Military Genius Came To Another World with Zizhi Tongjian

Vol 3 Chapter 199: Start the "Xia Feng" offensive! (middle)

June 2, 290 in the Imperial Calendar of the Britannia Empire.

9:46 in the morning.

Pendragon, Baiyang Palace, the emperor's study.

"It seems that everyone is here."

Ge Zewen, who was sitting behind the long table, looked at the seven people standing at the long table and said in a light tone.

And among the 7 people standing at the long table, there is also the figure of Jacob.

"Your Majesty," Jacob replied to Gozewen, "All are here."

"Then, let's not talk too much nonsense." Ge Zewen said sternly, "After so many years, everyone should know that I am a person who doesn't like opening remarks. Let's just start today's topic."

"I have already issued an order to seven of you yesterday morning, let the seven of you spend a day discussing and researching whether to continue to pursue the victory and launch the seventh large-scale offensive against the Luo Lin Empire."

"Now, one day has passed, and it is time to tell me the results of your research."

"So, what are your opinions? Do you want to continue launching the seventh large-scale offensive against the Luo Lin Empire?"

As soon as Ge Zewen's voice fell, a middle-aged man standing next to Jacob took two steps forward, came to the forefront of the seven people at the table, and then said loudly:

"Your Majesty! The seven of us agreed that we need to launch the seventh large-scale offensive against the Luo Lin Empire!"

As soon as the middle-aged man's voice fell, Ge Zewen said solemnly:

"Bancro, tell me the specific reasons you have researched."

The middle-aged man who was called by Gozewen as Bancroft was clearly prepared. After hearing Gozewen asked him about the reason, he immediately talked:

"First, at the forefront of the South, the 150,000 army that is facing the Imperial Army of Luolin is very motivated. The whole army is far from war-weary and exhausted. It is entirely possible to use this 150,000 army to launch another wave. Offensive of scale!"

"Secondly, while Issel and Albert successfully defeated the northern defense line of the Rollin Empire, they also seized a large amount of the luggage that the Rollin Empire intended to use to carry out a major counteroffensive against our country in the spring."

"With the large amount of baggage that was captured, and the baggage left over from the'Spring Awakening' offensive, it is completely enough to support another 150,000 army to carry out another large-scale offensive."

"Third, although the Luolin Empire has now given up the northern defense line and large northern territories, the Luolin Empire will never let it go."

"If the Lorraine Empire loses its northern line of defense, then the north of the Lorraine Empire will face no danger to defend."

"Our army will be able to drive straight in, directly into the hinterland of the Luolin Empire and even under their imperial capital. Therefore, as long as the senior leaders of the Luolin Empire have a bit of intelligence, they will definitely not just give up the northern defense line in vain."

"Therefore, it is only a matter of time before the Rollin Empire launches a large-scale counteroffensive against us to regain the northern line of defense. Since sooner or later we still have to start the fight, it is better to start the fight now."

"Our army has just experienced a great victory, and its morale is booming. The Luo Lin Empire army has just experienced a big defeat and its morale is taking a hit. Therefore, if we start fighting now, the situation will be particularly beneficial to our country."

"The above are the three reasons why we decided to support the launch of the '7th offensive against the South'."

After listening to this long talk by the middle-aged man named Bancroft, Gozewen leaned forward slightly, then put his right elbow on the table, and then supported his chin with his right palm.

The left hand rests on the table casually, and the left index finger taps the tabletop rhythmically.

——This is Ge Zewen's habitual work.

When he started thinking, he would habitually tap the table with his fingers.

Seven people, including Jacob, knew that Ge Zewen was starting to think after seeing Go Zewen starting to knock on the table, so they closed their mouths obediently and waited quietly.

Waiting for Ge Zewen's thinking to end and begin to speak.

After waiting for a long time, Ge Zewen spoke:

"So, if you want to launch the '7th offensive against the South', how do you think the general strategy of this offensive should be set?"

As soon as Gozewen’s words fell, the middle-aged man who just explained to Gozewen the reason for the new offensive, that is, Bancro, immediately took two steps forward, came to the long table, and took out The map he had prepared in advance was spread on the long table in front of Gozewen.

While Bancroft spread out the map, the other six people, including Jacob, also took a few steps forward and came to the long table.

——At this time, everyone in the study gathered around the long table, looking at the map spread on the long table.

This map is naturally the forefront map of the southern part of the Britannia Empire.

"Your Majesty, according to the information returned by the spies and scouts, there are now approximately 250,000 Luo Lin's troops, confronting the 150,000 Rachel Knights of our country from north to south."

While talking, Bancroft took out 25 small white squares and placed them in the south of the map, and then took out 15 small black squares and placed them in the north of the 25 white squares.

These 25 white squares naturally represent the 250,000 army of the Rollin Empire, and these 15 black squares naturally represent the 150,000 army of the Britannia Empire.

"250,000?" Ge Zewen frowned, "Why are so few? Since the northern defense line has been broken, in such a crisis situation, did the Rolin Empire only mobilize such a small amount of troops? It stands to reason that if the Rolin Empire carries on In general mobilization, 500,000 troops should be mobilized."

"Your Majesty," Jacob replied this time. "According to the information sent by the spies, the reason why Luo Lin's army is confronting our army is only 250,000, because it is deployed around the imperial capital and guarding the imperial capital. Was transferred over."

Speaking of this, Jacob paused, then continued:

"According to the information sent by the spies, the Queen of the Luolin Empire did not agree to transfer the troops around the imperial capital for her own safety. Can't be transferred."

After listening to Jacob's words, Ge Zewen couldn't help but sneered, and then said in a disdainful tone:

"The Queen of the Luolin Empire is really short-sighted. If the northern line of defense is completely taken away by us, no matter how many troops are deployed in the Imperial Capital, what use? That helped us a lot. Keep explaining."


After Bancroft responded with a "yes", he continued:

"Now, the 250,000 army of the Luolin Empire is urgently building a new line of defense to prevent our army from continuing to attack south."

"Therefore, our several new strategies are to divide our 150,000 army into three armies! Three powerful knights command these three armies to launch a new offensive!"

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