Military Genius Came To Another World with Zizhi Tongjian

Vol 3 Chapter 197: The "Spring Awakening" offensive ends (part 2)

Issel’s psychological warfare can be said to be very beautiful.

The generals in Zeng'er City, of course, knew the high-ranking generals of Hu Ming City Command.

Seeing the heads of the 15 high-ranking generals who fell into the headquarters of the city, almost all the generals in Zeng'er City were panicked.

Although the generals in Zeng'er City were very unwilling to believe the content written on the paper that Issel threw into the city, after seeing the heads of the commanding generals, they couldn't help but believe seven or eight. Points.

Of course, what Issel wrote on the paper thrown into the city by the catapult was not all fake.

Although it is false that Undun City was also captured by them, the two cities Huming City and Arci City have indeed been captured by them.

Anyway, Issel has commanded a large army to encircle Zeng'er City and completely cut off the connection between Zeng'er City and the outside of the city. People in Zeng'er City don’t know what the situation in the rest of the strongholds is now. .

Adding an extra "Undun City was also captured" can not only further damage the morale of the defenders in Zeng'er City, and strengthen the effect of psychological warfare, but they also cannot know whether this is true or false.

Even the generals panicked, let alone the soldiers underneath.

Although the soldiers underneath basically don’t know what the generals of the general headquarters look like, but seeing so many heads flying into the city, it must be said that they are not panicked and morale is not weakened. Deceptive.

However, it was not the heads that caused the soldiers' morale to be seriously hit, but the papers thrown into the city by Ithel.

Although the literacy rate in this world is very low, most soldiers cannot understand what is written on the paper.

However, despite the low literacy rate, there are many defenders in Zeng'er City.

There are still quite a few literate soldiers in Zeng'er City.

After these literate soldiers read the contents of the paper to the illiterate soldiers, the panic immediately spread like a plague among the defenders of the city.

What's more frightening is that the content on this paper has been spread and exaggerated.

The paper clearly only says [Huming City, Arci City, and Ondun City, all have been captured, surrender quickly, we will not kill those who surrendered or fleeing], but spreading and spreading, it becomes the Rolin Empire Most of the strongholds of the northern line of defense have been captured.

Then it spread to the northern line of defense that only their stronghold in Zeng'er City had not been captured.

Then it was spread that the troops sent by the Britannia Empire to attack them were far more than 150,000 troops. This time the Britannia Empire sent 300,000 troops to attack them.

In the end, it was spread that the army of the Britannia Empire had already broken through the northern line of defense, and its soldiers were directed at their imperial capital. The army surrounding them outside the city is just a small army of the Britannia Empire.

If Ithel and Albert could hear the more exaggerated rumors from the defenders of Zeng'er City, they would wake up with a smile in their dreams.

The more exaggerated rumors spread, undoubtedly further aggravated the panic among the defenders of Zeng'er City.

The generals of Zeng'er City were naturally aware of the panic that was frantically pervading the defenders in the city, as well as the increasingly unstable mood of the defenders.

In order to stop the spreading panic atmosphere and the increasingly exaggerated rumors, some generals personally led people to kill a group of rumors and negative elements who clamored for surrender.

While hunting down these negative elements that disturb the morale of the military, the generals also sent people down to the defenders to cheer them up and cheer them up, telling them that everything written on this piece of paper is fake, the current one in Zeng'er City The situation is not so bad.

However, by this time it was too late.

Although the generals worked hard to save the sluggish morale in Zeng'er City, some soldiers collapsed.

Issel did not encircle the city of Zeng'er, leaving a place for the defenders in the city to rout.

This is an unsatisfactory method of tactics no matter in which world you are in, whether you are in the era of cold weapons or hot weapons: the encirclement of the division must be queried.

It means to leave a gap when surrounding the enemy.

If there is no gap and the enemy is surrounded to death, then the enemy is likely to have a will to die and decide to fight with you.

And if a gap is left, it may make the enemy's commander and soldiers vacillate between fleeing or fighting, and it can also disperse the enemy's fighting spirit.

Therefore, Issel, who has experienced many battles, naturally left a gap in Zeng'er City, leaving a way for the enemy in the city to fight against the morale and fighting spirit of the enemy in the city.

Under the attack of Issel's sharp psychological warfare, the morale and fighting spirit of many Zeng'er City defenders completely collapsed.

These soldiers whose morale and fighting spirit had completely collapsed, taking advantage of the darkness, secretly carrying their commander on their backs, slipped out of Zeng'er City through the gap left by Issel.

And the stealing behavior of these soldiers undoubtedly had a chain reaction.

Many soldiers who swayed between the two thoughts of "fleeing" and "fighting", after seeing that the soldiers around them had escaped, they decided to escape from here as they did.

As a result, a chain reaction occurred.

The defenders in Zeng'er City made a big rout.

More and more soldiers threw away their weapons, took off their armor, and fled from the gap left by Issel and the generals in Zeng'er City saw that the defenders in the city had happened. After the debacle, of course, they immediately sent people to suppress it.

However, this is just in vain.

No matter how the generals led people to suppress them, they couldn't stop the great debacle in the city.

On the contrary, the suppression by the generals further aggravated the chaos in Zeng'er City.

Moreover, even some generals secretly escaped from the gap left by Ithel through the current chaos.

And Issel outside the city also sent light cavalry to watch the gap left by him day and night. If they found a large number of troops slipping out of the gap, they would report it to him immediately.

The light cavalry outside the city monitored the movement of the gap. After seeing a large number of enemy troops fleeing from the gap, they immediately rushed back to the barracks and reported this information to Issel.

After learning that a large number of enemy troops who had dropped their weapons and armor fled from the gap, Issel and Albert knew that it was time to launch a general attack.

Yisel waved the flag, and the 150,000 army besieged the city immediately like a tiger and wolf, and immediately rushed towards Zeng'er City.

Zeng'er City is now extremely chaotic, a large number of soldiers want to escape, most of the generals are in disarray, and most generals are now going to suppress the soldiers who fled.

——For all these reasons, the defense of Zeng'er City, a strong city, can be said to be extremely fragile.

The Britannia army boarded the city wall without any effort and invaded the city of Zeng'er.

After the Britannia army invaded the city, the chaos and panic in Zeng'er city further intensified.

The defenders, who had originally wanted to escape from the gap, rushed out of the city after learning that the Britannia army had attacked.

The order collapsed completely.

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