July 17, 290, the Imperial Calendar of the Britannia Empire.

16:11 in the afternoon.

Southern Front, Britannia Army, Central Route Army.

Although the vanguard has suffered a lot of damage before, such a small damage can be said to be irrelevant to the Central Route Army, which has a total strength of 60,000.

The Central Army is now moving slowly.

Moving towards the location where Baal and his main force of Rolin's army were detected by the scouts.

A few days ago, after Barr was defeated by Eliza, he took the main remnant army and retreated to the southwest, almost 40 miles away for repairs.

40 miles—not a long distance.

According to Albert's estimation, it would take less than 2 days for him to lead his army to the location of Barr and his main army of Rolin.

Yesterday, on the morning of July 16th, he led the Central Route Army to start marching. According to Albert’s estimation, this afternoon, which is the afternoon of July 17th, he was about to arrive in Barr. The location!

In other words, his Middle Route Army is now almost in contact with Baal and the main force of the Luo Lin Army under his command!

Albert is now in the center of the Central Route Army, riding on the horse, without saying a word, with a solemn expression on his face.

Although Barr has always been one of his defeated men, and his military skills are far inferior to him, Albert does not intend to underestimate the enemy.

He planned to attack with all his strength after contacting the main force of the Luo Lin army led by Baal!

This battle completely wiped out the main forces of Baal and Luo Lin's army!

At this moment, Albert suddenly heard the sound of horse hooves approaching him.

Accompanied by the sound of horse hooves, there was a shout:

"Head coach! Head coach!"

The scouts are back.

Now that the scout is back, it means that something new must be detected, and his new information must be reported.

So Albert asked in a deep voice to the scout who had returned:

"Anything new?"

"Return to the coach! In front of our army, there is an army approaching us! Judging from the appearance and quantity of the banner, it is the main force of the Luo Lin army under the control of Barr! Now, this enemy army has approached 8 miles in front of our army. Place!"

What? !

Although yelling "what" in surprise in his heart, Albert still looked as usual and said in a flat tone:

"Well, I see, you go down first and continue with the reconnaissance mission."


Hearing the hoofs of the scouts moving away, Albert frowned and looked ahead of him.

Thinking in mind:

Barr came with the main force himself?

It was discovered that I was approaching with a large army, so I didn't plan to hide, plan to break the cans, and personally rate the remaining main force and fight me in the wild?

Barr is best at fighting in the wild, so he will make the decision to fight me in the wild, not surprisingly...

8 miles... so close.

snort! That's great! He found it by himself, so I didn't need to find it by myself!

Since he wants to fight with me in the wild, then I am as he wants!

"Pass the order."

Albert, who had finished thinking, turned his head and said to the officer beside him:

"The whole army should stop advancing, make repairs, and prepare for combat!"


The generals around Albert responded with a "yes" in unison, and each took the reins to convey to the whole army the military order "stop marching and be ready for battle".

19:37 pm.

On the southern front, the Britannia Army, Dunjar’s troops.


One of the scouts who came back from the end of the reconnaissance rushed towards Deng Jiaer who was riding on his horse, while shouting "General".

Deng Jiaer's identity is actually somewhat subtle.

She is not a knight, but only a knight rebel, so the soldiers below can not call her "Knight Lord".

Regarding her position in the military, she does not have the official positions of coach and deputy like Su Cheng and Willie.

Even though Deng Jiaer did not have any official positions in the army, she was indeed the highest commander of the 5000 cavalry. Such rude things like calling her by her name were naturally not allowed.

Therefore, in order to conveniently call Deng Jiaer, the 5000 cavalry team brought by Deng Jiaer, from general to ordinary soldiers, uniformly referred to Deng Jiaer as "general."

"How is the situation?"

Seeing that the scout who had gone to explore the road came back, Deng Jiaer immediately reined in and asked how the scout was doing.

"It's almost reaching the enemy general-Simeon's defensive position!"

After hearing what the scout said. Deng Jiaer's eyes drenched, then raised his head and looked in front of him.

On the horizon in front of him, there was a small dot as big as a sesame bean.

-This small spot as big as a sesame grain is compared to the defensive position that Simeon is in charge of.

In the past ten days, although the battlefield on the east side was "peaceful", the 40,000 East Route Army under Su Cheng had been standing still, and the 60,000 Luo Lin Army under the command of Rocher stayed obediently on the Shunau River. The north and south sides of the country.

The two soldiers and horses faced each other like this. The Eastern Route Army commanded by Su Cheng looked like he had no intention of going south, and the 60,000 Luo Lin Army commanded by Rochet also looked like he had no intention of going north to counterattack.

It's just that, although the two armies have been facing each other quietly from north to south, the collection and spying of each other's intelligence between the two armies has never stopped.

In these days, Su Cheng had already monitored the deployment of the 60,000 Luo Lin army.

Simeon, Erde, and Gil, the three men, each with a rate of 10,000, 20,000, and 20,000, a total of 50,000 troops, were deployed on the north bank of the Shunau River.

The Simeon Army is located to the west, the Erde Army is located in the middle, and the Gil's Army is located to the east.

The 3 armies form horns and take care of each other.

On the other hand, Eugene commanded 5,000 people and guarded the city on the south bank of the Shunau River, transporting the luggage to the transfer station on the north bank of the Shunau River.

And the head coach of the 60,000 army, Roche, is based in Mayin City, which is a bit south of Lyle City, and is in charge of the commander-in-chief.

After setting off last night with all the cavalry of the Eastern Route Army, Deng Jiaer finally led the 5,000 cavalry, and successfully came to the defensive position that Simeon was responsible for this evening!

Just as Deng Jiaer squinted his eyes and looked at the enemy's position as small as a sesame bean in the distance, a tall young man next to Deng Jiaer spoke:

"General, it's late afternoon, let the whole army stop to eat and rest, and I suggest stepping back a little bit. The distance from the enemy is, to be honest, there are still some dangers. Simeon discovered the possibility."

The tall young man who was speaking was the commander of the 4th Army of the East Route Army.

In addition to Alan volunteering to sign up to help Deng Jiaer in this battle, Su Cheng also sent the commander of the 4th Army to be Deng Jiaer's deputy to help Deng Jiaer.

There are not many senior generals under Su Cheng who can be assigned this important task.

Deputy Commander Willie is absolutely not allowed to go out to help Deng Jiaer, and the large army of the East Route Army cannot lack Willie.

The commander of the 8th Army could not be sent out to help Deng Jiaer.

The commander of the 8th Army had always criticized Su Cheng's task of "smashing the 60,000 Luo Lin Army" to Deng Jiaer. UU Reading www.ugakarnshu.com

Therefore, Su Cheng worried that if the commander of the 8th Army was sent out to help Deng Jiaer, the commander of the 8th Army might disobey Deng Jiaer's order, or even violate Deng Jiaer's order.

Therefore, after several thoughts, Su Cheng decided to send the commander of the 4th Army to serve as Deng Jiaer's deputy and help Deng Jiaer.

The commander of the 4th Army is more honest and obedient, and unlike the commander of the 8th Army, he criticized Deng Jiaer for this battle and can be said to be the most suitable candidate.

Therefore, Su Cheng sent the commander of the 4th Army to help Deng Jiaer, and the daily management and command of the 4th Army was transferred to Willy.

After listening to the advice of the commander of the 4th Army, Deng Jiaer nodded and said:

"Well, I think so too. Let the troops retreat 5 li. After retreating to 5 li, start eating and let the whole army sleep and rest."

As soon as Deng Jiaer's voice fell, Alan, who was on the left of Deng Jiaer, exclaimed:

"Go to bed? Go to bed so early?! Isn't the sun just about to go down now?"

After all, Alan pointed to the sun that hadn't completely sunk into the horizon to the west.

"Ah...By the way, I haven't told you about the specific battle plan with Alan." Deng Jiaer smiled bitterly. "The only people who know the detailed battle plan are Mr., Deputy Commander Willie, 4th Army Commander, and No. 4 Army Commander. The commander of the 8th Army."

"The reason why I went to bed after eating dinner later is actually to maintain my strength."

"After all-late tonight, we will officially begin to defeat the 60,000 Luo Lin army's combat plan."

"Late night tonight, we will first defeat the 10,000 army led by Simeon!"

After that, Deng Jiaer showed a confident smile on his face.

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