Military Genius Came To Another World with Zizhi Tongjian

Vol 3 Chapter 269: Deng Jiaer's battle plan (part 2)

"Alan, you should also know that the ultimate goal of our battle plan this time is to defeat the 60,000 Luo Lin army that is facing our East Route Army from north to south, right?"

"Ok, I know."

The ultimate goal of Deng Jiaer's battle plan is no longer a secret.

Since Deng Jiaer led all the cavalry of the East Route Army to carry out this operation, the wind has been leaking continuously.

At this time, the 5000 cavalry who followed Deng Jiaer in this battle already knew that they were going south, the ultimate goal was to defeat the 60,000 Luo Lin army.

Although a small number of people felt scared after knowing that their target of this battle was so "frightening".

But the vast majority of people felt very excited after knowing that the goal of this battle was so exciting and exciting.

Deng Jiaer didn't care about the leakage of the wind.

After all, as long as the specific combat content is not leaked, the purpose of the combat is leaked, and there is no harm at all.

"Then Alan, you should also know how the deployment of the 60,000 Luo Lin army is?" Deng Jiaer asked again.

"Ok, I know."

Deng Jiaer smiled with satisfaction, nodded lightly, and then continued:

"These 60,000 Luo Lin troops have built a line of defense on the north and south banks of the Shunau River. From the deployment point of view, the commander-in-chief of the 60,000 Luo Lin troops, Roche, seems to have no intention of counterattacking us, and only intends to block us."

"I have to say that the deployment of the 60,000 Luo Lin army is still very high. If it is to attack, it is really not easy to break through the line of defense."

"However, there is also a big loophole."

"That is-if deployed in this way, it will disperse its forces."

"On the north bank of the Shunau River, there are 10,000 soldiers and horses in the west, 20,000 soldiers and horses in the middle, and 20,000 soldiers and horses in the east. On the south bank of the river, there are 5,000 soldiers and 5,000 in Mayin City."

"His dispersing forces in this way actually gives us a chance to concentrate our superior forces and defeat them one by one!"

"It's just that if the whole army is dispatched, it is easy to be spotted by the enemy. Therefore, if the enemy is to be defeated one by one, it is not suitable for the whole army to dispatch."

"Plus, if you want to defeat the enemy one by one, you must be fast! Not only must the speed of victory be fast, but the speed of transfer must also be fast, so that the enemy can be wiped out and destroyed before the enemy’s support arrives. Move quickly!"

As soon as Deng Jiaer's words fell, Alan showed a dazed expression and said:

"Oh! I understand! That's why Deng Jiaer asked your brother for 5000 cavalry, right?"

"Well, that's right." Deng Jiaer smiled and nodded, and then said, "It is precisely because of the need to fight quickly and move quickly, so I only asked the husband for the most destructive and mobile cavalry. ."

"But you won't be called'concentrating superior forces and destroy one by one' like this..." Alan smiled bitterly, "You don't have to concentrate superior forces at all. You only took 5,000 people and got on."

"Yeah, so when I was explaining my combat plan to my husband and the commanders of the 4th Army and the 8th Army, they said I was messing up."

"I also think you are in a mess." Alan nodded with approval, "I want to defeat 60,000 enemies with only 5,000 people."

"Actually, as long as the command is correct and the strategy is correct, 5,000 people can also achieve the effect of 50,000 people. You see, the first battle of my combat plan is also the first step-a surprise attack on Simeon. Did 5,000 defeat 10,000?"

After that, Deng Jiaer lay down on the map again, and then continued:

"These 60,000 enemy forces are now divided into 5 units. So my combat plan is actually very simple. To sum it up in one sentence, it is: With the high destructive power and high mobility of the 5000 cavalry units at hand, one by one Destroy 5 units of this enemy."

"The first enemy army I want to defeat is with 10,000 troops and is stationed in Simeon on the western north bank of the Shunau River."

"The Simeon Army is the weakest of the three troops stationed on the north bank of the Shunau River, with only 10,000 troops."

"Not only that, when I studied the enemy's intelligence and information in the camp, I found that Simeon was also the youngest and lacked combat experience. At the same time, his record was basically a tailwind, and he hadn't encountered anything. A very difficult battle."

"Therefore, I was thinking: Since he is the one who lacks combat experience and has no experience in confronting headwinds, then the effect of launching a night surprise attack on him is definitely the best."

"So, I set the first target to be defeated as Simeon, who is the weakest and least experienced in combat on the north bank of the Shunau River. At the same time, I have a plan to deal with him."

"This morning's battle against Simeon, the result and process were unexpectedly smooth."

Speaking of this, Deng Jiaer's face showed a bit of pride.

"Sure enough, as I expected, Simeon, who lacked combat experience and experience in facing headwinds, was completely panicked when facing my night surprise attack. Before he was headed by the commander of the 4th Army, he was in his position. There has been no effective defense and resistance organized, so I am sure-Simeon, who has never encountered such a situation after seeing the camp being attacked, must have panicked and lost his best. The defensive time passed, and then was headed by the commander of the 4th Army.

"Now, my combat plan has successfully completed the first step! I defeated the Simeon Army, and now there are only 50,000 people and 4 troops left in the Luo Lin Army!"

"Oh! That's how it is!"

Alan, who had been listening carefully since just now, nodded seriously, and then said:

"So, why should we cross the river south and go deep into the enemy's territory after fighting Simeon? Which unit are we going to fight next?"

"The reason why I want to cross the river south immediately after playing Simeon in the early hours of this morning is to surprise the enemy and let the enemy get confused about what we are going to do next."

Deng Jiaer said with an intriguing smile on his face.

"Now in the army, UU reading must have many people like you, Alan. I don’t understand why we crossed the Shunau River and came to the south bank of the Shunau River, but I’m sure—Luo Linjun’s side. , It must be the same."

"This is the effect I want. Luo Linjun doesn't understand what I want to do, and then he dare not act rashly."

"As for the enemy I'm going to deal with next..."

The intriguing color on Deng Jiaer's face became more and more intense.

Afterwards, Deng Jiaer pointed at the map in front of him, pointed to a small square on the south bank of the Shunau River on the map, and said:

"We're going to fight the Eugene Army located on the southern bank of the Shunau River and sitting in the city of Lyle next!"

"Huh? Go fight Eugene?!"

"Well, yes, go and fight Eugene."

"If I remember correctly, Eugene is sitting in Lyle with 5,000 troops in his hand." Alan's face was full of disbelief. "Our side has been damaged in the early morning battle. Strength, the total strength is already less than 5,000."

"Deng Jiaer, are you planning to use our cavalry squad with less than 5,000 men to attack a city guarded by 5,000 men?"

"Well, yes."

"...Deng Jiaer, although I don't know much about the art of war, I still know some basic common sense."

"In a siege battle, if the force of the siege party does not have an absolute advantage, it can be said to be dead! What's more, our current strength is still less than that of others, and our side is still a cavalry! Deng Jiaer, how do you plan to use cavalry with fewer troops to attack the city?!"

"Well..." Deng Jiaer continued to smile intriguingly, "When the time comes, you will know how I plan to attack the city. I will keep it secret for now."

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