Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 91: Xiaobie wins the wedding

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

The hot and humid feeling continued to strike, and I felt faint, and when my hands and feet were softened by the prostitute, I heard footsteps from the door.

Someone came over.

I quickly tried to push away the demon and gave him two winks. Who knew that he was completely indifferent, and his hands began to behave in an attempt to lift my skirt.

When I heard footsteps getting closer and closer, my breathing became heavier, and my whole heart lifted up. I could almost hear the sound of the door **** turning, and the familiar dialogue.

Grandpa An and An Ning!

How come they are here?

Behind a door, I could still hear the sound of An Ning choking and the soothing sound of Grandpa An. Apparently, the scene just now scared An Ning.

The moment the door opened, the seducer hugged my hips, and flashed into a screen at the corner.

The narrow space can just stand for two people. Once I move a little bit larger, the screen will definitely be knocked down.

"Hey, don't cry, girl."

Grandpa An's voice was very helpless. Perhaps he was an old man who didn't know how to coax his young granddaughter. He has always protected An Ning well and never let her see such a weird scene today.

Even in the scene of exorcising ghosts in the chemical experiment building, An Ning was "fortunately" not to see it, otherwise he would be scared to cry again.

Grandpa An was born for the first time, when An Ning passed out was a good thing.

An Ning has lost his parents since he was a child. Grandpa An, who was both a father and a mother, saw his granddaughter scared. Naturally, he was very distressed. There was no way to make An Ning stop crying. He was sitting there with a lot of headaches.

He thought silently, fortunately, An Ning only saw that the Situ couple was lifted out of thin air, but did not see the two little ghosts.

I hid behind the screen and didn't dare to act lightly, while the demon had taken off my half of the skirt and had my hands on my chest constantly.

I was so ashamed and annoyed that he was really wolf-haired, regardless of the occasion, but unfortunately I couldn't shake him with my power and made me feel very frustrated.

He can bite his lower lip and caress him.

As soon as I lowered my head, I saw his eyes full of desire looking at the green skirt on my body, and suddenly he seemed to understand something, and his face was flushed with sullenness.

In my head, I covered my face with one hand.

Suddenly, the demon's movement stopped and helped me straighten the skirt, combing my slightly messy long hair with my hands, and thin lips pressed into my ears, temptingly said, "Wait back and meet you."

This sentence successfully made my face red again, and gave him a stern glare.

Satisfy? I don't want to be satisfied!


wrong! I don't need to be satisfied!

Anyway, no matter what I think, there is ambiguity. With a sly smile in the narrow eyes, like a well-intentioned old fox, he looked at me with a smile, and it was annoying to me!

I kicked him angrily with a kick. Who knew that the obstruction next to it was as fragile as a piece of paper. I moved a little bit bigger and the screen fell down!


There was a loud noise, especially clear in the quiet room.

I don't have to turn my head to know that Anning and Grandpa An are absolutely staring at themselves.

Fortunately, the skirt is worn, otherwise it will be too big! I covered my face with both hands and didn't dare to look at their expressions. I could only hear the tranquility that was still sobbing, snoring sharply, and then the crying stopped.

"Master Yama."

I don't know when I've put on the mask, wrapped around my shoulders, and swayed to the seat, helping me to do it.

Grandpa An seemed to know what we were doing behind the screen. The old face flushed and he coughed softly. He didn't plan to ask us what he was about to say. Anning was like a reflection arc slowing down, directly: "What are you hiding there for?"

My face turned red again, and Segui kept smiling and heard An Ning's question, and he replied calmly: "Hua'er was scared. I'm comforting her."

Lie to ghosts! Comfort me need to hide behind the screen? Secretly, it is obviously taking advantage of me.

I can't help but think about his obsessions.

I think this guy has been out of control since he and I did something in the woods.

Every time we are still outside, his hungry wolf can't resist it.

It's scary.

I couldn't help moving his buttocks in the opposite direction. Grandpa An seemed to understand why I did this, with a smile in his eyes.

An Ning was really scared to be "stupid". For a long time, he didn't respond to what the ghost said.

The seducer also noticed my naive behavior, and looked at my smile even stronger.

Grandpa An suddenly sighed, "Thank you Lord Yama for your mercy, and saved their lives."

I know what Grandpa An said. Maybe just now, if Grandpa An wasn't there, the Stuarts would have lost their lives.

"My king is for Huaer."

I can't help looking up in surprise, looking at him in disbelief.

"Hua'er doesn't want to make you embarrassed, naturally Wang won't do too much."

The saint considers my feelings! He knows what I think!

The warm current flows into my heart like a stream. I really don't want the Situ couple to end too miserably, just a little lesson. Anning and Grandpa An are very kind to me.

It may be because of the love of the house and the black. I also have a different opinion of Anjia. Anyu's wedding is a happy event. The so-called marry husband and husband, Anyu will also count half of the Situ family. Was severely punished.

In case it gets too stiff at that time, where Anjia's face is put, An Yu's marriage will not be uneasy.

I am always thinking about my feelings and doing things. How can I not be touched?

However, I still haven't forgotten the punishment that the Segui gave to the Situ couple.

Hook away all your souls and shorten your life.

In fact, this is a very serious punishment. It shortens the life of living people, which is more frightening than death sounds.

"Secret, you said they shortened their lives. I can understand. What effect would they have?

I asked curiously and with some doubts. Grandpa An heard this sentence, and his body was shocked, and then he was fine. But I knew that it was not a good thing to lose one soul.

An Ning was also frightened by my questioning, constantly air-conditioning, holding a few wet paper towels in his hand.

Segui glanced at me quietly, with no emotional ups and downs in his tone: "If you lose one soul, you will become stupid, your memory will decline, and you will be weak and sick."

I have already been able to predict what kind of misery the Situ family will face in the future.

The two masters of the house will be very painful in the next life.

Then died early.

I didn't have any slight sympathy for them, especially Yan Qing.

Her existence, for the entire Situ family, has only disadvantages and no benefits, and she will destroy the original foundation of the Situ family.

The Situ family, like the An family, is an exorcist family, not a noble official. Once the money exceeds a certain amount, the family's interest will definitely change.

They will not focus on the family business left by their ancestors, but progress towards the side of the door. In the end, no one inherited the family business, the family was lonely, and they have glorified generations of exorcism families in history. Will disappear into the world.

I suddenly realized that why Grandpa An had established the family rule of "No Gift"!

Today I also felt the wonderful feeling brought by my home.

That is an old family that has always retained the traditional family business left by their ancestors. There is no poison of money, no erosion of wealth, and they have always kept their own duties, fulfilled their duties, and done what they should do.

I can't help but admire and admire Anjia a little more, and look at Grandpa An's eyes full of worship.

Anning really has an amazing family, an amazing grandpa!

What will happen to the Situ family in the future, I do n’t know, and I do n’t want to know about it, but in the near future, I heard that Situ Jing took the upper stage and became the owner of the Situ family, and Anyu became the Situ wife.

I heard that they joined hands with Anjia and Anjia agreed to help them rejuvenate Situ's family.


At the end of the wedding day, Seki and I were going to leave. An Ning was sending us at the door. Grandpa An came out with a look of dignity, sweating and drenching his clothes again.

"Hua girl, wait a minute!"

When he saw that I was about to leave, he had to trot up and shout.

I stopped and looked at him strangely: "Grandpa Ann, is there anything else?"

He seemed to hesitate, looked at me for a long time, and slowly said, "Will you come in and say?"

I looked at him in surprise, not even An Ning knew what was happening.

The seducer took my shoulders and we returned to the house again. Some of the guests were still holding wine glasses and laughing there, I saw Situ Jing being pinched by two or three middle-aged men around his neck and holding it The wine bottle was obviously drunk. He kept pouring wine into his glass, his face flushed, and he did not know what Situ Jing was talking about.

When Situ Jing saw us, he smiled helplessly at us, and was pulled to deal with other guests.

The time I had scheduled to go home was delayed, so I had to send a message to my family and report my safety while walking.

We returned to the familiar room again. Grandpa Ann walked to the landline and picked up a small book. His fingers spit on his tongue and turned a page.

His tone was low and tense, saying: "I just received a call from the police station."


What does the police call?

Grandpa An frowned, looked at us, hesitated for a while, and spoke: "They just took over a tricky case, that is ... that case is special."

What a special law?

I looked at him curiously, waiting for his post.

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