Military Genius Came To Another World with Zizhi Tongjian

Vol 3 Chapter 221: 3 Army Cooperation (Part 1)

The Britannia Empire, the southern front, the position of the Central Route Army.

Coach camp.

"Deputy Commander of the Central Army, Double Oak Knight-Alisha Hill report!"

Alyssa spoke to the strong middle-aged man sitting behind a long table in front of her, and she performed a standard Britannia military salute.

This sturdy middle-aged man sitting behind a long table is naturally the coach of the Central Route Army in the "Xia Feng" offensive-Albert.

Looking at Alyssa who finally came to the Central Route Army position today and came to report, Albert smiled and said:

"Oh, Alisha, you are finally here. It feels like I haven't seen you for a long time. Since the year-end dinner last year, it seems that I haven't seen you again. I haven't seen you for nearly half a year. It’s become a little more beautiful, oh! Alyssa, why can you be so beautiful! It’s a pity that I am getting older now. If I can be 25 years younger, I will go after you crazy."

After listening to Albert's words, Alyssa sighed lightly, and then said to Albert in a languid tone:

"Mr. Albert, you are now at the forefront of the battlefield. You should be a little more serious."

"Hahahaha, I'm sorry!" Albert smiled openly. "The only women I can see in the army these months have been in the army, but in the army Basically, there are not a few good-looking female soldiers, so in the past few months, I have no chance to see beautiful girls."

"Now I finally see a beautiful woman appearing in front of me, accidentally saying something unscrupulous, sorry! Alyssa."

"It's okay, don't have to apologize to me." Alisha smiled. "Anyway, I've been used to your speaking style like Mr. Albert, so I'm not angry at all."

"Hahahaha, in fact, what I said just now was not all joking. If I could really be 25 years younger, I would really pursue you crazily."

Speaking of this, Albert paused, and suddenly a few flashes of reminiscence flashed in his eyes, then the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and he whispered in a melancholy tone:

"After look almost exactly the same as Abigail now..."

As soon as Albert's voice fell, Alyssa's expression stagnated.

Afterwards, Alyssa raised her hand and stroked the long blonde hair that was tied into a high ponytail behind her head.

"Mum and I..."

Alisha murmured, and then a few flashes of reminiscence flashed in her eyes.

While the color of remembrance flashed in his eyes, a few touches of sadness also flashed.

"A lot of people have told me about this."

Although there was a bit of sadness in her eyes, Alyssa still smiled and said:

"Many people say that if I have short hair that only reaches the chin, then I will look exactly like her mother."

"Yeah, yes." The reminiscence on Albert's face became more intense. "Except for the different hairstyles, you are exactly the same as your mother when she was young."

"I was in a daze when I saw Alisha you enter the big tent just now. I thought Abigail was alive again and appeared in front of me."

As soon as Albert's words fell, the entire coach's tent fell silent.

A faint atmosphere of sadness slowly spread in the coach's tent.

However, it didn't take long for the sad atmosphere to spread, and Albert let out a series of bold laughs, dispelling the sad atmosphere in one breath.

"Hahahaha! I'm sorry, Alisha, I seem to have said a lot of things just now, and it seems to evoke some sad memories for you, I'm sorry."

"No." Alyssa smiled and shook her head. "You don't need to apologize to me, Mr. Albert, those sad past events are long gone, and there is nothing even in retrospect."

Just as Alisha's voice fell behind, a loud call from the guards came from outside the big tent:

"Marshal! A messenger from the West Route Army came here! He said there is important military information to inform the marshal!"

After listening to the guards, Albert frowned slightly, and then said:

"Have you confirmed your identity?"

"Confirmed! It is indeed a soldier of our Britannia Empire!"

As soon as the guard's voice fell, Albert's frowning brow eased a little, and then he whispered:

"Is it a messenger of the West Route Army...that is to say, the army led by Alan Jones..."

After whispering this sentence, Albert shouted to the outside of the big tent:

"Let him in!"


Not long after the guard responded loudly, there was a sound of approaching footsteps outside the tent.

Afterwards, a soldier in the dust, lifted the curtain of the chief coach's big tent, and went all the way into the big tent.

After the messenger entered the military tent, he immediately respectfully saluted Albert who was sitting behind the long table.

"Alan, what military situation does he want to tell me?"

Albert asked straightforwardly.

"Return to the coach!" The messenger replied loudly, "General Allen said that he will arrive at the position of the West Route Army on June 30 and take over the command of the West Route Army!"

"June 30th..." Albert whispered, "That is to say, a few days later... It seems that it can be perfectly in time before the offensive is launched."

Just after Albert finished whispering this sentence, the guard shouted loudly from outside the coach’s tent:

"Marshal! Another messenger comes! It's from the Eastern Route Army!"

"Has the identity been verified?"

"Verified! It is indeed a soldier of our Britannia Empire!"

"Let him in!"


After a while, another soldier in the dust lifted the curtain and entered the military tent.

After the soldier entered the military tent, before he could salute, Albert asked first:

"Su Cheng sent you over, is there any important military information to tell me?"

"Return to the commander!" And the soldier immediately replied Our military commander wants me to tell you: He will arrive at the East Route Army's position on June 29 and take over the East Route Army. Command! "

"June 29... Then it seems that there is no problem with the East Route Army. The coaches of the East and West Army will be able to rush to each other's positions before July 2, which is not bad."

While talking, Albert nodded with satisfaction.

According to the plan, the "Xia Feng" offensive will be officially launched on July 2nd!

Therefore, only when he learned that Su Cheng and Alan could both arrive at the military positions responsible for each other and take over command before this day, Albert nodded his head with satisfaction.

After all, in this way, there is no need to worry about any accident on the road, which will delay the arrival of the army position and delay the launch of the "Xia Feng" offensive.

Albert waved his hand, letting the messengers of the two armies go down to rest first.

After the two messengers went down to rest, Albert turned his head and said to Alisha on the side:

"Alyssa, you should go and rest. After all, you have just arrived in the military camp of the Central Route Army. Are you tired along the way? So you should go and rest first."

"Yes, then I will withdraw first."

After that, Alisha saluted Albert and then withdrew from the military account.

After watching Alyssa leave the military tent, a faint smile gradually appeared on Albert's face.

——A faint smile with a touch of sadness.

"Abigail... used to fight side by side with you, but I didn't expect to fight side by side with your daughter now..."

After speaking in such a low voice, a few tears flashed in Albert's eyes.

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