Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 54: Mysterious ghost painter

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

"Don't think about it, since you feel terrible, I won't ask you, forget them all!"

I patted his shoulder. Suddenly, I felt a sharp look stabbing at me. I looked up and saw Seki, and his eyes shifted to me.

I immediately felt a strong possessiveness from his eyes! I quickly put my hands back, and glanced at him bitterly.

Don't look at me like this, I just comfort him, there is no other meaning.

My eyes kept sending this message to him, but he turned a blind eye to it, and still looked at me with a reprimanded look, making me feel like a cheating wife.

Alright alright.

I opened my distance slightly from Wang Hongrui and quietly waited for him to calm down.

Now I don't want to ask him about the contents of those six paintings. I stood aside, thinking about what he said just now, frowning.

Wang Hongrui began to have nightmares after receiving the painting and taking it home.

Is this psychological? Or is it really the evil spirits that are making trouble?

"There is something on those paintings."

The ghostly ghosts can see my thoughts, and the tone is smooth, explaining to me: "Evil ghosts have many influences on people in the sun, such as invading their dreams, which affects their sleep. This is one of them. Possibilities. "

"Remember what I said just now, this breath is complicated, like a breath mixed with many different ghosts."

He put his finger on the mask and rubbed: "Sure enough, I didn't feel wrong. There are things on the six paintings, so the breath is mixed."

Wang Hongrui couldn't hear the words of the evil spirit, but I could hear them clearly.

After listening to his words, I nodded slightly, and after Wang Hongrui's mood stabilized, I asked softly, "Is the painting placed next door?"

His body shook, and he looked at me incredibly, and said in shock: "How do you know?"

"Don't ask me how I know, but let me ask you, why do you want to bring those paintings to this exhibition, although they are not shown."

He lowered his head and did not respond to me for a long time.

I didn't force him. Since he didn't say, there must be his reason. I asked more. If he refused to tell, I would not know the answer, and it would kill his patience.

"Okay, you don't say I don't force it, you say that those paintings make you have nightmares every day, what else?"

I guided him and wanted to get more information out of his mouth.

He took a breath and looked at the ground as if thinking about something.

"That nightmare, I have done it for more than a day, for several days."

"Those paintings have been echoing in my dreams. I scream every time I want to get out of the dreams, but I can't do it."

He looked at me timidly, hesitated again and again, and finally spoke: "On the first day they arrived in my house, I was awakened by that nightmare at night, and this was the only time I successfully got out of the dream."

"I ... what I said next, it was all true, really! It wasn't me who made it up!"

Wang Hongrui said excitedly, I looked at him and nodded: "I believe, you say."

"I saw a black and long figure standing in front of my window. This figure has red eyes exactly like the crawling white person in the dream."

When I heard this, I could not help but goosebumps behind my back.

"I can't take it anymore, I can't take it anymore, so I brought these paintings here today because I got in touch with a painting collector and sold them to him."

At this moment, my heart twitched, and I jumped a little, with a little dissatisfaction: "You can't do this, you know that there are problems with these paintings, how can you sell them to others?"

"Then what can I do? I don't know what other ways to deal with them. If you don't sell them, I'll give them to them."

I really can't accept this approach. If things are really like what he said, these paintings must not be left in the world, let alone to transfer the hands of others. This is simply a curse to others!

After hearing his words, I don't want to touch the six paintings for a while. Although they are only one wall away from me, I'm not that curious to find out.

A psychiatrist? Metaphysical painter? Forties painter?

Foreign painter?

Four dots popped out of my head, thinking.

"Then have you searched those painters online? Do you know the artist's name?"

"Roman Drizzt."

He quoted a name, I picked up the phone directly, and was ready to search, Wang Hongrui said, "Don't check, I can't find any, I already checked."

"Even going over the wall and searching on Google and Wikipedia, there is no such figure. He is like a ghost and does not exist in this world."

I was surprised: "How do you know his name?"

Wang Hongrui put his hand on his chin and sighed: "When overseas friends sent me the painting, they told me that I had never opened it after seeing it, only to see it in a dream."

"I don't know if the portrait in the dream is exactly the same as it is in real life, but I originally planned to take it apart to see it. After having those repeated nightmares, I have no such thoughts."

"Those paintings should have his real name, but I don't want to open them."

I put down my phone and was discouraged.

Roman Drizzt did not even hear the name, but I still checked it with my mobile phone and found that it was really like what he said, without any content or entries.

However, I took care to note that at the beginning Wang Hongrui said a few keywords that I entered into the search engine.

Metaphysical painter.

I have never heard of such a painter. Some say that they are abstract painters and realist painters. I have never seen metaphysical painters.

When I clicked the word "search", I was shocked!

There is really an introduction and explanation about this artist, all in English!

I looked at it in my awkward English, and probably understood it. Some professional words took me a long time to read.

The demon's body is behind me, with his hands on my shoulders, leaning forward, watching the search on my phone.

He quickly released his hands and looked away.

Maybe, he saw a pile of dense English and gave up.

He also pretended not to be interested, which made me feel very funny, and even felt that he was a bit cute.

Metaphysical painters have few explanations, scattered and scattered, and some of them talk about writing the wrong topic. There is a lot of content throughout the article, but there are few important points.

I can only abandon this obsolete content and look for other interpretations.

Finally, I found something that interested me in an entry after several pages.

Metaphysical painter: Focusing on the study of life, I believe that the world has reincarnation. It is only after death that people are the most primitive state they have, and they are also the most real when they are human. When painting, they can only imagine how people will behave when they die, and what they will look like after death.

What does it mean? What the hell?

I do n’t understand this sentence at all. Maybe it ’s because of my dregs that I read the wrong meaning?

About the study of life, what is the content of the artist's paintings related to this? Related to reincarnation?

What kind of portrait would it be? I can't think of it anyway. He pursues this kind of thing. It is his interest and his hobby. But does this have any effect on the paintings he paints?

"He seems to be a Christian."

Wang Hongrui added such a sentence, I know nothing about religion. When he said that, I went to search for more about Christianity.

In the end, it took me more than ten minutes to find a connection between Christianity, Roman Drizzt, and metaphysics.

Reincarnation or something is too ridiculous, right?

I was going to ask the ogre, but I couldn't, otherwise Wang Hongrui would definitely be scared to death, this ogre! At the critical moment, I also diverted my attention. How can I get some useful content from his mouth?

To be honest, I just saw the explanation about the metaphysical painter, and I felt that it was impossible, which actually aroused my interest in those six paintings.

If I can, I would love to take a look next door.

Suddenly, a series of footsteps came from outside the door, hurried and fast. I quickly closed my mouth and sat back in my seat.

The door was strongly opened and slammed against the white wall.

I seem to dimly see some white powder falling from the wall.

"Wang! Hong! Rui! Why aren't you in the showroom? Fans are waiting to sign! What are you waiting for here ?!"

A standing man in a suit stood at the door, his hair darkened with mousse, and angrily stared at Wang Hongrui.

I saw Wang Hongrui's face darkened, and he got up from his seat, his mood was a bit bad: "I'm receiving guests."

"What customers are so unqualified, don't come early or come late, come to the show this time to find you?"

After the demon heard this sentence, a cold breath swept across the door!

Suddenly, the man suddenly lost his voice, and leaned down on the ground, with a dark air around his brows.

Wang Hongrui was frightened, and hurried to his side, thinking that his words had caused him anxiety, fainted, and hurriedly called the staff, and also made a 120 emergency call.

I knew who the culprit was, and stared at the ghost silently, his tone was extremely cold.

"Who told him to talk bad things about the lady, Queen of the King, what qualifications does he have!"

I watched the employee lounge that suddenly became very lively. Several nurses in white gowns came in, holding the stretcher to lift the agent out.

"You're overdone."

I know that the smell of ghosts can cause harm to people. I do n’t know if this behavior of ghosts will bring any sequelae to this agent.

"Relax, you can't die."

I was relieved, and my heart returned, and it was still warm.

He protects me like this, how can I not be moved.

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