Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 49: Good and evil come to an end

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

"So sad-- so sad--"

The evil spirit possessed by Yunya kept saying this in his mouth, and gradually disappeared before my eyes.

In the living room, which was originally dimly lit, the last light extinguished as the evil spirit disappeared.

"I am not wrong……"

This was the last word she said before she completely disappeared.

I was held in my arms by a ghost, and my brain was blank. I didn't expect this to happen to me.

I've thought about it so much that I didn't expect it to be this ending, a tragedy that can no longer be miserable!

A scum man killed two young women and even a child.

How could there be such a man in the world? I suddenly felt that the environment in which I was living was unexpectedly good.

There is no mischief, no disgusting scum or bad people, all around are friendly people.

Since you can see ghosts, you will reach more and more people through these ghosts.

They are reluctant to go to the grave, and have a grievance that no one can sue, how much they hope someone can fulfill their wish, their obsession.

It is these obsessions that have broken my spirits.

Some of them break my heart, some of them warm me, some of them make me irritable and sigh.

When I got home, I calmed down.

"Huaer, are you calm down?"

I looked up at the coloring ghost, and nodded in dismay, the corner of my mouth stiffened, "I just lost myself."

The seducer seemed to see why I was upset, because of some frowns, and he hugged me into his arms again. The big hands behind him seemed to be soothing and patted my back.

"Hua'er, you have a sentence in the Yang, there is nothing wrong."

"Good and evil come in the end. What you said is to do all the bad things before life and not die well. That's right. I say this, can you feel more comfortable in your heart?"

I looked up from his arms and looked at him incredibly.

"Really? Will he really get retribution?"

"When did I lie to you? So, Huaer, don't be sad." He stroked my hair, very lightly and slowly. "Like the old man you met before, everything you say is all It's fate. "

I don't know if the school should cry, I regret what I said first.


I said silently, and the demon answered gently: "Huh?"

"If I go to the underworld someday, I'm going to see Lin Miaomiao and her mother and son, and Yunya?"

The devil nodded and promised me, "Of course, I will accompany you then."

After that, we were always at home. I was lying on the sofa, watching TV, swiping Weibo with a mobile phone, and ran to the shroud shop, and discussed with Grandpa An about all things to start tomorrow.

I leaned on the sofa, closed my eyes, and my mind was still in the daytime. Yun Ya's crazy and painful laughter, like a repeater, kept echoing in my mind.

I stooped down and covered my head with both hands, trying to stop the magic sound from affecting me.

Suddenly, I wonder if it was my illusion, I felt my stomach shake!

The movement was small, not so much a tremor, but rather a tremor, very slight and very slight. I froze and waited for the next vibration, but it didn't. I covered my lower abdomen, held my breath, and wanted to feel the feeling of the lower abdomen again, but no longer responded.

Eh? Is it really an illusion ...

I sighed, leaning my hands on the cushion, my whole body slumped. Just now I was a little happy in my heart. The little one moved, who knew it was just an illusion.

The demon is not at home, An Ning, the little girl, I sent her a WeChat, and she hasn't returned.

Forget it, forget it, I'll sleep for a while.

The TV is also currently playing the hottest TV series, and I fell asleep with the sound of the conversation.

When I woke up, it was dark, my stomach was groaning, there was no light in the living room, and the evening news was on the TV.

The seducer hasn't returned yet.

I looked up and glanced towards the porch, the door was closed, and the fragrance of the meal floated in from the open window.

Thinking of Seki leaving himself tomorrow, he said that he would not come to my side for two weeks, and his heart began to give up on him.

I turned around and thought of going to the kitchen to get myself a bite to eat. Things during the day made me exhausted, both physically and mentally.

Until the clock points to ten o'clock in the evening, the demon still does not return.

I sat with my knees in my hands, sitting on the bed, staring at the phone.

Why did it take so long, is there anything to discuss for a few hours? Upset, I sent a message to An Ning.

She didn't reply to me, but called me back.

"Master Yama hasn't returned yet? Impossible. Grandpa was back before dinner. Now he is preparing to take a shower. The matter has been discussed."

There was something in my heart, I didn't know what to say, my hand holding the phone was shaking, I eased my voice, and my voice was a bit strange: "This way, he may have something to do in hell, so he hasn't come back yet."

An Ning comforted: "Don't think about it, take a break early. I heard something from your grandpa today. It's hard for you."

We talked for a while, and when Grandpa An was calling Anning to take a bath, Xiao Nizi hung up the phone, and tossed me a kiss before hanging up, which made me feel better.

Late at night, time passed by minute by minute, but I didn't sleep at all.

Or ... just go out.

I stood by the window and looked at the small park in the community below. The white street lights were shining. I could even see two or three men and women running at night leaving the winding path.

I took the key to go out, and went downstairs. The thin skirt was suitable for hot summer nights. It was a little stuffy outside, but it was still a bit windy, which made me feel better.

In order to relax, I raised my feet and planned to go around the small park.

Just before I got to the center of the park, I heard the voice of a woman, very hasty, a little embarrassed, I could hear it, it was the voice of a ghost.

"Master Yan, will you stop with me for a while?"

When I heard her calling, my heart sank suddenly, and I walked lightly towards the source of the sound.

The demon is wearing a mask, standing quietly with his back to me, and in front of him stands a young girl with white hair.

Her white-haired hair was very long and fell to the ground. She was wearing ancient clothes. I do n’t know what the clothes were called, but she looked prosperous just by looking at the style. The girl's face was very white, with two red dots on her cheeks, and her small cherry mouth was painted red, her eyes were gray, but she did not hide her pitiful expression.

She wore a white crown on her head, and several slender silver spikes dangled, shaking her smooth forehead, and two white mules stuck in her head, curling her hair.

I stood behind a big tree, watching the scene quietly, holding my breath, for fear of being excited by them and being discovered by them! The demon didn't answer her.

The next scene broke my heart!

I saw the girl in the costume suddenly rushed into the arms of Seki, and reluctantly said, "Master Yama, I don't want you to leave, I don't want to ... you know my heart, why don't you respond to me?"

My heart is trembling. Although I believe that the saint will not betray me, but why is my heart so painful?

There was a throbbing pain that almost broke my heart!

It took me a day to finally calm down, and I was inspired again. I held my breath, my face turned red, I wonder if it was because I was angry or because of hypoxia. I was so afraid that I would lose control and be found by them.

Push her away, push her away ...

My heart kept screaming, but instead of pushing her away, Seki still stood there, watching the Huafu girl silently.

"I love you, sir, I have loved you for thousands of years, but in your eyes, why is there no me ?!"

She was talking excitedly about her feelings there, and she slowly let go of her hands, detached from the embrace of the ghost, raised her petite head, and stared affectionately at the color ghost.

"Sir, you have been with the body for so long today, it is better tonight, stay with the body ..."

I saw her hand stroking the demon's chest, stomping her toes, and closing her eyes.

God knows what kind of state I am now. My brain is buzzing, my body is shaking so much that I can't help myself, and I may fall apart at any time.

An Ning said, Grandpa An has been home for a long time, and Seki has not returned until now, but I just went out to relax and saw him here with a woman.

No, to be precise, a female ghost!

I covered my chest with one hand and the lower abdomen with the other, and I squatted slowly.

It hurts ... it hurts ...

Not only my heart hurts, but even my stomach is faint. I saw the ruby ​​bracelet on my wrist flashing red light, my eyes were sometimes blurred and sometimes clear, and my head became heavy.

"Saya, you are getting better."

The seducer's voice drifted into my ears, and I really wanted to leave. I didn't want to see them again or to know what they were going to do.

Breathing became more difficult, and the pain in the stomach became more and more intense. The pain could not be described in words, and it felt like I was going to tear my soul.

The demon talked, but I couldn't understand what he said at all, and I curled up on the ground with a pale face.

"Saya, my king would not have seen you unless your father had saved his life. Now my king does not owe anything to you."

He took a few steps back and was already anxious.

"No, Lord Yama, I am going to marry you, I am going to marry you, even if it is just a little uncle, I am willing!"

The demon looked at her coldly: "My King has only Hua'er and a wife, and only one for life."

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