Military Genius Came To Another World with Zizhi Tongjian

Vol 3 Chapter 279: Weak enemy tactics (part 2)

   July 19, 290, the Imperial Calendar of the Britannia Empire.

   Early in the morning, 7:18.

   Within the Luolin Empire, on the south bank of the Shunau River, the city of Lyle.

   The first sunlight of the new day was thrown down from the sky.

   was thrown on Eugene, who was standing on the north wall of Lyle City, who hadn't slept all night.

   Eugene rolled his bloodshot eyes and looked at the sun rising from the horizon to the east.

   The sun shining on him brought some warmth to Eugene and made his head that was about to explode more comfortable.

   Of course, if the more than 400 horns that are still outside the city called "Woohoo" can stop, his head will be more comfortable.

After seeing the more than 400 light cavalry surrounding his city of Lyle late last night, blowing the Charge horn, Eugene immediately understood the Britannia outside the city. What did the commander of the army plan to do!

   The commander of this Britannia army outside the city intends to use "weak enemy tactics" against him!

   Make a loud noise to disgust him and all the defenders in Lyle! Let them not be able to rest well, kill their fighting spirit and torture their spirit, and wait until their fighting spirit and spirit are worn away, and the torment is almost the same, then launch a general offensive to take down the already very weak city of Lyle.

   At the same time, Eugene understood last night why the Britannia Army’s barracks were set up so far from the city of Lyle.

  —Because you are not afraid of being harassed by your own noise!

   I have to say that this kind of "weak enemy tactics" is really suitable for dealing with small cities like Lyle City.

  Lyle City is just a small city that cannot be too small. At its peak, the population was only more than 20,000 people, so the area of ​​Lyle City is also very small.

It is also because of its small size that the more than 400 charge horns of the Britannia Army can easily cover the entire city of Lyle, so that everyone in Lyle can be deeply screamed by the charge. Torture. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   If you change to a larger city, this "weak enemy tactic" will not work at all, because if the city is too big, the noise will not cover the entire city, so it will not produce the effect of disturbing the enemy.

   Thinking of this, Eugene couldn't help cursing in secret.

Eugene dared to conclude—the commander of the Britannia Army outside the city must have done his homework and carefully studied the specific conditions of Lyle City, so he was able to determine the size of Lyle City. One characteristic is to formulate this disgusting "weak enemy tactic".

Thanks to the disgusting and extremely hungry "weak enemy tactics", since more than 400 Britannia light cavalry outside the city began to blow the charge, almost all generals including Eugene , The soldiers, and the citizens of the city, all failed to fall asleep.

   Eugène and the others will naturally not just sit back and wait like this. Regarding how to deal with the Britannia army who frantically harass them outside the city, Eugène and his generals have already thought of a lot of ways last night.

   First of all, it's useless to stand on the wall and shoot them with a crossbow.

  Because the Britannia light cavalry outside the city are outside the range of the arrow, no matter how they shoot, they can only shoot at the feet of others at most.

  Since standing on the wall and shooting arrows, there was a general proposal last night to quietly send a force out of the city to get rid of the Bretonnier light cavalry team outside the city!

   And this plan, without even being tested, was rejected by Eugene after a little thought.

   Because of his 5000 army, there is no cavalry at all.

   Eugene’s task is just to sit in Lyle City and defend this transit station.

  Because the task is only to defend the city, when Roche was assigned to the army, the 5000 people allocated to Eugene were basically all infantry, no cavalry.

   In the absence of cavalry, it is basically impossible to use infantry to chase down the enemy's light cavalry.

   The high mobility of the light cavalry allows the light cavalry to slide around like a puppy.

  The infantry haven't touched the enemy's light cavalry, the enemy's light cavalry has run out of sight long ago.

   So in the current situation where there are no cavalry, sending troops out of the city to kill the enemy is definitely useless, and it is impossible to even touch a single hair of the enemy.


   Eugene, who seldom sighed, sighed tiredly at this time, and then continued:

   "It's hard to do...Send someone to ask for help, neither to shoot the **** hussars, nor to send people to attack the **** hussars...the situation is much more severe than I thought..."

   Just as Eugene was grinning and complaining about the current situation, a general who was standing on the northern wall of the city and behind Eugene said solemnly:

   "General Eugène, in that case, we might as well assemble the whole army and fight the Britons to the death in the wild! Our two armies are equal in strength. Even if it is a decisive battle in the field, our army will not fall into the wind!"

"A decisive battle in the wild..." Eugene chuckled slightly, "That's not necessary, it's not a last resort, I won't risk going out of the city to fight with the enemy in the field. Now we only need to defend Lyle City as usual, and then quietly wait for reinforcements. Rescue will do."

   "General Eugene?" The general was surprised, "Have you successfully conveyed the message of ‘for help’ to the rest of the troops?"

   "That's not true. The rest of the troops certainly don't know that Lyle City has been attacked now, but in a few days, that may not necessarily be the case."

   Speaking of this, Eugene paused, and then continued to explain to the general:

   "You should also know that our city of Lyle is now a cargo transfer station that transports cargo to the north bank of the Shunau River, right?"

   "I know!"

   "Then you should also know that the Erde army's position is the nearest here, right? Lyle city is only 60 miles away from the Erde army's position."

   "Every 5 days, we have to transport a new wave of baggage to the position of the Erde in charge of defending the central area on the north bank of the Shunau River."

"The last time we delivered baggage to the Ödder army position was 2 days ago, that is, on July 17. In other words, according to regulations, our next wave of baggage must be on the morning of July 22. , Sent to the position of the Erde army."

   "Wait for another three days, until the morning of July 22nd, Erd finds that no new baggage has been delivered. What do you think he will think?"

   Ou Ren's words awakened the general.

   The general's eyes suddenly widened, and then he said loudly:

   "General Erd will doubt whether something happened to our Lyle City!" ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

"Well, that's right." Eugene smiled and nodded. "Wait until the morning of July 22, three days later, if Erd finds that there is no new baggage delivered to his position, he will definitely doubt whether it is our Lyle city. What happened, so I sent someone to Lyle City to investigate the situation."

   "The Ödder army's position is 60 miles away. If you speed up, you can set off in the morning, and in the afternoon, you will be able to reach our city of Lyle."

   "In other words, on the afternoon of July 22nd, the Erde's scouts will be able to learn about the current situation of our city of Lyle, and then rush back to inform Erde."

   "If you set off in the afternoon from Lyle and return to the Erde position, you will probably not be able to return to the Erde position until late at night."

   "By that time, it will be too late, and it is unlikely that Erde will march to rescue us late at night."

   "If Erd learned that Lyle City was being attacked late at night on July 22, he would probably not start the rescue until the early morning of July 23."

   "According to the road conditions here, it would take almost a day for an army of more than 10,000 people to travel here."

   "In other words, if Erd starts marching in the early morning of July 23, then he will not be able to arrive here until July 24 to rescue Lyle City."

   "In short, we only need to continue to defend the city of Lyle now. As long as we stay on until the morning of July 24, Erd’s reinforcements will be there."

   Since being awakened by the horn of the Britannia Army late last night, Eugène has been thinking about how to solve the light cavalry that madly harass them outside the city.

   After realizing that he had no solution at all with the light cavalry, Eugene stopped thinking about how to solve the light cavalry, but thinking about how to defeat all the Britannia troops outside the city!

After carefully considering the status quo of their Lyle city, UU reading Eugene discovered that he can continue to defend Lyle city now without having to think about how to defeat the Britannia army outside the city. There is no need to think about how to send people to report to other troops to request support.

   The characteristic of his "heavy transfer station" in Lyle City can help him convey the information that "something is wrong with Lyle City" to other troops!

   After 3 days, that is, on the morning of July 22nd, if he finds that the baggage has not been delivered as scheduled, he will send someone to check the situation of Lyle City, and then he will be able to learn that Lyle City is now being attacked by the enemy! Then naturally reinforcements will be sent to rescue!

   Therefore, Lyle City’s current strategy against the enemy, as long as it remains unchanged! Continue to hold on to Lyle City, hold on until the morning of July 24th, and reinforcements will be able to arrive!

   After explaining to the general behind him why he chose to continue to defend Lyle City, Eugene turned his head back with a bitter face, looking at the light cavalry who were still blowing the Charge horn frantically outside the northern city wall.

   "So, we just have to endure these annoying trumpets now. As long as we endure until the morning of July 24, we will be saved."

   "Actually, I am not very afraid of these noises. Although they will make us unable to sleep, they will be fine when we get used to them."

   "What I am most afraid of right now is that the commander of this Britannia army, in addition to making noise to harass us, will later come up with other tricks to torture us..."

   After that, the bitterness on Eugene's face became stronger. .


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