Military Genius Came To Another World with Zizhi Tongjian

Vol 3 Chapter 275: Governor of the North Humphrey

"Elect the new head of the Michael Knights..." Laika murmured, "This is indeed a major national matter that should not be sloppy..."

Although Lycra doesn't have much culture, she still knows some basic information about the three great knights of the Britannia Empire.

Before the "Defensive Operation Against the North in 288" took place 2 years ago, the Michael Knights were originally the "strongest knights" of the Britannia Empire, and their total combat power was the strongest among the three major knights. Of.

It’s a pity that after the tragic "Defensive War against the North in 288 years" two years ago, despite the final victory, the Holy Hiran Empire and the Britannia Empire were forced to sign a truce, but the Michael Knights The regiment has also been crippled, not only less than 100,000 people are left, but even the regimental leader and deputy regimental leader have both died in battle.

Because the focus of the empire has been placed on the east and south in the past few years, there is no time to take care of the Michael Knights stationed in the north. Therefore, the empire has not had the energy to rebuild the Michael Knights in the past two years.

The Michael Knights just maintained such a disabled state without a leader and no recruits, which has lasted for 2 years until now.

"Now, the store manager." Laika asked Owen again in a curious tone, "Do you think if a round table meeting is really to be held to select the new head of the Michael Knights, you think the new Michael Knights Who is the head of the regiment?"

"I really don't know about this." Irving said irritably, "The manager, I am not a know-it-all. With so many powerful knights in our empire, the ghost knows who will choose to take over as the head of the Michael Knights. Most of them choose some veteran knights in their 30s, 40s, or 50s who are rich in combat and management experience to take over as the head of the Michael Knights."

"My old friend Ithel took over as the commander of the Knights of Gabriel when he was in his thirties, and the current commander of the Knights of Rachel, Albert, was 8 years old. Before, when he was 38 years old, he became the commander of the Rachel Knights."

Speaking of this, Owen paused, then as if thinking of something, then went on:

"It's the past. It must have been some middle-aged knights taking over as the leader of the knights. But now, it's hard to say. Now even if a kid who is still at the beginning of the age suddenly takes over. As the head of the regiment, I will not feel strange or confused."

Kylor, who doesn't always like to talk, has not been involved in the conversation between Owen and Lycra since just now, and has just listened quietly.

However, after hearing Owen’s words, "Even a little devil who was still at the beginning of the year was suddenly taken over as the leader", Kylor's beautiful eyebrows trembled imperceptibly. .

Afterwards, Kylor, who had been silent since the beginning, finally asked Owen aloud:

"Uncle Owen, why would you not be surprised even if you let a young man who is still at the beginning of the letter take over as the head of the Knights?"

"Well, because of the current imperial palace, but that Jacob Churchill. Jacob Churchill, you two should know who it is?"

As soon as Owen finished speaking, Lycra and Kylor nodded both.

Although he usually doesn't care much about national affairs, Laika still knows who Jacob Churchill is.

Kylor not only knew who Jacob was, but also met him with his own eyes, because Jacob had come to their house to talk to Su Cheng, and Kylor also knew that Jacob and Su Cheng had a very good relationship.

After seeing Lycra and Kylor nodding their heads, Owen chuckled twice, then said:

"If you know who Jacob is, it will be easier to handle, then I don't have to tell you who Jacob is."

"However, although you know who Jacob is, you shouldn't be aware of some of Jacob's administrative characteristics?"

After that, Owen looked at Lycra and Kylor again with questioning eyes.

As expected by Irving, this time Lycra and Kylor both shook their heads. Neither of them knew what Jacob’s administrative characteristics were.

After seeing the two shook their heads, Owen took the water glass set aside, drank his saliva to moisturize his throat, and when he was ready for a long discussion, Owen said:

"The governing characteristic of Jacob's palace is to use talents only. As long as you have the talent, no matter what your background or age, you will be vigorously promoted."

"Do you two know Humphrey Walker?" Irving once again posed a question to Lycra and Kylor.

"Humphrey..." Lycra murmured the next name, "I seem to have heard this name..."

Compared to Lycra's confusion, Kylor showed a suddenly realized expression:

"Humphrey? I know him. He is the Governor of the North, right? A very powerful person."

After listening to Kylor, Owen nodded and smiled with satisfaction, then turned his head and said to Kylor:

"Not bad, Kylor, you know the name of the Governor of the North, many people don't even know who Humphrey is."

While saying this, Owen also glanced at Lycra next to him.

After being swept by Owen's line of sight, Lycra's face showed a slight shame, and he scratched his hair lightly.

"Actually, I will know that Humphrey is the name of the Governor of the North, not because of how knowledgeable I am, but simply because my current hometown is in the North." Kylor smiled embarrassedly, "At me When I was young, when the whole village moved south from the Holy Hiran Empire to the Britannia Empire, they moved to the northern border of the Britannia Empire, and then settled down to the present."

"Huh?" Lycra on the side looked at Kylor with interest, "Kelor, is your home in the north?"

"Well, yes, my hometown is just an ordinary village, and it's now located in a remote place in the north."

Speaking of this, Kelloton gave a moment, a few reminiscences appeared on his face, and then muttered to himself in a voice that only he could hear:

"It's been a long time since I went back to my hometown...I can find some time to go back to the north to see Mom and Dad..."

Just as Kylor was talking to himself, Owen said again:

"Yes, as Kylor said, Humphrey Walker is the name of the current Governor of the North."

"Humphrey—he was promoted by Jacob's palace minister."

"Let’s think about it... Humphrey seems to have only become Governor of the Northland 10 years ago. 10 years ago, Humphrey was 47 years is already a pretty tall man. Old man of his age."

"Before Humphrey was promoted to Governor of the North by Jacob, Humphrey was just an ordinary ‘horse trainer’ in the North."

"Although the name'Horse Trainer' may sound powerful, it is actually only responsible for raising war horses."

"In other words, before Humphrey became governor of the North, he was just a horse breeder."

"'Horse training officer' is actually not a low-level official position. After all, war horses are very important strategic resources. Therefore, as a'horse training officer' who specializes in cultivating this very important strategic resource, naturally it will not be too much. A low-level official position."

"It's just that although the level is not low, it will not be too high."

"At that time, it was time to select a new Governor of the North."

"And at that time, Jacob, who had already become the minister of the imperial palace, caught the eye of Humphrey, who was only in charge of raising horses at that time. He believed that the Governor of the North was none other than him. Therefore, he opposed all opinions and forced him to Promote Humphrey directly from an ordinary'horse trainer' to a'northern governor'."

"Jacob's resolution is said to have scared many people, because Jacob's promotion was too crazy. Although leapfrog promotion has existed since ancient times, this is the first time we have seen so many promotions."

Speaking of this, Owen found that Lycra was looking at him with a confused look.

"Oh..." Irving smiled bitterly, "It seems that you, Laika, don't seem to understand the concept of changing from a'horse trainer' to a'northern governor'..."

As soon as Owen finished speaking, Lycra nodded seriously.

"Then let me give you an example. From a'horse trainer' to a'northern governor', it's probably similar to how you changed from an ordinary waiter who served dishes to the city of Pendragon. The same length."

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