you say yes, let's say, I am a ghost and can't die."

I just came back to God, and I just lost my head because of my emotional out of control. For a while I forgot that the demon is a thousand-year-old ghost that is immortal. Now I calm down and think about his great power with a little in his eyes. Anger.

"You know how to scare me! I thought you were pinched by my nose and suffocated!"

It's funny to say, if the facts really spread out like I said, then how could he be a master of the underworld, it is estimated that the underworld and the ghost of the underworld would laugh to death.

I was still too simple, and he was pretending to be dead, bluffed, and was overwhelmed. I couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed and scolded myself stupidly.

"Hua'er was able to show such a performance, which shows that he is not indifferent to me and is very happy for my husband."

You're happy, I'm upset!

I was choked up and got ready to get dressed. Now it's the same time. I promised Lin Miaomiao and Mao Mao yesterday that they would fulfill their last wish.

Is to find out why Mao Mao died.

This is Lin Miaomiao's only wish. I think after the result comes, I have to go and scan her tomb and tell her the truth, or ... write the truth of the matter on paper and burn it to her?

In other words, burn paper money for deceased people, burn things, can they really receive it in the underworld?

I couldn't help asking the seducer. When the seducer heard it, it seemed like he had sold it, but he didn't tell me.

"Say, everybody in the world will die every day, so what can they get if their living loved ones burn them?"

The devil shaved my nose with my fingers and laughed, "What do you think?"

I immediately replied: "I did n’t believe in things at first, and they did n’t have souls. They burned them, and they would n’t go to hell. And I never believed in ghosts and gods, but since you appeared, I think I need to renew Look at it. "

His eyes were admired: "Hua'er, what you said is not wrong, things have no soul, so ... their friends and relatives who passed away cannot receive the paper money."

With indifference in his eyes, this is a detached emotion of life and death, very cold, without a little affection.

"Even if there is a **** in the world, there really is a Yin Cao Difu, this fact will not change."

The seducer helped me to pull out the long hair pressed into the clothes, took my hand to the bathroom, picked up a wooden comb, and lifted my hair.

"People burn things to the dead, they can only say that they are entrusted to the soul. I hope that they can live a better life after death, and that they are free from illness and pain at the other end of the world and live a rich and happy life."

"To be precise, this is not a self-consolation."

I listened to him and nodded in agreement.

Indeed, Segu is right.

My doubts were relieved, but I was a little more curious about Hades, and then I asked: "What about you Hades? I see that you have always been wearing ancient costumes. Is it possible that Hades has an ancient style? ? "

The seducer smoothed my hair, wrapped my hands around my waist, and placed my face against my side.

"The world is divided into yin and yang. I only manage the yin of this country. Other countries have their yin to dominate. The world below is not worse than the top. I mean seriously, one day I will take you Go and see. "

I was about to say yes and immediately stopped the car!

"No ... no, I'm not going anymore." I laughed awkwardly, waved my hand, and shrugged off.

Funny, where is hell, where do people go when they die, and I still live well, why do I have to die to hell? Isn't this harming you?

The seducer seemed to see my thoughts, and squeezed his hands lightly around my waist. The tone was somewhat satisfying: "Fool, if I say this, it means that you will definitely not go to hell."

He added that he was afraid I would not believe it.

"Don't forget, you have a ghost in your body. How can things happen to our children? There is no difference between you going to the underworld and staying in the sun."

"Really?" I asked dubiously, looking through the mirror in front of me, looking at the scum with his back behind him.

"of course!"

The pervert assured me.

I was secretly excited, but I'm not in a hurry to go to the underworld now. I like to keep this curiosity in my heart so that I can guess every day the difference between the underworld and the sun and imagine what kind of world is there.


When I eat, the meals are all my chefs. Since I entered university, I have always been non-fingered, and I have mastered good cooking skills under the training of my mother.

When the seducer ate my meal, he didn't say anything, and there was no intense expression on his face, but I noticed that he ate a lot.

"Is it okay for ghosts to eat things in the sun?"

Before the meal, I also asked him specifically, and the ghost replied without changing his heart.

"I'm different from ordinary ghosts. To be precise, I'm a class with the gods, but I'm the ruler of the underworld." He blinked toward me, and I was electrified by his actions, and flushed slightly. Look down.

When I finished washing the dishes and put them in the cupboard, we decided to go out.

Yunya's family is a high-end community in the city, named Qianshui Longyin. The community covers a large area and is divided into two areas.

The first half is the elevator room, the highest floor number of each floor is 25, and the back is not a very large place, it is the villa area. It is usually the wealthy people, big bosses, local tyrants, or celebrities who live in this city.

When I got the information provided by Lin Miaomiao at first, I was a little bit puzzled.

Because it is very convenient to get in and out of ordinary communities, because the heads of households living in that neighborhood are either rich or expensive, there will always be security at the door, and even police officers on duty.

They were very clear about the people who came in and out of the car, and I might have some trouble getting in.

But ... I am a little girl who looks very kind and should not be treated as a sneaky person. If you are kicked out by them, you will feel calm.

When I hitchhiked to the gate of the community, looking at the community again up close, it still gave a shocking feeling.

It is indeed a place where the rich live. Look at the green environment of the community, look at the piles of tall buildings and the exquisite small villas that can be seen from the back. I sighed in my heart.

"Hua'er, my palace is more than twice as good as here. You don't need to be envious."

With a sense of pride in the saint tone, he praised his residence.

I secretly said in my heart: I envy you all see it, really nothing can hide you.

I made a note in the guard room, and added the number of the household I was going to, and how much time it took, and I was asked to fill in the phone number in the note.

The uncle's security guard was in a good mood today, and said a few words to me.

"Little girl, are you here to visit relatives?"

I smiled at him: "No, I am a friend. The family lives here, so I come over."

"Well? Why didn't I see you here before?"

I was a little confused, and I already knew my relatives if I knew it. If I were a friend, I would often go through the door, **** it. Is there anything he noticed now?

The brain was moving quickly, and I hurriedly made up a lie, without turning my face red.

"Their family has just moved here, so I was especially invited to play at his house."

"So, no wonder!"

Uncle Security smiled kindly at me and stretched out his hand toward the door: "Come on, remember not to exceed the time. If you need to stay longer, you can ask the resident to call me and I will help you change the time."

"Okay, thank you Uncle."

I waved at him and walked towards the community.

"Huh!" I patted my chest, relieved, and scammed people. I really have to do less. When I think of a fairy tale, Pinocchio tells a lie and the nose becomes longer.

I touched my nose silently, and I had an illusion just now. His nose grew an inch.

Before I came in, I specifically asked how to go to the building where Uncle Yunya's house was located. He gave me a direction and told me in a concise manner how many buildings were in the first row.

When I came to the door below, I was in trouble.

I thought of everything except the door downstairs.

Advanced anti-theft doors are doors that require a password. The door can only be opened from the inside. Anyone who enters outside must either call the residents on the floor and help them open the door, or they must have a password.

This time I was sad, and my heart was a little dull.

I definitely can't ring the doorbell. If Yunya really does not answer my call as I thought, I will come to the door now. Not only will she not let me in, I may also be driven out of the community by security guards.

What now? Everyone is here, is it possible to stop here?

Just when I didn't know what to do, Segui spoke.

"Do you wonder how the door opens?"

I nodded: "I don't know the password, I can't ring the doorbell, and I'm afraid I'll be scared. I won't even be able to enter the community and will be blacklisted."

His finger flicked my forehead and laughed, "Little fool, you and me, I can go through the wall, why don't you let me help you?"

"Yeah!" I clapped my hands, screamed excitedly, and grabbed his hands.

"I almost forgot!"

He shook his head with a smile, quite a bit helpless, but more of a pet.

I watched him walk through the door and into the door.

"Look for it, is there a switch like a button near the door, you press it."

A "click" sounded, and the door opened. I hurried in, the automatic door closed slowly, and finally locked.

Fortunately, there are colored ghosts, otherwise I really can't successfully enter this building today.

Yunya's family lives on the sixteenth floor. I took the elevator up.

The inside of the elevator was very quiet. My ears could only hear the "whine" sound when I was going up and down. I don't know why, my heart began to beat quickly, it lost the original very regular rhythm.

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