July 15, 290 in the Imperial Calendar of the Britannia Empire.

21:11 in the evening.

On the southern front, the Britannia Army, the East Army camp, the coach camp.

It is already 21 o'clock in the evening, and for this different world where civilization is still in the age of cold weapons, it can be regarded as late at night.

But even though it was late at night, the head coach of the East Route Army camp was still lit.

——Su Cheng is still lying in front of the case, working hard and fast.

In order to make his eyes see more clearly, the long table in front of Su Cheng has four oil lamps.

Not only was there a large number of oil lamps placed on the long table for lighting, Su Cheng also placed oil lamps in every corner of the coach's camp.

The oil lamps placed on the long table and in every corner of the camp illuminate the coach Daying brightly.

Even though it is late at night, the coach's camp is still as bright as day.

Some people who don’t know are now entering the coach’s camp. Seeing Su Cheng fussing with writing before the case, they probably think that Su Cheng is diligently handling military affairs, and then praise Su Cheng as a qualified first army commander. It’s so late. They are still dealing with military affairs.

If anyone thinks this way, then these people may be disappointed.

Su Cheng is not dealing with military affairs at all now!

Su Cheng is still translating his "Zi Zhi Tong Jian".

Even though he was sent to the southern front to take part in the "Xia Feng" offensive, Su Cheng still did not forget his important task of translating "Zi Zhi Tong Jian".

Therefore, Su Cheng brought a part of the "Tong Jian of Zi Zhi", fortunately, when the army has free time, he continued to translate.

Although now on the southern front line, after taking over the command of the East Route Army, there will be a lot of military affairs to be handled every day, so it takes up a lot of time. Hours can be used for translation.

However, although there is less time available for translating "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" every day, it is still possible to squeeze some time.

Now Su Cheng can squeeze out about 4 to 5 hours of free time every day, which can be used to translate the "Tong Jian of Zi Zhi".

And this free time is basically concentrated in the evening.

So since coming to the southern front line, Su Cheng will continue to carry out the huge project of translating the "Tong Jian" every night step by step.

So if you come to the coach's big camp every night, you can see Su Cheng furiously writing in front of the case.

Today, Su Cheng is still as usual, even if it is late at night, he is still in front of the case, and he is conscientiously continuing the huge project of translating "Zi Zhi Tong Jian".

Just before Su Cheng was in front of the case, struggling to write and translating "Zi Zhi Tong Jian", a small hand suddenly stretched out from the side, blocking Su Cheng's face and the paper on the table. It was perfect. The ground blocked Su Cheng's sight, making it impossible for Su Cheng to continue translating.

This little hand is enough to cover Su Cheng's sight. After covering Su Cheng's sight, he starts to wave left and right, making Su Cheng's eyes dizzy.

Su Cheng couldn't be more familiar with this little hand, and it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that it was Su Cheng's most familiar hand in this other world.

Su Cheng gently pushed away this little hand, and said helplessly:

"...What are you doing, Alan, if you want to ask for pocket money, wait until the'Xia Feng' offensive is over, let's go back to Pendragon and talk about it."

"Why do you think your sister came to you just to ask you for pocket money!!"

After retracting the small hand that covered Su Cheng's sight, Alan clenched the small hand into a fist, and then hammered Su Cheng's chest with a heavy force.


Su Cheng, who was hammered in the chest by Alan, let out an exaggerated scream, put down the quill in his hand, and then leaned back on the chair with an exaggerated movement.

"I was hurt by you..."

Su Cheng rubbed his chest with a false expression of pain on his face.

"It's so uncomfortable... Maybe it takes my sister's hug to heal. Come on, Alan, come hug me."

Looking at Su Cheng, who was very anxious for acting in front of him, Alan sighed lightly, then leaned forward and fell into the arms of Su Cheng who was resting on the back of the chair, and then wrapped his arms around Su Cheng’s back. .

"Ah, this feeling of hugging my sister is really long-lost, I almost forget the last time I hugged you like this, when was it...Ah! It hurts! Let go! Give it off! Alan!!! It hurts! Me Wrong! I'm not kidding!!!"

Su Cheng let out a scream of sorrow before he finished speaking with a gentle sigh.

Because Alan, who was still hugging him well just now, suddenly increased his strength.

At that moment, Su Cheng even felt as if he was being hugged by a bear.

Su Cheng even felt that if Alan's strength was increased a little bit, his ribs might be directly broken by Alan.


After uttering an unpleasant "hum", Alan loosened his "hug" towards Su Cheng.

"How is it? After being hugged by your beloved sister, did you feel the ‘injury’ in your chest healed?"

"Alan...do you have any misunderstandings about the action of ‘hug’..."

Su Cheng rubbed the two ribs that were still aching, and then said:

"Well, I won't be laughing, but interrupting me suddenly, what are you doing?"

"Brother! You are really calm!" Alan said irritably, "It has been almost three days since Deng Jiaer entered the small camp! These nearly three days, Deng Jia You never came out! Brother, aren't you worried?"

As Alan spoke, he raised his hand and pointed to the side.

The direction Alan pointed out was exactly where the small camp Deng Jiaer was currently in.

This small camp specially prepared by Su Cheng for Deng Jiaer to concentrate on studying enemy intelligence and information was set up next to his coach's camp.

After leaving the coach's camp, walk 5 steps to the left to reach the small camp where Deng Jiaer is now.

Since Deng Jiaer entered this camp more than two days ago, in the early morning of July 13, until now late at night on July 15, Deng Jiaer has hardly been out.

In addition to going to the toilet, after Deng Jiaer had been out of the camp several times, Deng Jiaer had been bored in the camp for the past three days, eating, drinking, and sleeping.

"Brother!" Alan continued, "Is Deng Jiaer okay with her? I woke up by accident in the early hours of this morning and found that Deng Jiaer's camp was still on! At that time, I looked at my pocket watch. At the time, it was already past 3 in the morning! Deng Jiaer was still up and still studying the enemy's information and intelligence!"

Listening to Alan's words full of concern, Su Cheng smiled and said:

"What's the problem with Deng Jiaer? What's the problem with Deng Jiaer?"

"Isn't the food delivered every day eaten well and then delivered again?"

"And Deng Jiaer hasn’t been out of the camp for a single step in the past three days. Deng Jiaer will occasionally go out to go to the bathroom. I saw Deng Jiaer come out today, and her mental condition is still Not bad, so don't worry about it."


Speaking of this, Su Cheng paused, the corners of his mouth turned up a bit more, and then continued:

"Deng Jiaer hasn't slept until early in the morning. This kind of carelessness of his body is indeed a bit worrying, but from a certain level, it is also a good thing."

"Good thing?" Alan asked puzzledly, "what can be good about this?"

"This shows that Deng Jiaer is really taking this mission seriously."

The smile on Su Cheng's face suddenly retracted, and he said with a serious face:

"Alan studied information and materials, and found that apart from going to the toilet, she didn't even pay the camp. The study went into the early hours of the morning. This means that she took this mission seriously and did not regard this mission as a trifling matter. "

"To be honest, I was actually a little relieved to see Deng Jiaer working so hard." Su Cheng smiled again, "Leave aside the ability level. Deng Jiaer's current attitude has not disappointed me. Her expectations, I now feel that Deng Jiaer is more and more reliable, and I am more and more assured of entrusting this important task to her."

"So-don't worry, Alan." Su Cheng raised his hand and rubbed Alan's little head. "Let’s wait for Deng Jiaer to come out after she finishes research. I am also looking forward to studying the enemy so hard. Deng Jiaer of intelligence and information ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can think of any strategy to break the enemy."

After listening to Su Cheng's comfort, Alan sighed slightly, then gently patted Su Cheng's hand rubbing her small head, and said:

"Hey... I really don't know when Deng Jiaer will stay inside before he will come out."

"Wait slowly."

Speaking of this, Su Cheng put on a joking tone, and then continued:

"Maybe Deng Jiaer will come out in a while or now."

As soon as Su Cheng's voice fell, the voices of the guards guarding the commander's camp suddenly came from outside the camp:

"You are... oh oh! We know you, you are one of the two knights in the coach? What? You want to see the coach? Okay, then I'll let you know, please wait. Coach Your knight Hu...Hey! Wait! You can't go in without permission!"


The curtain of the coach's camp was lifted.

Su Cheng and Alan both followed the sound of the curtain being lifted, and moved their sights.

After moving their sights, the two saw a familiar figure walking into the coach's camp.

"Huh? Deng Jiaer?" Looking at Deng Jiaer who suddenly rushed into the coach's camp in front of him, Alan was surprised, "Why are you here?"

It was Deng Jiaer who suddenly rushed into the coach's camp.

Deng Jiaer's hair is now a bit messy, his eyes are full of study, and his face is a little bleak compared to before.

——A very tired look.

However, even though Deng Jiaer looked very tired, Deng Jiaer's eyes were piercing.


Deng Jiaer turned her dazzling eyes, fixed his gaze on Su Cheng's body, and looked directly at Su Cheng.

"I have already thought of a way to defeat the 60,000 Luo Lin army!"

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