"Manager Albert!"

Albert, who was in the center of the Central Army, turned his head after hearing this familiar voice.

It was Alisha who came.

"What's the matter, Alisha."

Albert was also riding on a war horse at this time, rushing forward leisurely, dozens of elite guards guarding Albert's side.

Alyssa rode through the gap between the dozens of guards and came to Albert's side. Alyssa pulled her horse by the rein, stopped the horse under her crotch, and screamed at Albert. Road:

"Marshal Albert! You may find it strange if I say this, but please listen to me!"

Albert frowned when he heard Alisha say so.

"What's the matter? Hurry up, I'll listen quietly."

Afterwards, Alisha told her about the vague premonition that appeared in her heart now, and the same vague premonition before the fiasco at the end of last year at the end of last year at the battle of Irun’s Ferry. Burt listened.

After listening to Alisha's words earnestly, Albert said in a deep voice:

"So—Alyssa, you told me that you now have this kind of ominous premonition that appeared before the battle of Irun Ferry, so you plan to make me be careful?"

"Well, that's right." Alisha nodded. "Albert coach, to be honest, I think you seem to be too impatient now. Since the Battle of Urla two days ago, the whole army has not rested much. Immediately pull out the camp and pursue it. The speed and intensity of the pursuit in the past two days is not small. Now most of the soldiers in the whole army are exhausted."

"I don't think that the coach's decision to pursue and annihilate Barr is wrong, but please don't be so haste! Now the whole army is tired and needs a rest! So please order the coach and let the whole army rest!"

After listening to Alisha's words, Albert fell into deep thought.

Regarding that most of the soldiers in the army are exhausted, Albert also noticed this.

After finishing the fierce battle of Urla two days ago, before taking a long break, he immediately pulled out of the camp to pursue Barr. If there were no soldiers now, he would feel tired, and Albert felt strange.

As for the ominous premonition that Alisha said in her heart, Albert did not take it seriously.

Although Albert has always sneered at such intuitions and hunches, Albert never believed in intuitions or hunches.

So what Eliza just said, "There was an unknown premonition in her heart, and there was a similar premonition before the fiasco of the battle of Irun's Ferry," Albert didn't care at all.

However, Albert still paid much attention to the suggestion that Alisha put forward to let the whole army take a break.

Indeed, as Alisha said, Albert now looks back at himself and realizes that he is indeed a little hasty now. In order to kill Barr, he already had a feeling of "ignoring everything".

Not only the hard-to-carry and unimportant luggage, but also the wounded soldiers who could not fight were temporarily thrown on the Ural Plain. He also forced the remaining troops to march forcibly to pursue Barr.

Indeed, as Alisha said, she seemed to have become too impatient to kill Baal.

"The whole army is exhausted" is not something that can be ignored casually.

After all, "the whole army is exhausted"-this kind of thing is quite serious for an army, and it will even affect the morale of the whole army.

Albert contemplated for a long time before he spoke:

"...Okay, let the whole army rest for a while, but we can only rest for 15 minutes. When 15 minutes pass, we must continue to march to pursue Barr! I have made up my mind and must do it this time.' Xia Feng's offensive killed Baal!"

Although the rest time is a bit short, at least I finally have time to rest.

After hearing that Albert finally allowed the whole army to rest, Alyssa beamed with joy and shouted:


at this time.

Somewhere on the right side of the marching formation of the Middle Route Army on the mountain wall.

"The coach." A messenger said with a cat on his waist, leaning in Barr's ear, "General Charles is already in the attack position, and the rest of the generals are also ready to attack at any time."


Barr gave a light "um", and then continued:

"I see, you can go down first."


Immediately after the messenger retreated, a scout walked quickly to Barr's side with a cat waist.

"The coach, the Britannia Army, has all entered the Sola Mountains, and has all entered the ambush ring."

After hearing these words from the scout, Baal, who had been expressionless since just now, finally changed the expression on his face.

-There is more joy on his face.

"Well, good, good. You should withdraw first, too."


After the scout had left, Baal lowered his head again, shot out his eyes with cold killing intent, and looked straight at the bottom of the six columns, marching forward with great strength.

At this time, Albert might not have thought that Barr, whom he had been thinking about, did not rush in front of him in a panic, but was on the mountain wall next to him, looking at him with cold eyes.

After Barr led the army into the Sola Mountains, Barr played a little trick.

He knew that behind his ass, he must have followed a large number of Albert scouts, monitoring the movements of his entire army.

So Barr was leading the entire army into the Sola Mountains. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com led 20,000 soldiers and quietly hid in the planned ambush locations in the Sola Mountains.

The rest of the troops continued to march forward, deceiving the scouts who followed them to monitor their movements, making them think that Barr was still leading the entire army to flee forward, planning to pass through the Sola Mountains and into The appearance of the imperial capital circle, as solid as gold.

Originally, 30,000 troops had already been deployed in the Sola Mountains, but now Barr led another 20,000 soldiers into the ambush location in the Sola Mountains, so he now hides in the Sola Mountains and prepares to fight Albert’s middle road. The army has carried out ambushes as high as 50,000 troops.

This force was just right for the Central Army to ambush Albert. After experiencing the battle of Urla two days ago, Albert's current strength is probably only more than 50,000.

Now, Albert and his more than 50,000 troops have all entered the ambush circle, and it is time to start the last stage of the "headless snake operation"-the "rewinding and beheading" stage.

Albert slowly raised the hand crossbow that had already been loaded with the arrow in his hand.

"Albert." Barr said in an indifferent tone. "You are really amazing. In the duel with you, I have lost many battles and defeats, but it's nothing. Even if I keep fighting and losing, I will lose many times. Repeated battles, as long as there are people from the Luolin Empire behind me who need my protection, I will stand up again and again to fight you desperately."

"If I lose to you 100 times, I will run away 100 times, and then stand up 100 times. I will keep repeating this until I defeat you!"

laugh! !

Barr squeezed the trigger, and the sound of the arrow mounted on the crossbow shot straight into the sky with an indomitable momentum.

A series of ear-piercing chirps were emitted.

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