Military Genius Came To Another World with Zizhi Tongjian

Vol 3 Chapter 214: Thank you for protecting us! (superior)

Just as Su Cheng led the recruits to the southern front.

In the Britannia Empire, a small village in the southern territory.

Compared with usual, this seemingly ordinary small village is a little bit unusual.

Because today, a unit of the Britannia Empire came to this village.

The total number of this force is about 500.

What's remarkable is that almost everyone in this small force was injured.

Those with minor injuries can also ride horses and move freely.

The severely injured can only stay in the carriage and groan in pain.

The carriages with the seriously injured are parked in the cool shade of the trees or in the shadow of the house, so that the seriously injured can get the best recuperation in the best environment.

Those who were less injured were sitting in twos and threes on the open space in the village, or leaning on some trees.

Or sleep, drink water, or talk and laugh together softly.

Every soldier was resting silently and regaining his strength in his own way.

And a handsome man with a red knight sword at his waist and a set of ordinary cloth clothes leaned against a big tree in the village, drinking water in silence, and regaining his strength.

Just as this handsome man was pouring water into his mouth, an extremely energetic shout suddenly came from behind him:

"Mr. Enli! It's time to change the dressing!"

"It's a military doctor." The handsome man turned his head with a smile, and looked at the middle-aged man dressed as a military doctor and approaching him with a smile on his face.

This handsome man, it was Enli who shined in the "Spring Awakening" offensive that just ended not long ago, and his performance made Issel and Albert full of praise.

After the "Spring Awakening" offensive ended, Enli received an order to return to Pendragon to recover from his injuries.

Enli had an extremely eye-catching performance in the just-concluded "Spring Awakening" offensive, slashing one hundred and ten, and his brave posture made both the enemy and us afraid.

But-his dazzling record was paid for with injuries all over his body.

In this "Spring Awakening" offensive, Enli suffered a total of 21 sword injuries and 3 arrow injuries. His right arm was severely strained because of the high-strength sword swing.

Fortunately, none of the injuries were at the critical point, and because of the armor protection, the wounds of these injuries were not deep.

Therefore, although it seems to be seriously injured, as long as you obediently accept the doctor's treatment and obediently rest, you will soon be able to heal.

The empire's central government originally planned to let Enli continue to work hard and let Enli continue to participate in the next "Xia Feng" offensive that was about to begin.

But after learning that Enli had been wounded all over his body and even had difficulty riding horses, he had to cancel the plan and ordered Enli to return to Pendragon to recover from his injuries.

Enli also readily accepted the central government's order for him to go back to recover from his injuries.

Although he is eager to be on the battlefield and eager to get more military merits, he is not a reckless and reckless man.

He knew very well that with his current state of bruises and bruises, there was no way to participate in the "Xia Feng" offensive at all.

Therefore, although he felt a little unwilling to participate in a new large-scale offensive against the enemy, Enli still took his orders obediently, retreated from the southern front, and set off to return to Pendragon to recover from his injuries.

In addition to receiving the order to return to Pendragon to recuperate, Enli also received another order-to **** a group of wounded soldiers back to Kalania.

In this "Spring Awakening" offensive, many soldiers were seriously injured and were unable to go to the battlefield again in the short term, and needed to be placed in the rear for recuperation.

The 500 people resting in this small village are the wounded soldiers who need to return to Kalania for recuperation.

Enli's current task is to take a group of people with minor injuries who are still able to move, and **** those who are seriously injured and who can only lie in the carriage back to Kalania.

After escorting the 500 wounded soldiers back to Kalania, even if Enli's **** mission is completed, he can return to Pendragon to recover quietly.

Along with the wounded team, there was also a small group of military doctors who took care of the wounded soldiers on the way back to Kalania.

After seeing the smiling middle-aged military doctor come behind him, Enli smiled and took off his shirt, revealing his bandaged upper body, and then said:

"Then trouble you, military doctor."

This military doctor was responsible for taking care of Enli on this road. He had to change the dressing of Enli every morning, afternoon and evening.

Looking at Enli's upper body bandage, the military doctor couldn't help but squat his tongue, then squatted down, untie the thick bandage on Enli's upper body layer by layer, while chatting with Enli:

"Mr. Enli, the people in this village are very enthusiastic. After seeing us here and knowing that we are looking for a place to rest, we not only welcome us to rest in the village, but also take a lot of food and drink to comfort us. ."

After listening to the military doctor's words, the corners of Enli's mouth turned up even more, and then said:

"Yes, the people in this village are very simple and honest. Even if we welcome us to rest in the village, we have also sent a lot of things to condolences us."

Just now, Enli led the 500-person wounded team to the vicinity of the village.

At that time, Enli and the 500-person wounded team had already travelled a lot. Many of them were exhausted and needed a place to rest.

Just as Enli was looking for a place suitable for resting, the village chief led a group of villagers to Enli and welcomed them to rest in the village.

After the village chief’s kind invitation, and there was really no other place for the team to rest, Enli agreed to the village chief’s kind invitation and led the 500 wounded team to come. Rest in this village.

In addition to allowing them to enter the village to rest, the villagers in this village are also very enthusiastic.

Many villagers spontaneously brought out a lot of food and black tea to comfort them.

The villagers in this village enthusiastically all the wounded soldiers including Enli felt a little embarrassed, so they all expressed that they don't need to send them food and black tea, just let the villagers keep it for themselves.

However, no matter what Enli and the wounded soldiers said, the villagers still enthusiastically carried food and black tea into their arms and said, "It's okay, we have more food and black tea."

In the end, Enli and the others couldn't stand the enthusiasm of the villagers, and accepted the condolences from the villagers with embarrassment.

Although the jerky and other foods sent by the villagers were not so delicious, and the black tea sent was only a very ordinary or even low-grade goods, Enli and the wounded soldiers felt that these foods and black tea were exceptionally delicious.

Thanks to the actions of the villagers inviting them to rest in the village and sending them condolences, the villagers and the wounded are now in harmony.

Many villagers even came to the wounded soldiers, chatting enthusiastically with the wounded soldiers.

Many villagers are very interested in military life, and the wounded are also happy to chat with these enthusiastic villagers.

Looking at the happy scene between the military and the civilians in front of could not help but feel the corners of his mouth rise slightly again.

For some reason, Enli now felt a faint sense of pride in his heart.

I am proud of being an imperial soldier and an imperial knight.

At this time, the military doctor squatting behind Enli just untied all the bandages on Enli's body.

Looking at the hideous scars on Enli's body, the military doctor couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile, and said:

"Mr. Enli, these injuries on your body are really scary no matter how many times you look at them. Just from these scars, you can see how cruel the battle you have experienced, Mr. Enli."

After listening to the military doctor's words, Enli couldn't help but smile, and then said in a half-joking tone:

"Scar is a soldier's medal. I am very happy to have so many new medals."

"If it were me, I would rather not have these medals."

After the military doctor responded to Enli's joke in a joking tone, he opened a small box in his hand, which was filled with light yellow ointment.

After the military doctor applied a little bit of this light yellow ointment on his finger, he began to apply it to Enli's injury.

While taking medicine with Enli, the military doctor chatted with Enli again:

"Mr. Enli, I'm very curious, what did you do so desperately in the'Spring Awakening' offensive? If it is to be able to get ahead, then you are too hard. I have also seen many people who are desperate to get ahead. Soldier, but it’s the first time I've seen you when you fight like you do."

"I didn't work so hard to get ahead."

After saying this, Enli's face showed a few shyness, and then continued:

"I did so desperately for a girl."

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