Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 56: Chilling paintings

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

Wang Hongrui knew that I was joking with him, with an angry expression on his face: "Please don't do this."

I saw that he was angry and knew that I was too much, but what I was telling the truth was that Grandpa An did n’t help, it did n’t mean that the evil spirits could n’t.

But I see him now, most likely nothing is possible.

Actually, the reason why I'm going to take a look next door is that I hope that the devil can get involved in this matter.

He is King Yan, and it is only him who has the greatest strength. If I saw those paintings, he might be because of me to help Wang Hongrui.

I know, my thoughts are overkill and selfish, but ...

I glanced at An Ning's reluctance, not knowing who to send a text message to, anxious and urgent.

She turned her head slightly towards her side, and sure enough, this little Nizi was texting her grandpa.

"Grandpa, can't you help him?"

After a while, I came back with a lovely expression.

"Prank! Hurry up and come back to me! (Angry)"

What exactly is a metaphysical painter, and why makes Grandpa An frightened, and makes the ghosts silent, showing this expression.

Obviously, Anning also wants to help Wang Hongrui.

I do n’t mean much to him, except that he is such a good genius boy that he can draw that kind of portrait, and I like it very much, I admire him, and I do n’t want him to affect his life because of the six evil spirits .

May also affect his future.

I have heard what Sag just said, saying that it is not easy to completely destroy them.

It can be seen that even if the paintings are burned down, the evil spirits will still stay with Wang Hongrui and cannot be eradicated.

If it were that easy, Grandpa Ann and Seki would not have responded this way.

There is also an explanation about the metaphysical painter. I am also confused.

I can't understand it at all, and I don't want to think about it too much.

Wang Hongrui timidly glanced at the wall and murmured, "Are you really going to see the painting?"

"Don't you want to know, are they the culprits of your daily nightmares?" I raised an eyebrow.

He froze, hesitated again and again, raised his hand and looked at the watch on his wrist, swallowed, and said nervously: "Then we go quickly, if ... if it is exactly the same as the portrait in my dream, I Burn them today! "

Wang Hongrui was obviously very nervous, even the voice was shaking, I heard it, but I still couldn't help it, hit him a bit: "I'm afraid it's not that simple."

I nodded towards An Ning: "Did you see what she just called, and what she said, An Jia is the exorcist family, and his grandpa asked us to go back quickly, but imagine how terrible those six paintings are. Now. "

"What then?"

He panicked, looking helpless, constantly scratching his ears and cheeks, his face agitated.

I said, "Go and see first. I want to see Anning."

I would like to see what kind of paintings made by the artist will have such terrifying and powerful effects, which directly affect Wang Hongrui's dream!

An Ning nodded strongly, grabbed my hand, and looked at him seriously.

"Let ’s go, three people, what are you afraid of? Right, there are so many people coming to the exhibition. If those ghosts are really powerful, I dare not ask them for trouble!"

She waved her fist in the other hand, and she looked like she was not afraid. I felt that she was shaking with my other hand slightly, and reluctantly hooked her lips.

Apparently dying, he swelled his face and became fat.


The demon didn't stop me anymore, he gently took my hand and stayed beside me, and Wang Hongrui no longer came to worry about who I was talking to just now, and his own affairs had not been dealt with yet. Free to guess.

More than I expected, this time I wanted to take the initiative to help Wang Hongrui, and he was not angry.

It wasn't before. As long as I have a little relationship with other men, I can get angry with him. Today is ...

The demon held my hand and let go, and touched my head.

"Huaer has been thinking about her husband forever, and she can feel it for her husband."

He smiled at me, and I saw his eyes bent: "So don't worry about being jealous for your husband, the lady's heart is always on me."

I don't like his tossing and talking, I have to bother to interpret his meaning.

However, I do n’t know if it ’s because of the ghosts in my body. I always can quickly understand what he means, and it does n’t make me feel where I go. Think about it, it ’s better to be polite .

If I remember correctly, I was blushed and red-faced a few times by his outspoken words.

He ran through the wall privately into the room next to the painting, causing me to be nervous and dying. He kept calling him in my heart, and he could hear him in the end? !!

what? Then he used to scold him in his heart, or felt happy, would he know that in Chengdu?

I feel that my privacy has been snooped on, but I have no displeasure.

The three of us walked out of the employee's rest room and headed to the door next door.

Segu watched the closed door quietly and said, "Things are more complicated than I originally thought."

"Did you see them when you went in?"

He heard me ask him, he didn't answer, but his look was a little complicated.

Wang Hongrui has been immersed in his own world. Due to the tension, he only cares to appease himself. He didn't even notice that I was communicating with the slayer. An Ning knew from the conversation with the air just now that he was here.

"Will your husband be willing to help?"

I smiled and shook my head helplessly, she was relieved, and sighed: "Grandpa too, how can I persuade him not to, and let us go back quickly, otherwise we will come and arrest us."

I thought of Grandpa An's expression when texting, and I couldn't help thinking he was cute.

When I saw him in a shroud, I didn't realize he had this attribute? I didn't see it at all.

Wang Hongrui took a quick breath and unscrewed the door handle. The door opened slowly, and the inside was dark.

Since this is a special storage room, there are no windows in it, and it is usually used to pile things up. No one can enter. The bulb above the head is an old-fashioned circular orange light.

Wang Hongrui turned off the light switch, and several large cardboard boxes were stacked in the corner. Several long strip-shaped tables were arranged side by side. Some of them were stacked like the opening of the exhibition. Will use a long red band.

The six paintings were stacked and leaned against the side of the cardboard box. The huge picture frame was wrapped in a gray-white dust cloth together with the painting. The red rope cross trapped it sturdy and did not leak a corner. Come.

The voices of the people in the exhibition hall can be heard faintly outside the door. Since there are only two doors across, and the room is close to the outer door, a small number of people can be heard.

This may have become the capital that Wang Hongrui persuaded himself to relax. His breathing was very heavy, as if he had just run for a few kilometers, he could hardly breathe.

Breathing was still short, and he took another deep breath in order to calm himself.

"I'll open it."

He said to himself, I looked at him quietly, the room was quiet, and I could hear my throbbing heart, adrenaline was secreted quickly, and white light flashed in front of my eyes.

I saw him shaking his hands and moving his feet, as if he was daring and fearful, and it took him a long time to reach the six paintings.

The dust cloth is not open. How did the scum see?

If he didn't see it, why would he say things are complicated?

Does he have a perspective function in addition to penetrating the wall?

I don't want to think too much, because I don't want to think that he has the function of seeing through. He stands in front of him every day. Is there no difference between wearing clothes and not wearing clothes?

This horrible thought, I quickly dispelled from my mind.

An Ning grasped my arm tightly with both hands and pressed close to me, his body trembling slightly.

It seems that she is also nervous.

I swallowed, took a deep breath, and watched Wang Hongrui slowly untie the knot of the red rope. It was obviously something that could be done in just a few seconds. Under the circumstance that the atmosphere was depressed, I felt stiff, It seems like a century has passed.

Without a rope, the dust cloth brushed, and it slipped to the ground very silky. The speed was so fast that I hadn't prepared it, so I saw the first picture clearly!

Boom! I feel that all the blood in my body has rushed to the top of my head, and my hairs are all open! The eyeball was a little out of his control, and was shaking left and right!

I feel that my heart is stopping because of ischemia! There was a chill in the back, and cold sweat quickly emerged from the open pores!

What kind of painting is this? !!

A thing that didn't know whether it was a human or an animal was sitting on a twisted chair. I looked carefully and found the limbs of this "thing". It could be seen that it was a person.

The long hair and exposed chest made me judge that she was a woman!

All her skin was distorted, and she was wrapped in disclosure. Slightly crooked, as if being twisted by an invisible hand, the watery eyes were re-arranged. Now the two eyes are separately distributed in different parts of her head, the bones are very slender, and the meat on them has been covered All scraped off, she still tried to grasp the place where she could hold it, but there was no place to catch in the upward black rapids!

The background is distorted, this darkness is not ordinary darkness, it reveals a breath of death, and it even contains this chilling feeling. Chaotic black filled the background of the painting, leaving only one deformed woman sitting on a twisted chair.

The expression on her face, the moment I saw her, I was almost fainted!

Wang Hongrui's mouth was so wide that he could stuff a burger. He fell to the ground and his body shook into a sieve.

"This is impossible ... this is impossible!"

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