Biquge, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

An Ning and the police uncle revealed that we had lunch with Wang Xiaomeng yesterday and learned that she was going to explore the abandoned building with the boys in the class. He was taking notes while looking dignified.

I saw a corpse lying on the ground not far away, and I felt my heart sinking quickly towards the bottom of the black valley.

The familiar figure, the skin became swollen after being blistered, and the skin was pale, which was not a living person's, and the stiff hands were like hooked claws.

There was black matter in the nails, which looked like moist soil, and my face was gone. I couldn't see her expression.

"Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any other useful information, please tell me immediately."

I nodded, An Ning's body was shaking, and I knew what she was feeling now, pulling her aside, trying to calm her heart.

"Why ... why did this happen ..."


I didn't know how to soothe her. I just felt that the words I just said were like sturdy slaps, which were directly beaten on my face and crackled.

Really ... deceive yourself.

I smiled bitterly, and when I saw the rigid body in the distance, the sadness in my heart was almost overflowing.

"Xiao Meng! Xiao Meng! Let Yirang, please let Yixiang! I said, let it go!"

Ye Yao stumbled to the front of the crowd, followed by Li Yingying.

When she saw Wang Xiaomeng's body, she covered her mouth with her hands, her face twisted, tears falling from her eyes, her legs softened, and she sat directly on her knees on the ground, her face showing horror and despair.

Seeing this scene, Li Yingying almost fell and fell to the ground. Fortunately, there was a girl behind her who supported her, and her face was full of fear and sadness.

In one day, a living person can be turned into this cold body.

My eyes looked at an abandoned experimental building next to me, and my eyes narrowed sharply.

So many things, strung together in succession.

In that building, who is it? Is it human? Or a ghost?

In my mind, a blood-red light struck through, with a fierce light, flashing through the broken glass window.


Ye Yao burst into tears there. I know she has a good relationship with Wang Xiaomeng. Now I see her crying, which makes my sadness even stronger.

The scene was full of weird death, I could feel it.

And this death gas not only came from the death scene, but also from this chemical experiment building.

It's suffocating, like a huge hand trying to choke my throat. I'm standing here, my hairs have not been smoothed, and I've been standing upright.

Suddenly, Ye Yao was mad and rushed into the cordon. The two policemen immediately intercepted her, but An Ning stepped out first, as they explained.

In the end, the police still put Ye Yao in humanely. When she got close to some of Wang Xiaomeng's corpses, the whole man collapsed, screamed, and cried while covering her face.

I was frightened by her appearance, we couldn't enter the cordon, so I had to go to the other side and wonder why Ye Yao was out of control.

What kind of face is this? I don't know what words to describe.

Originally, when I saw Wang Xiaomeng's hands becoming hook-claw-shaped, I felt that she must have endured great fears during her lifetime, perhaps struggling in the water, so this?

Now when I see her face, I know that I had an idea, and it was all right.

Wang Xiaomeng's eyes were wide, gray eyes were out of focus, the eyeballs bulged out, the mouth was wide, the bright red tongue was as long as the palm, and the whole chin was pulled out of the mouth.

The degree of distortion of my face made my heart almost jump out of my throat at first sight.

An Ning turned directly, holding up the side of the tree and vomiting. I immediately looked away, but her death was really miserable.

I feel a little dizzy, even a little shaky, I cover my forehead, this is the most unacceptable scene I have ever had since I was born.

The scenes in front of me are all real, not special effects in movies. This is what scares me most and is unacceptable.

At this moment, there was another commotion in the crowd. I saw a few boys from our class running and a counselor.

"Police, our roommates haven't returned yet, and we can't reach them ..."

When they saw Wang Xiaomeng lying on the ground, they all froze, the tension on their faces quickly turned into panic, their feet moved uneasily there, and their eyes were filled with dim light.

The corner of my mouth twitched weakly again.

Really, all of the people who went to explore last night were in trouble.

I don't want to deceive myself anymore. In the early morning, Ye Yao came to us because Wang Xiaomeng was missing. What is in front of us now is her body.

What about the boys? Where are they now?

I don't know, but what I'm sure is that I'm afraid it will be almost the same.

What use is there to escape from this experimental building?

The power of the evil spirits is not far from this building, and they will disappear. They are like breath, firmly attached to them, and they will follow firmly, unyielding.

I heard An Ning's soft weeping voice. I turned my head, she covered her eyes with one hand, and cried and said to me, "Xiaohua, if I inherit the family business, will they just No need to die. "

My body trembled and my face paled.

I understand what she means. If she could drive away ghosts, perform rituals and formations, she would be able to accompany this group of students seeking excitement yesterday. At least, she would not end up like this.

"Why do you blame yourself? This is not your fault. You have done what you should do."

I don't know why An Ning suddenly burrowed his horns.

In the class of the day, we all had a hard time. No, we can say that the entire class of our major is the same.

Absent-minded, a shadow cast over everyone's face.

What happened to that chemical experiment building?

I'm pretty sure this isn't a murder case or anything. After the police found another classmate who "suicide" in several other corners of the campus, I think the red light I saw in the chemical experiment building is definitely Ghost, not an illusion!

Actually, this kind of thing, you will know what the Seki will know, but he was too busy to find me last night. Is it inappropriate for me to find him now?

The professor was talking on the textbook above, and I supported my head with both hands because the experimental building was in trouble.

Suddenly, I picked up my mobile phone and quickly searched for what happened in the abandoned chemical experiment building of our school. Since there will be evil spirits and land-bound spirits, there must have been a tragedy there.

The greater possibility is to die unjustly!

Otherwise, people will not keep the obsession with such a deep grudge, and do not want to leave in the world for a long time.

However, most of these things were blocked by the school?

The building was abandoned, and the students went away one after another. Until now, no one would know what happened there, and naturally, they wouldn't be idle, and usually go there to hang out.

If it weren't for the mechatronics senior student hanging up, no one would know about it.

I know there is a place on the Internet where students often gossip-post it.

I bet, there must be a graduated senior or sister who said about what happened in the experimental building. I hope it has not been blocked.

Entered a lot of keywords in the search box in Post Bar, and finally locked a strange post!

"Chemical genius boy falls in love triangle? The tragic ending is sad!"

This kind of title party is naturally very attractive to explore. The posting time turned out to be an ancient post ten years ago.

I trembled and clicked in. The landlord was a ten-level trumpet. When he posted, he stated that he was a senior in the senior year. According to this age, most of them had children, and he was a fast-moving four. "Uncle!"

He had a lot of content, and I quickly swept it down.

What a "curse", what a "chemical killer", "tie a girlfriend and a third person on a stool, close windows and doors, inject toxic gas into a small room" and so on. My heart was trembling.

I swallowed, and when I turned down, I saw a picture with very low pixels.

But this is the picture that almost made me throw my mobile phone out!

That photo was taken from the outside of the experimental building, and it was exactly where I saw the red light today!

and many more……

I went over the record posted recently by the senior, and there was also a window where an auntie cleaner found him.

For a moment, I felt like my body was locked, my head was buzzing, my eyes were black for a while, and the fear in my heart rose to the extreme!

The window pointed by the two photos is the same as the window where I saw the red light today!

I felt that my breathing was accelerating, but I still couldn't breathe a trace of air. I knew in my heart that in that room, there were definitely evil spirits!

The souls of the pair of men and women killed by poisonous gas are still there!

"Hua'er, you are barely yourself."

Just when I felt like I was about to die from fear, I heard this voice.

A figure appeared beside me. In this class, I could see him, but others couldn't.

Those deep eyes gazed at me, and my arms wrapped around my body with strong hands.


The sense of security washed away all the discomfort that the fear brought to the body, and I wanted to immediately throw it into his arms, but I knew that this was not the case now.

The professor and I asked for leave. He seemed to know that I had a good relationship with Wang Xiaomeng, and felt that I was sad. So he did so, and he allowed it.

After returning to the bedroom, I immediately rushed into the arms of Seki, constantly comforting my heart with this sense of security, breathing his breath greedily.

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