Biquge, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!


I sucked my nose, and the cold wetness flowed out of the nasal cavity, and the back flowed all over the delicate and luxurious robes of Segui, who was not disappointed, and pressed my head into my arms.

"It turns out that the soul can accelerate itself into a ghost."

In my words, Segui's body was stagnant. He asked, "Huaer, what did you see?"

"A long, long story, my heart is broken."

I twitched and poked my head out of his arms, looking at Qiao Hui.

Now, she was squatting on the ground, sobbing and crying, I let go of the seducer's arms and slowly approached her, but she was not very close.

Everything can be understood, when she appeared, why did she shout that she was right.

She was right, and found that Xu Jian was a lunatic, and she left him.

But she was unable to leave Yangjian and stayed here for ten years. The reason was probably not because of Xu Jian, but because of Tan Haoran.

She must know that because of herself, Tan Haoran had been implicated and died. If she did not engage in Tan Haoran's arms at that time, perhaps Xu Jian's anger would only go towards her.

It was only she who was poisoned by poisonous gas.

There is also the sacrifice of Tan Haoran.

I'm afraid this is the reason why Qiao Hui is unwilling to return to the underworld. She must be very guilty and dragged and killed Tan Haoran, but he sacrificed herself for her and pushed Xu Jian downstairs to avenge her.

"Joe, are you asking us for help?"

She kept hitting the wall on the third floor, maybe Qiao Hui did it. She wanted to stay with us and let us help her.

Help her out of the sea of ​​bitterness.

Qiao Hui still held her knees, crying over there, and murmured in his mouth, "I'm right ... I'm right ..."

"Don't approach her."

The demon came to me and took me back a distance: "She has no memory and no sense. Be careful she attacks you."

I would like to tell Segu about everything I just saw, but time is tight, I ca n’t understand it for a while, so I have to tell the general story briefly.

"I'm afraid Xu Jian is on the fourth floor. We don't have much time. We have to go upstairs!"

I immediately squatted down, no matter whether Qiao Hui could hear or not understand what I said, he said busyly, "We will help you. Let us go up to the fourth floor?

Qiao Hui's cry stopped suddenly, his face slowly raised, and he looked at me.

The white pupilless eyes still frightened me. She didn't do anything but looked at me quietly.

I quickly lost the battle. Her current appearance was really scary. I stared at it for two seconds, then I became a goosebump and couldn't hold it.

At this moment, I vaguely saw her nodding.

Very subtle movements, I don't know if it's dazzled by me, a small movement made me stagger.

"Go, she let go."

The seducer embraced my waist and quickly walked towards the stairs.

Before I had time to say thank you to Qiao Hui, I was taken away by him, so I turned back and saw that bright red was getting farther and farther away from me, and my heart was filled with sorrow.

The black butterfly resting on my shoulder flew up and flew towards the fourth floor. We hurried up to the fourth floor. When we saw a bright red "4" written on the wall, I was sure that I read it right. !!

Joe paints her, she can still understand me! I'm afraid this is the only thing I'm happy with right now.

When we came to the fourth floor, the very disgusting feeling surged up again, I immediately supported the wall, did not hold back, spit it out!

Seeing this, I was shocked, and immediately took hold of my hand with a ruby ​​bracelet with a finger on it, and the nausea in the stomach was suddenly relieved a lot.

"Can't wait long here, speed it up, and leave immediately."

There was a serious expression on his face, and I rarely saw him have such an expression.

I can understand what he said, the bracelet can suppress the negative effects of Yin here, but only temporarily.

I wiped the corners of my mouth with the back of my hand, grabbed his arm, and pulled a smile.

"I'm okay, let's go, find them, and drive Xu Jian back to the underworld."

The satir looked at me distressed and sighed: "I wouldn't let you in until I knew it."

We quietly approached the laboratory.

On the fourth floor are two large laboratories. What makes me a little stunned is that it is not like a small laboratory downstairs, full of long tables and worn-out cabinets.

The lab was empty, and both were the same.

The leaves and some small advertisements can be seen dimly on the ground, and many of them are covered with heavy dust.

With the memory of Qiao Hui just now, I found the laboratory where they were killed.

I took the light of my mobile phone and made a move towards the ground. I also found some traces left by similar investigations at the scene.

By the way, this is the room where the senior is hanging.

His eyes immediately turned to the ceiling. There was only one hook left in the place where the ceiling fan was originally installed.

Suddenly, there were rushing footsteps on the stairs, which surprised me!

The steps were very complicated, and I could hear people's voices faintly. I looked towards the stairs. The faint lights were dangling there, and I immediately cried, "Grandpa Ann!"

Grandpa An heard my shout, and the footsteps became more rapid. Within seconds, several people appeared in front of me.

Grandpa An and the third of them.

"I finally found you!"

"Damn, we were trapped just now, the ghost hit the wall for a long time."

Lao Liu said angrily, Grandpa An quickly glanced at us, and when she found An Ning was absent, his face suddenly turned black.

"How about peace?"

Suddenly, I was at a loss. Grandpa An had specifically instructed me to protect Anning before leaving.

"She ... I ..."

I lowered my head, my hands were busy, and I wanted to explain, but I didn't know what to say.

The slayer said, "Evils separate us with enchantments."

Grandpa An's face was even more ugly. He blew his beard angrily, and didn't blame me. He looked into the laboratory and said sternly: "Good guy! My granddaughter's granddaughter dares to turn!"

"But trapped here for ten years, thinking how capable you are! Huh!"

I looked at the black butterfly that was constantly hovering in the air, and asked the demon: "It's still here, so to speak ... Anning is also on the fourth floor?"

The devil frowned, and replied, "I'm afraid we're not in the same space as us."

Actually speaking of space, it is better to say that the yin in the evil spirit realm has brought the illusion to the human brain, causing people to have hallucinations, which makes people feel that they are in different spaces.

"No matter how many, third, fourth, sixth, you take the guy out and we go straight into the battle." Grandpa An couldn't control so much. In his opinion, rather than go to great lengths to find peace, Straighten Huanglong, solve the **** boy, the evil spirit is solved, the enchantment here will naturally disperse, and An Ning and Ye Yao will naturally appear.

"Well, you guys want to come in, don't you see who's inside?"

Xu Jian's voice finally appeared, and I felt uncomfortable when I heard this strange sound of yin and yang. At this moment, this voice was coming out from the dark laboratory.

The old three immediately lifted the flashlight, looked inside, his eyes widened, and his steps took a step back.

I also saw the scene inside clearly!

An Ning and Ye Yao both fell asleep, back to back, **** with a black rope on their bodies.

No, it's not so much a rope as a black evil spirit that condenses into strips.

Behind them, stood a boy.

The familiar white shirt, navy suit pants, and standard clothes of ten years ago are exactly the same figure as Qiao Hui's memory.

But has a completely different face from that time!

Most of his face disappeared, only one eye.

The eyes were dark, and the black gas was constantly bubbling outward, and his head was missing a part. It should be that when he fell to the floor before his death, his head landed on the ground, which led to his current image.

The original handsome handsome face was also deformed. To say that Qiao's skin was pale and scary, his skin was all gray, like a dark cloud in the cloudy sky, full of dark atmosphere.

It makes me feel creepy.

"Duck! Didn't you make enough sins during your lifetime? You haven't fallen quickly! Go back to where you should be!"

Grandpa An saw that Anning was in his hands, and he was instantly angry. If they were not the third child, they would rush in and compete with Xu Jian!

"Hey, hey ... such a good experiment, of course, to contribute to my baby."

He was still talking madly, saying, squatting down, the gray hands were about to touch An Ning's body.


Grandpa An finally saw this scene and couldn't help it. From the bag he carried, he took out a copper bell with a red satin.

I can't see clearly because of the dim light.

On the red satin, it seems that black spells were used to write some spells that I couldn't understand. Even the copper bells were uneven, as if some words were carved on it.

Grandpa An and the third child looked at each other, and the three younger generations nodded each other and quickly took out a pile of things from their backpacks.

Before I can take a closer look, they are standing in front of the laboratory, ready to go.

"Stop it!"

Grandpa An suddenly ran towards the door with a bell, and I was shocked!

This is too reckless!

Who knows, before I called out in fear, Grandpa An shook the bell very skillfully, and I even saw a circle of golden light emanating from the bell.

"Well, old man, you want to deal with me, it's very tender."

Grandpa An did not expect Xu Jian to have such a practice, but he was hit by himself with no impact at all.

Theoretically, the average evil spirit is more or less affected by this voice, and its actions are restricted.

The third child was also shocked. Obviously, the strength of Xu Jian was beyond all their expectations!

"Soul Soul Bell."

The lascivious suddenly made a noise.

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