Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 93: An Yu and Situ Jing

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

That night, I sat on the balcony with Seki, watching the dark and bright sky, and a little bit of starlight fell into my eyes.

"Ah-it's serious now. I remember when I was young, I could see the starry sky when I looked up."

I couldn't help but sigh, leaning my head on the shoulder of the seducer, said calmly, the seducer took one hand around my shoulder, laughed softly, and was quite proud.

"The sky in the underworld is beautiful, haven't you seen it?"

"Is the sky always there?"

I looked up at him and asked curiously. The demon's side face is charming, revealing a special charm.

"Of course."

"That's boring."

I replied: "If you look at the same sky all year round, you will feel tired even if you are beautiful. You may see it once in a while to stay fresh, right?"

The demon listened to me and stroked my head with a big hand, agreeing: "Huaer makes sense."

His eyes dropped, but the loneliness flashing in his eyes was ignored by me, because I was attracted by a message on the phone.

It's from Anning.

"Tomorrow afternoon, cousin and cousin invited us to have afternoon tea and go for a walk together, there is no class anyway! (Cute)"

She also sent an expression, a cute expression of an anime girl in the blink of an eye. I was a bit surprised. How could An Yu and Situ Jing invite us to eat at this time?

Theoretically, I do n’t want to take any annual leave after marriage, and then hurriedly went abroad for my honeymoon. Where can I still ask someone to eat?

This is not the point ...

I remembered the end of the Stuarts and their short and painful lives, and I felt a little bit of resistance in my heart. I stopped my fingers under the screen of the mobile phone, and I couldn't hold off any longer, and couldn't make a complete reply.

I was the one who saw the sight of Situ Jing ’s parents being punished with my own eyes. How can I face him tomorrow afternoon?

"Don't have a psychological burden."

The demon is looking at me, glanced at the message displayed on the phone screen, and said softly, "Don't be burdened, all of this is done by me, and it has nothing to do with you."

"And, I think Situ Jing should be an informed person."

I listened to him, and then put down the stone in my heart, the corner of my mouth slightly raised, and nodded gently.


However, just then, what happened directly ruined my mood.

This message was sent by Ye Yao. It was sent to me through a temporary conversation with a professional group.

"Rong Hua, we are going to attend Wang Xiaomeng's funeral next weekend. Will you come?"

Why, good things and bad things will come together without warning.

Thinking of having afternoon tea with Anyu tomorrow, it may be a good opportunity to understand each other, solve misunderstandings, and enhance feelings, but in the same week, to participate in Wang Xiaomeng's funeral.

In the eyes of many strangers, the bizarre suicides are almost forgotten from their minds, because no one would hope that there is such a memory in their brains.

But we are different.

First of all, Wang Xiaomeng is a classmate of his own class, and a roommate who has a close relationship in the bedroom next door.

This news directly took my heart out of the sand, and once again experienced those memories that I would never remember in my life.

Seeing my moody ups and downs, the demon knows that I must have been affected by something again. He held me tighter, his tone was mild, but he was full of strength.

"Hua'er, you don't need to be afraid because you have me."

That's what made my eyes hot. I was indeed a sensational person. Others warmed me a little, and I couldn't help but be moved.

Tomorrow is Monday. There are classes in the morning, and I will fall asleep early.

Every day when I hold the big ice cube beside me to sleep, I can sleep without a night and sleep soundly, although I know that when I wake up tomorrow morning, the figure around me has long disappeared.

This is really a bit like a couple's daily life. The husband goes out to work every morning and returns home at night.

If I have graduated now and have a job, maybe it will be more like an old couple and wife.

It works at sunrise, and it dies at sunset.


In the morning class, I knew a familiar line of sight. When I looked at it, I saw a person I least wanted to see!

It's the elementary school boy who has been pursuing himself!

I didn't see him downstairs this morning. I almost forgot the existence of this person.

"He is so persistent, he is still staring at you."

An Ning also noticed the gaze of his primary school brother, and his tone was a bit disgusting. I quickly looked away, stopped looking at him, and lowered my head.

Keep thinking in my heart: stop staring at me, stop staring at me.

I've understood everything, why are you staring at me all the time?

I sighed silently. I was helpless and didn't know what to do. Now I was worried that I might be blocked after class.

However, the truth is, I think too much.

After class, he didn't even look at me and walked towards the door of the class. A long-haired girl trot from the steps and ran towards him.

I noticed that she was sitting diagonally behind me.

Is it during the class ... he's not watching me, but this girl?

Sure enough, as I expected, this girl with a slender back looks suddenly hugging the elementary student's arm, and the two of them left the classroom smilingly.

"Why, I've been sticking to you before. It's a weekend, and my girlfriend has it."

He snorted angrily, and I was quite funny, looking at her: "You think he's too persistent for a while, and now you think he's changing the pursuit target too quickly."

She turned her head proudly and snorted, and sighed as she walked down the stairs. The people in the large classroom went almost the same because I was slow to manage things ...

"Now in college, if you fall in love, there is no one who really cares about it. It's all fun. If you can't catch it, you won't chase it. Go and pursue other objects."

There was also some regret and pity in her tone: "I was touched by his behavior. Who knows, it is no different from other playful boys."

I walked next to her with a bag and smirked: "You got it, what college students fall in love is not reliable, aren't you talking with Wang Hongrui too, the most exaggerated number is me, the marriage has ended, all here There is a seed. "He patted his belly as he said.

"We are the exception, the exception."

An Ning felt that what he said was not coming back, so he had to play tricks, and laughter floated out of the classroom until he was in the long corridor outside.


Because more than 1 pm, An Yu and Situ Jing booked a seat in a newly opened tea restaurant near the school. We just waited for them and didn't eat lunch.

Near 1 o'clock, a pair of Qianying came in from the door and the waiter led them to us.

Yesterday's wedding, I actually saw Anyu briefly.

I have to say that as the name suggests, she looks very small and jasper. Her skin is smooth and delicate, her black hair is slightly curly, she is scattered on her shoulders, her face is about the size of a palm, and her facial features are straight and beautiful.

Situ Jing's hand held An Yu's hand all the time, holding her and letting her sit in the back seat.

"Cousin, cousin."

An Ning's tone was a bit awkward. After An Yu settled, her face showed a reassuring smile, a very touching look: "Xiao Ning, you finally called me a cousin."

A faint smile appeared on her face, and she glanced at me.

"You are Xiaohua, right? An Ning told me that it has been troublesome for you to take care of this girl."

What a gentle person, even speaking softly, a pair of willow eyebrows flew from time to time, making her gentle face a little naughty.

I was frightened by her words, and said again and again: "It's okay! What are you talking about? There is no trouble, Anning and I are dead parties. The relationship is good, and it's too rusty to say trouble."

An Yu seemed to be able to understand what I meant, nodded with a smile, and waved the waiter to prepare some desserts and meals.

As soon as the waiter left, Situ Jing watched my look change. His voice was intermittent, but with regret and deep apology.

"My parents' affairs, I have heard from the owner, I'm really sorry, I'm sorry."

His expression was a bit helpless and a little sad, and he smiled bitterly: "In fact, the Situ family has fallen, and I am the only person in the entire family who can drive ghosts out."

Situ Jing briefly talked about the family situation.

At the beginning, Situ Tuo was not what he is now. At that time, he was still young and loyal to his family business, and he had a passion to carry it forward.

At first Situ's family was fine, but later, the more things related to business, the nature of Situ's family changed.

From an ancient exorcist family, it became a family with the purpose of gaining benefits. The exorcism was not well studied, and he was unwilling to become proficient. Even some of the children in the family held the title of the famous Situ family in That swagger.

Situ Jing said that when his family road was down, his expression was dim, and the whole face was ashamed and dead.

Also, how the Situ family became, for him, it is still his home. Even if he disappears, his name still has the word "Situ", and he is still the descendant of the ancient family.

"I have vowed to revitalize my family business since I was a child. Until now, I have not given up. The changes in my parents are in my eyes. I have no ability to change, so I can only choose to be myself."

"Jing." An Yu gave him a distressed glance, and clenched his hands tightly.

I was touched by his words and felt a little sorry for him.

Because I had a very extreme idea before.

Like mother like son.

I take back this sentence, and intend to bury it severely, and never take it out again.

Everyone is an individual, and they don't know what their parents are, what they are.

Situ Jing is an exception. He is a very good man. He loves his wife's husband and is responsible for the family of Situ.

These three points are enough to make me look amazing.

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