Military Genius Came To Another World with Zizhi Tongjian

Vol 3 Chapter 203: The head coach of the East Route Army and the head coach of the West Route Army

"You'll know what's going on in a moment." Jacob continued to smile. "Although your tasks are not very important this time, you have to behave well."

"...Although I don't know what kind of war I am going to participate in this time, who I am going to fight, but I will cheer." Su Cheng smiled bitterly, "By the way, Mr. Jacob, how did you help me win the battle? As the head of the army? Also, can you tell me in advance who I am going to fight this time?"

"How did you fight for it? It's actually very simple."

Jacob took a sip of the black tea in his hand, and then continued:

"It's just that when Ge Zewen was worried about who should be the head coach of the last army, I just put in a word."

"Tell Ge Zewen that it is necessary to train and train the younger generation well, so I recommend Double Oak Knight Su Cheng as the head coach of this last army."

"Then this proposal of mine has also received the approval of most people, because last year, Mr. Cheng, you were able to command nearly 100,000 troops freely, so you can command 40,000. That should be the same for you. More than enough."

"Therefore, this proposal of mine was passed quickly like this, and the head coach of the last army will be handed over to you, Mr. Cheng."

After listening to Jacob's words, Su Cheng frowned slightly, and then said:

"The last army... isn't there only one army in this battle?"

"Well, for this battle, three troops will be dispatched. Mr. Cheng, you will be the head coach of the Eastern Route Army. You will know the specific content later."

Just as Jacob's voice fell, a loud shout came from outside the study:

"Four Royal Knights—Alan Jones is here!"

As soon as the big drink fell, the study door was pushed open, and a tall figure appeared in front of everyone in the study.

This tall figure is Alan Jones who has been training the heavy infantry team in a secret military base outside Pendragon since January of this year.

Looking at Allen who appeared in the study, Su Cheng frowned.

"Mr. Jacob." Su Cheng said lightly, "Among the three-way army participating in this battle, there won't be any one of the coaches, is it Alan Jones?"

After listening to Su Cheng's words, Jacob sighed lightly, and then said in a somewhat helpless tone:

"You guessed it right, in this battle, you are going to fight alongside Alan Jones..."

Just as Su Cheng and Jacob were talking in a low voice, Alan Jones also came to Gozewen’s long table, and then respectfully knelt towards Gozewen who was sitting behind the long table. Li, and said loudly.

"Chen——Four Royal Knights Alan Jones, see Your Majesty."

"Well, no courtesy."

After Ge Zewen faintly said "exemption", he opened his eyes that had been half-squinted since just now.

Putting the teacup that he had drunk back on the table, he said:

"Then, now that everyone is here, let's start talking about business."

Ge Zewen's words are like pressing a switch.

After pressing this "switch", the middle-aged and elderly people who had been gathering together for tea and chatting in twos and threes just now unanimously put down their tea cups.

The casual and casual color on his face immediately disappeared.

Everyone's faces became serious.

Sitting behind the long table, Ge Zewen sat up straight and said loudly:

"Double Oak Knight Su Cheng, Four Royal Knight Alan Jones, please come forward!"



Su Cheng and Allen quickly responded loudly.

Afterwards, the two came to Ge Zewen's long table together, and they stood side by side.

"I call you two over this time, because I have a task to give to both of you."

After saying this, Ge Zewen looked at a middle-aged man standing at the long table.

And this middle-aged man is also very alert.

After feeling the sight of Ge Zewen sweeping his body, he immediately walked to the side of Su Cheng and Allen, and said:

"My name is Bancroft. Next, let me talk to the two of you about the seventh large-scale offensive we are about to launch against the Rolin Empire-the'Xia Feng' offensive."

Subsequently, the middle-aged man who called himself Bancroft explained to Su Cheng and Allen the battle plan of the "Xia Feng" offensive in the shortest possible language.

I have to say that the eloquence and generalization ability of this middle-aged man named Bancro is really good. It only took less than 10 minutes for Su Cheng and Allen to understand the battle plan.

"Then, two." Bancroft asked Sucheng and Allen, "Did you understand the battle plan this time and their respective missions? What questions do you have about the battle plan this time, or Any suggestions?"

As soon as the middle-aged man's voice fell, Su Cheng replied in seconds:

"I understand."

And Ellen on the side also nodded gently at this moment, using actions to show that he also understood.

"Is the'Xia Feng' offensive taken from the summer hurricane..." Su Cheng said in a complimentary tone, "It's a very good name."

"Ah, the name of this offensive doesn't need to be evaluated." Bancroft smiled bitterly, "The two only need to ask questions about this battle plan and have any suggestions."

After listening to the middle-aged man, Su Cheng said:

"I don't have any suggestions or questions for this time's'Xia Feng' offensive."

"The battle plan for the'Xia Feng' offensive is perfect." Su Cheng continued, "The 250,000 Luo Lin troops are scattered everywhere. The best way to annihilate these scattered troops is to gather them all together. Bring it over, and then solve it in one fell swoop."

"Therefore, the general strategy of this battle:'attack the place the enemy must not give up, attract the enemy's army and then annihilate it in one fell swoop' is very correct and perfect."

"There is no problem in the general strategy, and the deployment of the army is perfect. The main attack, auxiliary attack, and feint attack are available. They will attack separately. When the time comes, they can attack together."

Speaking of this, Su Cheng put on a joking tone, and then continued:

"It's a pity that in this battle, the subordinate served as the head coach of the East Route Army responsible for the feint attack. Basically, there is no chance of performance."

After listening to Su Cheng's words, Bancroft smiled bitterly again, and then said:

"Nor say that, Mr. Cheng, although you and your East Route Army are only responsible for feigning attacks and holding as many enemy troops as possible in this battle, but if conditions permit, you can also lead your troops to attack. , And see if we can wipe out all the enemy forces that you dragged down."

"Of course, it doesn’t matter if you can’t eliminate those enemy forces. After all, your mission is the easiest this time. You just need to feint and drag as many enemies as possible. As long as you can complete this mission, is there any damage? The enemy doesn’t matter anymore."

After saying these words, the middle-aged man turned his head to Alan.

"Mr. Allen, what do you think? Do you have any suggestions or questions about this'Xia Feng' offensive?"

Alan looked at the map on the long table, and after a long while, he said:

"...My opinion is the same as that of Double Oak Knight Su Cheng. The battle plan for this'Xia Feng' offensive is perfect. I have no suggestions or questions about this offensive."

As soon as Ellen's voice fell, Ge Zewen, who hadn't said anything since just now, said loudly:

"Very good! It seems that both of you have no problems with this offensive, then—"

Ge Zewen snapped his fingers.

After Ge Zewen finished the snapping fingers, two of the old people in the study walked to a corner of the study, and they each brought a large plate.

This large plate was covered with a layer of black cloth, so that Su Cheng could not see what was on the plate.

However, judging from the actions of the two elders, these two plates must not be light.

The two old men each carried a large plate, and then walked to Su Cheng and Allen respectively.

"Su Cheng, Alan." Ge Zewen smiled, "This is a reward for you, take it, and use it well."

"Ah, your Majesty Xie." Although he didn't know what was on the big plate, Su Cheng respectfully took the big plate from the old man in front of him immediately.

And after Su Cheng took the big plate, Alan next to him also took the big plate.

After Su Cheng and Allen both took the big plate, the two old men unanimously uncovered the black cloth on the plate.

——On their plates, there is a pair of exquisite armor and a cloak.

The armor Su Cheng received was mainly white with blue accents.

As early as the previous counterinsurgency campaign, Su Cheng received a pair of white and blue armor from Ge Zewen.

And this armor Cheng has been used until now.

This old armor, as well as the armor of the new reward now received, can be said to be a difference between clouds and mud!

Judging from the gloss of the armor, Su Cheng can see that the armor in his hand is several times more expensive than the original one!

Maybe even the performance is several times that of the old one.

As for the cloak that was placed on the large plate with the armor, it was the same. The value of this cloak could be seen from the appearance, and it was definitely several times that of the one Su Cheng was using now.

And the armor that Allen received, judging from the color, can be said to be the opposite of Su Cheng.

Allen's armor is mainly black with red accents.

Not only is the color of the armor opposite to Su Cheng, but also the color of the cloak is opposite to Su Cheng.

Su Cheng's cloak is white, while the color of Alan's cloak is black.

"This time the'Xia Feng' offensive, you two, and Albert, who is currently on the southern front line, must cooperate well! Work hard! Especially you, Allen, you must work hard, I want Taking advantage of this offensive, let’s take a look at how your heavy infantry team is training. If the record of your heavy infantry team fails to make me shine, then you will not train heavy infantry team again. Now, this task, I will give it to others."

"Yes!" Allen said loudly, "Me and my heavy infantry team, never let your majesty be disappointed!"

"Well, I look forward to your performance and your heavy infantry team. Su Cheng, I also look forward to your performance."

"This time the'Xia Feng' offensive will be played more beautifully than the'Spring Awakening' offensive!"


——Su Cheng and Allen shouted in unison with great momentum.

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