
A round-faced soldier with a stiff crossbow yawned, then looked around.

After confirming that his commander was not around now, the round-faced soldier safely moved his head to the side with a stiff crossbow, but his square-faced companion leaned forward.

"So sleepy," the round-faced soldier said to the square-faced soldier, "how long will it take to change shifts?"

After hearing the round-faced soldier say this, the square-faced soldier gave a wry smile, then raised his head and looked over his head.

Tonight is a cloudy day, so the sky and the earth are blocked by thick clouds, and the moon and stars cannot be seen in the sky.

Therefore, the square-faced soldier could not judge the current time based on the position of the moon in the sky.

They are just ordinary soldiers. Pocket watches are a kind of luxury in this world. Of course, these ordinary soldiers who live on military expenses cannot afford it.

Even if they can afford it, they will not be brought to the battlefield. They must be kept at home and offered as heirlooms.

"I don't know what time it is..." The square-faced soldier said to the round-faced soldier with a wry smile, "but it should be coming soon. We have been standing guard here for a long time."


The round-faced soldier yawned again, and then said in a helpless tone:

"Hurry up and change shifts...I'm sleepy..."

Speaking of this, the round-faced soldier suddenly paused, and then said in a somewhat happy tone:

"Good luck, tonight is also a quiet night."

"Yeah, yes."

The square-faced soldier nodded in agreement, and then said:

"I really hope that whether it is day or night, I can always be so quiet, and keep this quiet until the end of the war."

As soon as the words of the square-faced soldier fell, the round-faced soldier said in a melancholy tone:

"I really don't know when this war will be fought... Damn Britannia, launched the'Spring Awakening' offensive, and captured our northern defense line and large tracts of northern territory. Launched a'Xia Feng' offensive and further went south to attack. Are these Britannias going to destroy us before they will give up?"

"Oh... this issue is not something that ordinary soldiers like us should consider. We still stand guard and guard... eh?"

Before the square-faced soldier had finished speaking, he suddenly uttered an "um", then his gaze flickered and his brow furrowed.

"Hey...Did you hear any strange noises?"


The round-faced soldier also wrinkled his eyes and frowned.

"I heard it too."

The two heard some strange sounds at the same time.

It seems to be the sound of many people shouting and cheering together.

Just after the two heard this strange sound, the two heard some strange sounds that seemed to be familiar at the same time.

——Thunder-like sound.

The two of them caught their breath and started to listen to the strange sound attentively.

The two of them were surprised to find that the thunderous sound was even louder.

"Huh? This is?"

The square-faced soldier looked at a rock at his feet that suddenly began to tremble.

Looking at the suddenly trembling stones at his feet, an unknown premonition suddenly rose in the heart of the square-faced soldier.

"Hey! Look!"

The round-faced soldier suddenly let out a loud cry, reminding the square-faced soldier, and then pointed forward.

The square-faced soldiers also looked in the direction of the fingers of the round-faced soldiers, and found that in front of them, there was a large group of dark things, approaching at a very fast speed in the direction where they both were. With.

Although it was too dark to see what was approaching them, the square-faced soldier felt that his blood was about to freeze after seeing this large group of dark things.

The thunderous roar, the suddenly shaking rocks, the black shadows approaching here at an extremely fast speed...

Associating all of these, no matter how stupid people are, they will realize what happened.

The square-faced soldier felt his sleepiness now, and suddenly receded like a tide.

"Enemy attack!!! It is the enemy's large-scale cavalry force!!!"

After the square-faced soldier made a stern cry, he immediately took up the hard crossbow in his hand.

The round-faced soldier on the side also realized something at this time, so he shouted surprise attacks in his throat like a square-faced soldier, and then took up the hard crossbow in his hand.

The hard crossbow in the hands of the two is always in the state of the arrow being wound, and the two can fire at any time as long as they pull the trigger.

After the two pointed the hard crossbow in their hands to the large group of black shadows that were fast approaching them, they put their index fingers on the trigger.

When the two were about to pull the trigger, they heard a scalp tingling sound.

Although it was dark all around, the two still saw rows of slender objects approaching them at great speed.

——That is one arrow after another.

Gong Shi's speed was very fast, and before the two of them had time to react, they felt severe pain everywhere in their bodies.

——The two of them were filled with arrows everywhere.


The square-faced soldier resisted the severe pain from his body.

A stream of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

The round-faced soldier on the side had been killed in the wave of arrows just now, and an arrow shot directly into the center of his brow.

Before he could even make a scream, his body trembled twice, and then he fell to the ground and died.

Although the square-faced soldier was not killed by a single blow like the round-faced soldier, the arrows also hit various vital points on his body.

——Death is only a matter of time.

Feeling the vitality flowing rapidly in his body and the blurring consciousness in his mind, a ruthless look flashed in the eyes of the square-faced soldier.

Since it's dead... Then how about pulling someone to die with me!

While the square-faced soldier roared in his heart, he used the last strength in his body and transferred all the strength to his right index finger.

Everyone is good, die with me!

The square-faced soldier roared in his heart for the last time in his life, and then slammed the trigger.

However, just as the square-faced soldier's right index finger was about to pull the trigger to launch the arrow carried on the hard crossbow in his hand, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest.

This large group of "dark things" has already approached the square-faced soldiers~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As the square-faced soldiers had just imagined, it was a large-scale cavalry unit.

The leader of this cavalry unit rushed to the front and back of the square-faced soldier, and directly waved the spear in his hand.

The galloping horse under the crotch brought great kinetic energy.

With the help of this great kinetic energy, the spear head slammed into the chest of the square-faced soldier.

The huge force generated by the impact caused the barrel of the gun to bend suddenly into a bow shape.

The square-faced soldier was picked directly off the ground.


After being picked directly off the ground by a long spear, the Fang Lian soldier groaned in pain.

After the square-faced soldier was picked off the ground, the originally curved barrel of the gun snapped straight, releasing all the power accumulated on the barrel of the gun.

——The square-faced soldier was shot directly out, sprinkling patches of blood.

The square-faced soldier who was shot in midair felt that the bones in his chest were all shattered by the blow of the cavalryman.

He could no longer hold the hard crossbow in his hand.

Until the last moment, he did not have time to launch the arrow in his hand.

The last sight of the square-faced soldier in his life is the face of the cavalry who just shot him with a spear.

——That is a cute little girl riding on a war horse and wearing armor all over.

She has black hair and golden pupils.

The silky black hair was beautifully tied with a golden ribbon.

It is impossible to count how many cavalry troops there are, closely behind her, pressing over with an overwhelming momentum.

And she was riding awe-inspiringly on the war horse, waving the spear in her hand, and the cloak tied behind her, "whooping" under the blowing of the night wind.

——This heroic figure is like a Valkyrie!

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