Military Genius Came To Another World with Zizhi Tongjian

Vol 3 Chapter 201: The head coach of the East Route Army and the head coach of the West Route Army

"It feels like my hand is going to be scrapped..."

Su Cheng smiled bitterly while looking at his trembling right hand.

Today is the same as usual, waking up early in the morning, and after breakfast, he stayed in the room and continued his huge work of translating "Zi Zhi Tong Jian".

After writing for more than 2 hours, Su Cheng finally felt overwhelmed soreness in his right hand.

I'd better take a break...

——Su Cheng, who had made up his mind, put down the quill pen in his hand, then got up and walked downstairs.

Su Cheng planned to go downstairs to see what Alan and Deng Jiaer were doing. When they stopped writing and took a break, he would chat with them by the way.

However, after arriving in the lobby on the first floor, they were not seen.

Where are these two little guys?

Just as Su Cheng thought this way, he suddenly heard the sound of wooden products knocking from outside the house and familiar shouts.

...I seem to know where the two of them are.

While thinking about this, Su Cheng walked slowly towards the small courtyard outside the house.

Su Cheng's four-person mansion also has a small courtyard.

After arriving in this small courtyard of his home, Su Cheng saw the two figures of Alan and Deng Jiaer.

——The two are practicing fighting skills.

No, to be precise, Deng Jiaer should be practicing martial arts, and Alan is her sparring partner.

Deng Jiaer held a wooden gun and launched a fierce attack on Alan.

And Alan also held a wooden gun in his hand.

Every attack launched by Deng Jiaer was easily opened or blocked by Alan with a wooden gun.

While easily blocking Deng Jiaer's attack, Alan was able to launch a fierce counterattack.

Moreover, Deng Jiaer was basically unable to stop Alan's counterattack.

Standing aside, Su Cheng was secretly observing, silently counting the number of times Alan's wooden gun met Deng Jiaer, and the number of times that Deng Jiaer's wooden gun met Alan.

It was found that in just a few minutes, Alan's wooden gun had touched Deng Jiaer's body more than 30 times, and Deng Jiaer's wooden gun had not touched Alan once.

If it were in actual combat, Deng Jiaer would have died more than 30 times.

Looking at Alan and Deng Jiaer in the small courtyard, Su Cheng secretly said:

It seems that Deng Jiaer is looking for Alan to accompany her to practice fighting skills.

In addition to reading books, Deng Jiaer usually does exercises and practice fighting skills.

Because Deng Jiaer's dream is to become a powerful general in the Quartet, she believes that to realize this dream, a good body and excellent fighting skills are indispensable.

Therefore, Su Cheng can see Deng Jiaer exercising and practicing fighting skills in the small courtyard every day.

Deng Jiaer usually consulted Alan for his fighting skills. When practicing, he would always come to Alan to be her sparring partner.

Alan, who is usually idle and has nothing to do, is naturally willing to ask Deng Jiaer about fighting skills and to be her sparring partner.

According to Alan, Deng Jiaer's foundation is not very bad at first. He should have exercised well all the time, and it seems that he has some talent in fighting skills, so he has improved very quickly.

With Deng Jiaer's unremitting efforts and Alan's guidance and training, according to Alan, the current level of Deng Jiaer's fighting skills is considered acceptable among women of the same age, and among them, Deng Jiaer's spear skills are the best.

"Ah! I give up! I won't practice!"

Deng Jiaer in the courtyard suddenly threw away the wooden gun in his hand, and slumped on the ground, panting with mouthfuls.

"I still can't beat Alan you today..." Deng Jiaer said in a somewhat disappointed tone.

Looking at Deng Jiaer who had given up, Alan hummed triumphantly.

Compared to Deng Jiaer, who was sweating profusely and sitting on the ground panting, Alan only had a few drops of sweat on his forehead.

"Alan!" Deng Jiaer said anxiously, "Why are your fighting skills so strong? I have been practicing hard for more than half a year, why can't I even touch you?"

"Why is my fighting skills so strong?"

Alan thought for a while, then said in a casual tone:

"It should be a matter of talent. I am born with a strong physical fitness and an understanding of fighting skills."

"Any weapon, as long as I have seen someone use it once, I can master the use of this weapon, and I can use it better than that person."

"Moreover, strength, speed, reaction speed, in short, in terms of physical functions, I am also several times stronger than ordinary people."

After listening to Alan's words, Deng Jiaer's face suddenly showed loss, lowered his head slightly, and muttered:


Deng Jiaer's tone was still a bit painful.

At this moment--

"Yo, Alan, Deng Jiaer."

——Su Cheng, who had been watching the show in silence just now, finally appeared.

"Ah, sir. You are here."

"Huh? Brother, why are you here?"

"I'll send you some condolences."

While saying this in a playful tone, Su Cheng shook the two glasses of water in his hands and a towel for wiping off sweat.

After the two stopped practicing just now, Su Cheng silently returned to the house and took 2 glasses of water and a towel for wiping sweat.

"Come on, Deng Jiaer, drink some water and wipe off your sweat."

When they came to the front and back of the two, Su Cheng said this, and handed the glass of water and the towel to Deng Jiaer.

"Ah, thank you sir."

Deng Jiaer respectfully took over the water glass and Now, Alan, yours. "

After Deng Jiaer took the water glass and towel, Su Cheng handed the remaining glass of water to Alan.

"It's rare, brother, you took the initiative to stop and rest without us urging you to rest."

After Alan finished this sentence in a half-joking tone, he took the cup from Su Cheng.

After receiving the cup from Su Cheng, Alan found something wrong.

"Brother... why only Deng Jiaer has a towel for wiping sweat, but I don't?"

"Huh? What are you talking about? Why do you need a towel for wiping sweat? Are you sweating? Hey! Don't wipe my sweat!"

"How can I wipe sweat on you! Am I not sweaty? I just have a kiss with my brother!"

Having said that, Alan continued to put his forehead on Su Cheng's clothes, and then madly rubbed against Su Cheng's clothes.

Just when the two brothers and sisters Su Cheng and Alan frolic as usual--

Bang bang bang!

——There was a knock on the door.

"Huh?" Su Cheng frowned, "Someone is coming..."

After that, Su Cheng gently pushed away Alan who was rubbing his clothes in his arms.

At this time, Alan was also very obedient and didn't make any more mischief, allowing Su Cheng to gently push her away.

After pushing Alan away, Su Cheng walked towards the gate of the mansion.


After pushing the door open, Su Cheng saw a man dressed as an attendant standing in front of the door.

Immediately after opening the door, the attendant dressed up immediately spoke:

"Is it Mr. Su Cheng?"

"Ah, I am." Su Cheng replied.

"Your Majesty's decree." The attendant dressed up said solemnly, "I order you to hurry to the Baiyang Palace now!"

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