
A female soldier of the Britannia Army, while uttering an imposing drink, stabs the spear in her hand at a brawny Luo Lin army in front of her.

The Britannia Empire is the only country among the four empires that has achieved equality between men and women, and it is also the only country that allows girls to join the army.

In other words, the Britannia Empire is the only country with female soldiers among the four empires.

When the Britannia Empire just passed the law "allowing women to join the army", it was ridiculed by the nations.

After all, women joined the army—unheard of.

At that time, the nations agreed that once the Britannia Empire passed this law, allowing women who were physically weak and weak to join the army, the combat effectiveness of the Britannia Empire would definitely decline.

At that time, the nations were waiting for the Britannia Empire to make jokes, waiting for the Britannia Empire to abolish this very absurd law in their eyes because of the decline in the combat effectiveness of the army.

However, the final result shocked the nations.

After the Britannia Empire passed this law, allowing women to join the army, the fighting power of the Britannia Empire did not decrease as they thought. 8

No one will take care of you just because you are a woman-this is common sense in the Britannia Empire, and this attempt has been thoroughly implemented in the army.

Whether you are a boy or a woman, the training program and intensity in the army are the same. It is not because you are a woman, so your training intensity will be reduced.

Therefore, although there were men and women in the army of the Britannia Empire, the training intensity and level of training were the same.

This also led to the individual combat effectiveness of female soldiers in the Britannia Empire's army, which was not much worse than that of male soldiers.

Therefore, the final result after the Britannia empire passed the law of "women can join the army", it slapped all countries that intend to see jokes in the face. Soldiers, and the combat effectiveness declined.

In the army of the Britannia Empire, there are still many female soldiers whose combat effectiveness is still higher than that of male soldiers.

For example, this is a female soldier of the Luo Lin army who is stabs at a brawny Luo Lin army with a spear in front of him.

Although this female soldier is not very tall and strong, she is extremely good at using long spears.

After avoiding the attack of the brawny Luo Lin army in front of him, the female soldier stabs the brawny Luo Lin army with her spear fiercely.

The sharp wall easily penetrated the body of the brawny Luo Linjun in front of him.

However, just after the female soldier stabbed the brawny Luo Lin army in front of her, she looked at it from the corner of her eye. On her left, there was a soldier of Luo Lin army. He was rushing towards him holding the sword high.

The female soldier subconsciously wanted to withdraw her spear from the body of the brawny Luo Linjun.

It turned out that he couldn't pull his spear back.

The female soldier turned her head and looked around and found that the brawny Luo Lin's army was playing with a mocking smile at her, holding the female soldier's long spear that pierced into his body tightly with both hands, preventing the female soldier from pulling it out. .

At this time, the Luo Lin Army soldier holding a long sword had already rushed to a distance of only 5 steps away from the female soldier.

The female soldier gritted her teeth, then decisively released the grip of the gun, abandoned her spear, and then leaped back very neatly.

As soon as the female soldier jumped back, the long sword of the Luo Lin Army soldier had already cut to the position where the female soldier was standing.

After avoiding this crisis dangerously and dangerously, the next wave of crises followed one after another!

After the Luo Lin Army soldier with a long sword found that his slash was missed, he quickly adjusted his posture, and swung a very sharp slash at the female soldier who had just jumped back!

This time, the Luo Lin army soldier's speed was too fast. The female soldier who had just jumped back had not had time to adjust her posture, and the next wave of attacks would come again!

Because there was not enough time to adjust her posture, this female soldier could only watch in despair at the increasingly large blade that was gradually slashing towards her head...

At this moment-this female soldier suddenly felt a flash of golden light!

After this golden light flashed, the sharp blade in front of her that was about to cut her head snapped and broke in two.

The broken blade fell at a constant speed under the action of gravity.


——The female soldier felt the golden light flash in front of her again.

This golden light flashed across the neck of the Luo Lin Army soldier.

The Luo Lin Army soldier with only half of the sword in his hand, his eyes were filled with astonishment and shock.


——There was a big opening in the neck of this Luo Lin Army soldier, and hot blood gushed out from the cracked opening.

Be yelling!

——The broken blade that fell at a constant speed under the action of gravity just now just fell to the ground.

The female soldier stared blankly at the Luo Lin Army soldier who died suddenly in front of him, and his long sword that had been chopped off.

After a full two seconds, the female soldier finally recovered.

Only then did she realize that there was an extra person beside her.

The person who suddenly appeared next to the female soldier was a tall woman. She was dressed in exquisite white and gold armor, and her long flowing, smooth golden hair was tied into a neat high pony tail. , The beautiful light green eyes are full of fortitude, and she holds a golden knight sword in her right hand. This woman still maintains the posture of the sword.

Looking at the heroic tall woman who suddenly appeared next to her, the female soldier's face was filled with ecstasy, and she shouted in an excited tone:

"Deputy Commander Alisha!"

It was Eliza who rushed to the female soldier's side in time and saved the female soldier.

"The battle is not over yet." Alyssa said to the female soldier in a flat tone, "Hurry up and get your weapons, we'll kill them all in one go."

After that, Alisha's right hand tightened the knight sword in her hand, her left hand stabilized the scabbard hung on her left waist, and then rushed forward quickly.


This female soldier responded with a loud "Yes" to Alyssa's back ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and quickly walked up and withdrew from the body of the brawny Luo Linjun who had died. After her spear, she rushed forward like Alisha.

Rush to the rear team of the Central Route Army and fight the Luo Lin Army's blockade on the fiercest front line!

The armor on Alyssa is too exquisite and gorgeous. She must be a knight to hold such a high-level armor in the Britannia Army.

Therefore, many soldiers of the Luo Lin Army focused on Alyssa.

Just as Alisha was rushing forward with a sword, five Luo Lin army soldiers suddenly appeared in her field of vision.

——Five Luo Lin Army soldiers who are looking at her with greedy eyes and holding long spears in their hands.

After Alisha rushed into their attack range, the five Luolin Army soldiers immediately shot at the same time, piercing the spear in their hands towards Alisha.

Facing the five spears that were pierced from different directions in front of her, Alyssa did not show any panic on her face.

Just when these 5 spears were about to stab Alisa, Alisa's tall body twisted flexibly like a loach, and avoided the 5 spears that were about to stab her.


——After avoiding these 5 spears, Alyssa swept the golden knight sword in her hand forward.

The five Luo Lin Army soldiers only felt a flash of golden light in front of them.

Afterwards, they felt severe pain in their necks.

The scenery in front of him became darker and darker.

With the sweep just now, Alyssa easily cut open the aorta at the neck of the 5 Luo Lin Army soldiers in front of him.

After cutting open the arteries of the five Luo Lin soldiers, Alyssa exclaimed in a loud voice:

"Listen, everyone! Follow me all! Break the Luo Lin army's blockade! No one is allowed to take a step back!

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