Military Genius Came To Another World with Zizhi Tongjian

Vol 3 Chapter 277: Deng Jiaer's secret weapon

   July 18th, 290th in the Imperial Calendar of the Britannia Empire.

   22:48 in the evening.

   Within the Luolin Empire, on the south bank of the Shunau River, the city of Lyle.

   Since the sun set down this evening, after a large-scale cavalry attacked, the atmosphere of the entire city of Lyle suddenly became tense.

   Eugene is now fully armored, standing on the northern wall of Lyle City, looking at the Bretonnier camp outside the northern wall with a solemn expression.

   A dozen generals with the same helmet and armor, and standing silently behind Eugene, looked at the brightly lit Britannia camp outside the city wall with the same expression.

   The base camp of the Britannia Army was set up just north of the city of Lyle.

   In the three positions of east, west, and south, there is a light cavalry team with a size of only about a hundred guards.

After seeing the arrangement of the Britannia Army, Eugene immediately understood what the commander of the Britannia Army wanted to do—the base camp was located in the north of Lyle City, 3 in Lyle City. Facing the city wall, each sent a light cavalry team to monitor and prevent anyone in the city from leaving the city!

   Needless to say, the northern part is personally in charge of the large forces. For the remaining three directions, once someone is found to have sneaked over the city wall or exited from the gate, the three light cavalry teams responsible for one city wall will kill them!

  Because the city of Lyle is only a small city with the highest population of only 20,000 people, the walls on each side will not be too long. A light cavalry team with a size of about 100 people is enough to monitor one wall.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   A few hours ago, shortly after the arrival of the Britannia army, Eugene conducted an experiment and sent two waves of men and horses to climb out of the east and west walls.

   As soon as these two waves of horses emerged from the city wall, they were immediately spotted by the light cavalry of the Britannia Army, and then killed by them.

   No one succeeded in breaking through the blockade of Britannia.

   That is to say, now this city of Lyle has become an isolated city under the ingenious configuration of the Britannia army, and the people in the city cannot go out to report to others for support!

   Standing on the northern wall, looking at Eugene in the Bretonniard base camp in the distance, he gave a "tsk" and then secretly cursed:

"The commander of this Britannia army is really a lunatic... He really only led about 5,000 cavalry to attack the city... Didn't he know that this city of Lyle is home to 5,000 troops? "

Since this large unit of the Britannia Army set up camp in the northern part of the city of Lyle, Eugene used the amount of smoke in the camp to determine that the total strength of the Britannia Army was about 5,000— —It is consistent with the information sent by Erd this afternoon.

Eugène really couldn’t figure out whether the commander of this Britannia army was too stupid or did he have some tricks to lead a unit with a total strength similar to that of the defender, and they were all cavalry. The troops came to attack the city.

   However, Eugène thought about it for a moment, and rejected the assumption that "the commander of this Britannia army is an idiot."

——Because this Britannia army successfully wiped out Simeon’s 10,000 troops, it was able to do so, which means that the commander of this Britannia army is absolutely not What a stupid person would be.

  So... it means that the commander of this Britannia army must have some miraculous strategy or support to dare to attack here...

  ——Eu Ren squinted his eyes, thinking like this in his heart.

   Just as Eugène was thinking secretly about the commander of this Britannia army, what strategy he would use to attack the city, a general standing behind him suddenly said:

   "General Eugene, I have a suggestion."


"The total strength of this Britannia army outside the city is about the same as ours, and it is coming from a long way. We might as well mobilize all the troops in the city, sneak outside the city, and attack the Britannia army at night!" New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

   This general's suggestion is not bad to be honest, but Eugene does not intend to adopt it.

"No." Eugene said in his usual plain tone. "Your plan is still too reckless. The enemy dared to attack us with a force equivalent to ours, which represents this cloth. The commander of the Britannia Army must have some miraculous strategy or support to dare to attack."

"In this situation where we don't know the enemy's intentions, we should adopt a prudent strategy. Let's first quietly hold on to the city and observe the enemy's movements. Let's first make sure that we will not lose, and then think of a solution. Defeat the enemy."

   "Yes, yes!" The general replied in a flustered manner.

   "Make sure that you will not lose first, and then find a way to defeat the enemy"-Ou Ren, who has a stable personality and a stable military style, has always regarded this principle as his own truth.

   If the Britannia army outside the city dared to attack, Eugene is confident that even if the Britannia army outside the city is all killed, the city of Lyle will not fall.

   So, in the short term, as long as you stick to Lyle City, it is absolutely safe.

And if the Britannia army outside the city intends to fight him in a military and food war, Eugene will not be afraid. This city of Lyle is a transit station for all kinds of goods, specially sending all kinds of goods to the north bank of the Shunau River. In the three troop camps, there is a huge amount of luggage stored in the city. Aside from other materials, the rations alone are enough for the 5000 army here, plus the more than 10,000 residents here, which will last for half a year.

   So, in the long term, as long as you hold onto Lyle City, it is absolutely safe.

   No matter what the calculation is, as long as you stick to the city of Lyle and don't do things that "send troops out of the city to sneak attack" to increase the risk, then Lyle city is absolutely safe.

So now Eugene only intends to defend the city of Lyle first, ensuring that he will never be defeated by the enemy, and then slowly observe the enemy to see what the Britannia army outside the city intends to do. Then figure out how to defeat the Britannia army outside the city.

   Eugène, who was looking at the camp of the Britannia Army in the north, suddenly raised his eyebrows.

   Because he found something that seemed unusual.

  Why... the Britannia Army barracks outside the city have to be set up so far away from Lyle...

  ——Eu Ren said in a suspicious manner in his heart.

The Britannia Army outside the city was set very far away for some reason. Standing on the northern wall and looking at the Britannia Army’s camp, the Britannia Army’s camp was too small to become a small one. Click it.

   Although I don’t know why the commander of this Britannia army set up the camp so far from here, Eugene didn’t care much, but simply felt that this might be the commander’s habit of using soldiers.


   Eugene yawned greatly.

   After thinking about it for a long time, Eugene, who couldn't figure out what the commander of this Britannia army would have, decided to take a rest.

   So, Eugene turned and walked under the city wall.

  As he walked under the city wall, he said by the way the dozen or so generals who had been standing behind him since just now:

"I'm going to rest now. Remember to follow the timetable I set, and take turns to watch the enemy troops outside the city and our troops inside the city. If there are any changes in the enemy troops outside the city, they must be notified immediately. If I find a soldier or general who dared to neglect patrol or guard, I will hang it directly."


   The dozen or so generals gave a standard military salute to Eugene who had already begun to walk under the city wall, and then shouted in unison.


   To the north of Lyle City, Dunjar’s troop camp, somewhere.

   "I'm sleepy...Deng Jiaer..."

   Alan, with messy hair, was following Deng Jiaer while rubbing his eyes.

   The weak tone is the tone used by people who have just woken up.

   It's almost 23 o'clock in the evening now. In the past, it was already time for Alan to sleep.

   So, just now, Alan was already lying on her bed comfortably and started going to bed.

   However, not long after Alan fell asleep, she was awake by Deng Jiaer roughly.

   "Alan, get up! Show you something good!"

  ——This is what Deng Jiaer said to Alan when she awoke Alan ten minutes ago.

Although I don’t understand what Deng Jiaer has good things to show her, Alan, who is naturally curious and eager to know what it is, resists his sleepiness and follows Deng Jiaer to a place where Alan doesn’t know at all. Where is it?

   "It's okay, it's coming, it's coming soon."

   Deng Jiaer, who was walking in front of Alan, comforted Alan, who was about to open his eyes behind him.

   Finally, the two stopped beside a carriage covered with a thick layer of black cloth.

   After coming to the carriage Deng Jiaer walked quickly over, and then grabbed the corner of the black cloth covering the carriage of the carriage.

   "Alan, don't you always ask me today, is there any way I can take that city of Lyle?"

   Speaking of this, Deng Jiaer put on a mysterious smile on his face.

   "In the back of this carriage-there is my secret weapon. The secret weapon used to capture the city of Lyle."


   Deng Jiaer's words successfully aroused Alan's interest, and most of the sleepiness on her body disappeared.

   "What secret weapon? Is it a new weapon secretly developed by our Britannia Empire?"

   "...It's not such a high-end thing, it's just a small thing that can be found everywhere on the market. Forget it, let's not say more, you just look forward to it!"

   After that, Deng Jiaer grabbed the corner of the black cloth and twitched!

   pulled the black cloth to the ground, revealing what was in the back of the carriage.

   The moment Deng Jiaer pulled off the black cloth, Alan stared at the carriage.

   After seeing what was in the carriage, Alan's eyes that had been normally opened suddenly widened.

   "Deng Jiaer? Is this the secret weapon you said to capture Lyle City?"

   "Well, that's right."

   Deng Jiaer smugly patted the contents of the carriage.

   "This is what I call the secret weapon, we rely on it to capture Lyle City!"


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