Uh... so noisy...

Can't you be quiet...

Why is there such a loud noise...

I have managed to finish all the military affairs today, and I can sleep well...

Don't bother me...

Why is it so noisy...


Why... is so noisy...


Simeon who was sleeping on the bed suddenly opened his eyes, then turned over and jumped off the bed.

Before he could even wear his shoes, Simeon quickly rushed out of his camp in three steps and two steps.

After lifting the curtain of the camp, astonishing heat rushed toward him.

Looking up, there was a fiery red color.

——That is the color of flames raging on the barracks and wooden fences.

Many sparks are flying in front of my eyes.

The explosion of Mars echoed in my ears.

Simeon stared at everything in front of him dumbfounded.

At this time, he found that in his distance, there was something arrogantly destroying and ravaging.

——That is an astonishing cavalry force.

This amazing cavalry squad, except for a few who seemed to be high-ranking commanders, all wore black armor.

Black armor-that is the standard equipment of the Britannia Army.

Broken tents, chopped soldiers, blood and visceral fragments scattered everywhere, this Britannia cavalry squadron is destroying everything on the road arbitrarily while facing Simeon. The location is approaching.

Simeon is the supreme command of this 10,000-strong army, so his camp, whether it is day or night, has a handsome flag high up.

——This handsome flag is undoubtedly the best target for the Britannia Army.

Simeon looked at everything in front of him with horror.

The Britannia Army rushed like ferocious carnivorous beasts. Many of the soldiers of the Luo Lin Army who were met by the Britannia Army were ruthlessly torn apart before they even had time to scream.

The Britannia army galloped, attacked, and destroyed.

The soldiers of Luo Lin's army were wailing, defeating, and dying.

Simeon looked at everything in front of him with horror.

"What the hell...what's going on..."

Simeon's expression was dull.

This sudden disaster caught him off guard.

The brain, which was originally very aura, was blank at this time.

Just as Simeon stared at the Britannia army approaching here, there was a loud shout in his ear:

"General Simeon!"

This loud shout made Simeon's sluggish, dull eyes regain a little radiance.

Simeon followed the voice and cast his gaze over.

——It is the general officer who handed him the inventory list just now!

The officer was riding on a war horse, galloping in his direction.

The armor on his body was crookedly worn, and the sword hung around his left waist was not properly hung.

Judging from his appearance, he knew that he must be very anxious when putting on his armor.

Presumably, just after discovering that the enemy had launched a night attack on them, he hurriedly jumped off the bed, and after putting on his armor in a panic, he rode his horse towards the barracks where Simeon was located.

After riding the horse to Simeon's side, the officer conveniently landed and jumped off his horse, and then said to Simeon in an anxious tone:

"General Simeon! It's the Cavalry Brigade of the Britannia Army! It is the Cavalry Brigade of the Britannia Army that launched a night raid on us! This unit that launched a surprise attack on us has a total strength of roughly 4000 to 6000. Around!"

"4, 4000 to 6000?"

Simeon said in horror.

He has only 10,000 troops here, and the cavalry brigade with a size of 4,000 to 6,000 is already powerful enough to destroy him.

Drops of cold sweat began to continuously emerge from Simeon's face full of horror.

"General Simeon!" the general said again loudly, "What should we do now?!"

"What, what to do..."

The cold sweat on Simeon's face grew even more.

Simeon tried his best, trying to think of something.

However, no matter how hard he racked his brains, the originally brilliant head was still blank.

Simeon, who is too young, has not been on the battlefield several times in his short career in the military, and he has rarely been able to command tens of thousands of troops alone.

Not only that, the battles Simeon has participated in are all downwinds.

He has only experienced battles in which the situation is favorable for him.

He has never fought any unfavorable battle, and he has never encountered such an urgent and deadly sudden crisis like tonight.

Simeon, who lacks the experience of facing such a sudden crisis, is now completely blank in his brain.

I want to think of something, but I can't think of anything.

I can only watch the Britannia army keep approaching, and I can only watch them kill.

Looking at Simeon, whose cheeks were so scared that he couldn't speak a word, the general and the general couldn't help but feel even more irritable, so he reminded General Simeon in a loud voice:

"General Simeon! The top priority now should be to seek help from General Erd's troops first!"

The general's words, like a heavy hammer, woke Simeon severely.

The fog that was firmly wrapped in Simeon's mind immediately dissipated a lot.

"Yes! You are right!"

Simeon suddenly flashed a few brilliant lights.

"Quick! Go and send someone to ask Erd for help!"

Together with him, he arranged defenses on the north bank of the Shunau River, and there were two other people-Erde and Jill.

Öder commanded an army of 20,000 garrisoned in the middle of the Shunau River.

Gill commanded a 20,000 army stationed in the east of the Shunau River.

Jill's location is too far away from him, so it is not realistic to ask him for help.

The most realistic, and at the same time, the most appropriate thing is to ask for help from the Erde troops stationed in the middle of the north bank of the Shunau River!

Originally, the positions of the Simeon Army, the Erde Army, and the Gil Army were specially designed to enable them to better support and assist each other.

If Erde sends troops over, it probably only takes less than half an hour to reach Simeon's position!

As long as you get the aid of Erd, then you can block this Britannia army, or even kill this Britannia army!

Thanks to the awakening blessing of this general officer just now, Simeon now feels that his head has become sober a lot, not as blank as before.

In just a few seconds, he had already figured out a strategy to defend against the enemy.

While instructing the general to send someone to Urd for help, Simeon continued:

"Also, send orders to the 8th, 9th, and 10th squads, so that they can quickly put on their armor, get their weapons, and come to me to gather!"

Looking at Simeon who had calmed down, the general couldn't help but a touch of joy appeared on his face.


The reason why Simeon let these three teams come to him is because Simeon, judging from the current route of the Britannia army, the camps of these three teams have not been sabotaged. The Britannia army is affected, so they can be mobilized as quickly as possible.

After watching the officer ride his horse to convey his military order, Simeon once again cast his gaze in front of him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and threw forward towards him at a very fast speed, but he was far away. He is also some distance away from the British Cavalry.

Simeon felt that he had calmed down a lot now, and his head slowly became more active.

One strategy after another to defend against the enemy popped out of his mind.

Simeon is very confident-as long as the 8th, 9th, and 10th squads can arrive in time, he can hold the Britannia cavalry squad until Oed brings troops to help!

Just as Simeon clenched his fists and gradually showed a confident smile on his face——


——Suddenly behind him came the sound of tearing cloth products.

what happened?

Simeon asked with such suspicion in his heart, while turning his head and looking behind him.

Behind me, the camp that I must use for office and rest these days, has been torn to pieces at this time.

And the culprit who tore this camp to pieces-was a small force with a total number of only about a hundred people.

Looking at the small cavalry unit that suddenly appeared behind him, Simeon's eyes suddenly widened because of horror.

Because he saw the cavalry of this small cavalry unit, except for the leader, all dressed in black armor.

Simeon with a horrified look subconsciously took a step back and stretched his right hand to his right waist.

However, before Simeon could stretch his right hand to his right waist, he saw the head of this small cavalry unit-a white and blue armor with a blue knight sword on his waist. The tall man shook off the spear in his hand.

——The sharp spear head penetrated Simeon’s left chest mercilessly.

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