Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 6: Almost hit by my parents

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

Afterwards, I lay flat on the bed, panting, long hair and messy clothes on the ground.

Segui supported his head with one hand and leaned against my back, his arms around my waist, stroking his fingers all at once.

His body is perfect, like a sculpture from the gods. There is a mermaid line under the abdomen muscle that modern men also admire. Two long and strong legs are stacked. The chest is flat and hard. The delicate clavicle has Neither thick nor thin necks, and small throat knots may drive some of the opposite **** crazy!

My face covered with black hair was hot and hot, and I couldn't help but grab the light sheet under me, moving my body slightly towards the other side of the coloring ghost.

"Huaer, where do you want to go?"

The man seemed to feel my escape, and his arm was forced again, locking me tightly to his side.

Although I was still a little scared in my heart, when his hand slid to my lower abdomen and touched it gently, the fear in my heart gradually decreased.

He, in fact, still attaches great importance to the little ghost in my stomach. Since that is the case ... then I still have value in his eyes, so I am not in danger of my life for the time being.

I have to think like this, because a person's life is only once, in case one day, he really offends his inverse scale, and the child in the stomach can at least be used as a bargaining chip.

It's just ... According to the days when she doesn't come for the holiday, it has been one year, but she hasn't seen her belly grow big ...

It seems that there is a big difference between a ghost and a normal human fetus.

My heart gradually calmed down, somehow the courage, I turned around, black long hair blocked the seductive female symbol on the chest. With breathing, I saw it in the dark hair, and the look in the man's eyes was deep. After a lot, the desire that I was afraid of was even stronger.

He snatched me into his arms and suppressed his voice, "Huaer, don't seduce me." How could I ... I almost rolled my eyes at him.

In the silence, I felt the soreness in my limbs, looking at the ruby ​​bracelet on my wrist, and my heart felt a little more aggrieved.

The man in front of me, I do n’t know his appearance, even the name, but he not only knew his name, but also took me as the most important woman for the first time.

I looked up with resentment and looked at him.

"What's your name, and you don't let me see your face, you should always tell me by name?"

The man froze, then seemed to carelessly, and said casually: "My king has no name, but those things that are not useful are called me Yan Jun, or Yan Wang."

"As for appearance ..."

He put his hand on my face, the temperature was very low, but it was very gentle.

"Wait a bit longer, I'll let you see."

"Not right now?" I asked, frowning, quite a little girl's coquettish gesture, and my face was still full of pink because of love, and I saw his desire | the fire was about to rush into my heart.

He lowered his voice and laughed softly: "Huaer, can't you wait?"

Through that horrible mask, I saw his pair of long, narrow black pupils, with a petting smile inside, without any danger, and it touched my heart fiercely.

My heart bounced up and down, and before opening my mouth, I heard the door opening at the entrance of the house.

Parents are back!

I sat up in shock, picking up my clothes from the floor in a panic.

Why are you back so early today? !! God, if my parents saw me and a man lying on a bed, or on the bed at home, they would definitely break their legs!

Even if they love me very much, some things in principle still cannot be recognized by them.

The man saw me panic and flushed, and my fingers couldn't help but touch my waistline with no fat. I wore a half sweater and pulled it down, covering my body, turning my head and glaring. He glanced.


The man froze, and suddenly laughed. I fluttered him in shock and covered his mouth with both hands!

"Don't laugh!" I'm going to die, what if my parents heard it?

He immediately grabbed my hands, rubbing my fingers back and forth with my palms.

"Hua'er, how do you feel like you're panicking, Ben Wangming is marrying you, what are you panicking about."

Go to your Ming media and get married!

Shy and angry, I heard footsteps outside the door approaching the door, and my breathing stopped.

"You go, go!"

I desperately pushed the sturdy chest of the demon twice, he took my hand and slammed hard, and I flung it into his arms.

A wet kiss was on my forehead.

"My queen, rest early, and my king will come back to you tomorrow evening."

After speaking, he got up, a dark mist quickly covered his naked and perfect body, and in a blink of an eye, a black robe loosely tied to him.

The figure disappeared.

At the same time, the door was knocked.

"Xiaohua, shall I come in?" It was Mom's voice.

Before I could respond, my mother pushed in, and I pulled the quilt down to my upper body, and when I saw the messy clothes on the ground, my uncle's nature came out again.

"Why do n’t you put on your clothes? It ’s crumpled tomorrow. It ’s not good-looking."

The flash of my mind flashed through my head, and my face turned red and red.

Ahhhh! That dead ghost! goat!

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