Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 64: Repulsive and contradictory psychology

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

where is it? Where is the schoolboy?

My eyes were constantly searching for that fat figure, but I couldn't find it.

Last night's anxiety struck again. There was no ... there was no outside, would it be at home?

I had hope in my heart that he had got the answer he wanted and returned to Hell, but my instinct told me that it was not that simple.

After hesitating for a while, I frowned, pushed away the crowd, and walked towards the uncle of the police standing there.

Several of them were discussing what was in the record, and from time to time they pointed in the direction of the two corpses, their faces full of dignity.

In any case, I still have to determine whether this couple is the parent of a primary school brother.

"sorry for disturbance."

My voice successfully attracted their attention. I seriously asked, "Does their family have a junior high school son, who is fat and wears glasses and is not very tall and is studying in the second middle school?"

The policeman glanced at me suspiciously, and then with caution: "You are ..."

I was stunned and said busyly: "I know their son, but I don't know his name for the time being. I have helped him before, and I used to read in the second high school."

The police seemed to understand the situation, nodded towards me, and then talked to their colleagues on their own.

I just want to go into their house and have a look.

Did the primary school brother stay there?

However, according to the current situation, I am afraid I can't do it. I have already talked about this situation, and they have not let me in, so it must not be so easy to enter.

If you force yourself to use some reason and intend to break in, they will be treated as bad people.

This is how to do?

I looked intently and looked around, but did not see the souls of the couple, which shows that they should have gone to hell.

But I always feel that my primary school brother is still here.

As time passed by, the sky began to brighten. Most of the residents who were still asleep got up to go to work, and more and more people watched the excitement.

In the end, I gave up and went to the home of the elementary school brother. I planned to go to the gate of the community and look for the bus he had been riding on. He was still not there.

I left the scene quickly, and I couldn't help them while they were alive, so I could only take them in the best direction I could do.

The bracelet on my wrist was heating slightly, I felt it, raised my wrist, and saw the red light flowing inside shining.

"Boy, do you and I think the same?"

The red light flashed sharply, and a gratifying smile appeared on the corner of my mouth, and my heart gradually raised a lot of self-confidence, and walked quickly towards the community.

Just as I was going towards the station, my eyes immediately looked at the wooden bench where my primary school brother and I sat yesterday, and a familiar figure curled up there!

The mood at this moment, I can not describe in words! It was a good thing that he could not find it, which meant that he had gone to hell. He got a reply and forgave his parents. At the same time, he would not know that his parents jumped off the building and committed suicide.

However, he was sitting there, massing his round body, and trembling with burrow.

What makes me most uncomfortable is not to find him, but to detect the deadness on his body.

It has completely turned black. The kind of inky black like the night sky, with a heavy suppressed breath of death, this resentment and despair was like a small hill, trying to crush me to the ground fiercely.

The red bracelet flashed twice more, and the slight heat became hotter. I seemed to have the right heart, and returned the little guy with a sentence: "I know, he has changed."

"Relax, baby, I won't lean too close to him."

My heart began to tingle. When I saw him yesterday, the breath on him was still so pure, white without any impurities, and without a trace of gray.

One day, just one day.

He became an evil spirit ...

I can't accept this fact, I really can't accept it.

He apparently saw the bodies of his parents and knew that they had committed suicide before turning into evil spirits at a rapid rate.

I quietly walked towards the wooden bench where he was. The red bracelet was still emitting heat. I knew the little guy was worried about himself, and his fingers stroked the uneven surface quickly, soothing: "Don't worry about me I have a measure. "

"Are you ok?"

I didn't lean very close to him, but asked somewhere in a distance from the wooden bench. Fortunately, this position was blocked by a small piece of wood, slightly concealed, which became a benefit for me to approach him condition.

A whining sound came, and the sound of weeping was full of sadness and despair, and the sound was gurgling, and the tone changed and became very thick. In short, it was very unpleasant.

Around his round body, there was a layer of black mist, constantly tumbling.

"You ... do you care?"

I asked again, and he still didn't respond to me, still thinking about himself, curled up and wept over there.

It's not the way to go like this, otherwise ... I'll let Grandpa An ...


I hurriedly interrupted this idea. I could n’t let Grandpa An handle everything. I already owed him a lot of favors. Before Yang Ye ’s affairs and Wang Hongrui ’s affairs, to be honest, I was curious. I started to ask for help. In the end, I relied on Grandpa An's help.

This time, I want to solve the matter of this elementary school boy myself, without going through the hands of anyone.

But I do n’t have the bottom of my heart. The ghosts I encountered before, without exception, are some kind of earth-bound spirits. The three evil spirits I have encountered, the ghosts are also near me, and I will not be in danger. .

However, this is the first time I have faced evil spirits alone.

The pervert told me that one cannot touch the soul that turns into an evil spirit, because they do not have a good understanding. In their eyes, all people, all souls, are the objects that need to be persecuted and persecuted.

I didn't want to give up, I swallowed and looked at my younger brother.

"I'm the sister who chatted with you yesterday. You look up at me. I'm here for you."

"Hehehe, what are you doing here?"

He finally raised his head, and I was taken aback by his appearance!

His gray eyes changed to bright red like blood, no pupils in his eyes, a blood red, grayish white face, a large number of black tendons, and veins like spider webs, covering his The whole face.

No, to be precise, the whole body!

As he talked, a spit of black gas was exhaled from his black mouth, and he looked at me with hatred and laughed.

With crying laughter, I can't help but be creepy.

"Don't you say, I'll get the answer? Shit! Where's the answer? They're dead now! Dead! Hahaha ... Oh, I don't want them to die, I don't want to."

"Sorry, is it that difficult?"

He was crying and laughing again, and his emotions were agitated and depressed for a while, like a schizophrenic lunatic.

But the fear of him in my heart was rapidly diminishing.

In my eyes, he is like a lonely and helpless child, just wanting to get the love of his parents, not getting it, wanting to listen to their apology, not hearing it, I finally persuaded him to go home yesterday, he lost himself Parents.

I don't know how to communicate with him. I feel guilty. To be honest, I regret that I let him go home yesterday, but I don't know what will happen in the future.

If he does not go back, he will not be able to forgive his parents if he does not get an apology, and he will become a ghost.

He went back and got this tragic ending.

My eyes were a little wet, and I wanted to comfort him, but I couldn't do it.

Because I know that my comfort is no longer effective.

However, I still intend to do my best to console him and hope that it will be useful.

"I ... I'm sorry, I will get such a result. This is not what I expected. I think that adults have a strong tolerance, and they will not commit suicide."

I paused and continued: "Actually, you've got the answer, haven't you? Right? Your mom and dad must have made such a bad decision because of guilt. Choosing this form, they ... they are actually I'm sorry for you. "

When I said these things, I felt a little bit offended. Sometimes, suicide is not necessarily regret, apology, and some are for escape.

The elementary school boy looked up blankly and stared at me.

"Do you mean it? Do they really think they are wrong? What did I do wrong? As long as they can love me more, punch and kick me, and punish them, I will be satisfied."

He spread his hands, stared at it, and started talking nonsense again.

"They're dead, you know, I watched them jump off the balcony and watched."

I opened my eyes wide, and I had no idea that he saw the whole process!

"I feel guilty. If I don't commit suicide, will they not die?"

His heart was very contradictory, and he began to embrace all his mistakes. He began to feel that he had committed suicide and caused the death of his parents.

However, he resents his parents' attitude towards himself. This contrary and contradictory heart hastened him into an evil spirit.

Just when I was at a loss, and when my elementary school brother was caught in the inner loop of death, two loud voices came.

"Small chapter ..."

I was stunned, thinking that my conversation with the elementary school brother was heard by passers-by, and I turned my head and looked in the direction of the sound!

It is the soul of a couple, with sad faces, pale skin, and gray eyes with sadness and remorse.

Between their eyebrows, I saw the shadow of the elementary school brother.

I was hopeless in my heart and rekindled hope!

His parents, come to him!

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